The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 134 - 3rd-Tier Evolution

Reading both descriptions of the options he went into deep thought.

`Wight and Bane Walker. Both have their own quirks.´

`At one side a Wight sounds similar to a draugr other than the death magic that it mentioned. In comparison to Bane Walker, it´s rather vague with these capabilities. The ability could referer to this dead mana flesh or whatever it is.´

`But control of mana sounds indeed appealing, even though it comes with a weaker body.´

Compared to the other time where he was slightly pressured by all the dead mana gathering for him, he felt much calmer than before.

Though the dead mana was increasing at a rapid pace inside this body as if wanting to explode, with this prior experience he could still manage.

Looking up at the options, he thoughtfully observed both pictures that they had.

He couldn´t exactly remember if similar pictures were in the prior evolution choices as he was too focused on the descriptions.

But now he was.

The picture that the [Wight] option had was of a fully armored skeletor undead who was stepping into corpses with a graveyard-like place in the background. The way the undead looked was extremely fierce.

In the [Bane Walkers] picture in comparison was a slightly taller figure who had a combination of robes and plate armor covering this whole body. The parts of what were once able to see were engulfed with thick dead mana. If it weren´t for the fact that if you looked closely at the skull that was slight to be seen, Danzel might as well describe it as a walking shadow.

In the picture, the shadow had let out a pitch-black beam with one hand and the other holding a long blade.

Just staring at that two undead, Danzel felt much inferior.

Even if he tried to pose and look intimidating, he hadn´t the confidence to be like them.

With [Wight] being a spitting image of the undead ferocity und undying will.

The [Bane Walker] looked like someone who was above anyone else.


"Sigh, it seems I got to choose..." Ignoring the crack of this arm growing bigger, he exchanged looks between the two options until he raised this hand at one of them.


Before he was about to press the [Bane Walker] option, this hand halted only a few inches from the confirmation button.

Danzel eyes were glued into that dead mana flesh of the picture.

Though this dead mana was starting to get more and more unstable in this body, he still looked at the picture.

"No...not this one." Shaking this head, he turned around and pressed the [Wight] option.

"No more..." Whispering this to himself, a wave of notification came at him.

[You choose to become a Wight! Evolution will be procced!]

[Choose 2 out of 6 talents to permanently gain]


[Magic Resistance]

[Lower Class Death Magic]

[Death Consuption]

[Dread Aura]

[Reinforced Body]

"Hoh? It seems like the option got more generous before. Except for the last one, there are 5 more options." Danzel said with a grin on this face.

Pressing on each option individually, the description appeared.

[Undying]: A undead who refused to fade even though this demise, is what truly makes an undead undying. Once per day, when your HP reached 0 points or you were turned into pieces. Your body will restore itself by the ground up by using your mana as a substance. Can only be activated if your mana current mana amount is at least 5% or more. Has to be activated before 10 seconds of your destruction.

[Magic Resistance]: As an Undead who follows the path of melee combat, your experience with constant harassment through magic made your body more resistant against magic. Increase 10%

[Lower Class Death Magic]: The curiosity of one\'s state and interest in magic allowed an undead to find spells of his one nature. Is Upgradable.

[Death Consuption]: A undead who develops an increase of disgust of a living turning to an undead, in the radius of 10 meters you slowly drain the remaining mana of mana for yourself. If your mana is full, then 0.1 of the mana amount turns into HP.

[Dread Aura]: Those weaker than you who still hold on to their mortality will unconsciously feel fear upon watching you. Mind causes the status effect [Nightmare] to the weak-minded.

[Reinforced Body]: A common trait is seen upon the Wight race. Through this talent, their body becomes much tougher and are capable to absorb 10% more blunt damage.

Reading through each talent, Danzel imminently chose the [Lower Class Death Magic] without even thinking about the others.

Though he didn´t know what kind of spells the talent has, he was willing to find out.

They were several reasons as to why.

The main ones are that he can upgrade those spells slowly to become on par with this current one and the fact that this talent was upgradable.

As for the other talent that he had to choice, he wasn´t as sure.

He decided to remove [Death Consuption] and [Dread Aura] from this picking list, as he didn´t think he would make much use on them.

For him those two skills seemer more suited for fighting against waves of people or how he would like to call them, War skills.

Remaining with only three choices left, he felt quite troubled about what to choose.

[Magic Resistance] and [Reinforced Body] were similar to how they would enchant one body.

One makes me more durable against melee attacks, while the other one makes him more durable against magic.

And the last skill was the most special one, [Undying]

If Danzel had to describe the effect of it, he would undoubtedly say that it was amazing.

Alas, everything comes with shortcomings.

Though the skill was like a resurrection shortly after your death, what the skill required to be used was a huge disadvantage.

Since once it´s activated you will be without any mana left to defend yourself.

Sure, being alive is much better than being dead full of mana.

What would he do if he got revived and the same opponent who beat him was in front of him?

He who beat me with mana would straight-up bully me once again.

"I guess it has to be those two." With much difficulty, he pressed on the two followed talents.

[You acquired Lower Class Death Magic]

[You acquired Undying]

[Your Talent Superior Unique Conciness gets upgraded.]

[Proficientcy and skill reduction of soul-based skill becomes 20%  and all attribute increase become +10]

"Huh?" Confused by the last notification, he reached this to see the Superior Unique Conciness description.

But before he was able to reach the window, the dead mana being held in this body exploded through the surroundings and traveled around this body like a whirlwind.

Without even realizing what was happening, cracks started to appear all around this body with shortly after pieces of these bones fell apart.

But instead of the pieces falling to the ground, they were carried into the air by the dead mana to become bigger and stronger until they flew back to this body.

If one were to see these processes they would think that it was a painful experience.

But in reality, it wasn´t even close to painful.

Though it felt weird for Danzel, the moment the bones came back to this body he felt satisfied.

And once all pieces of these bones were replaced, the dead mana whirling around rushed back to Danzel\'s body, bringing together a euphoria-like feeling.

"Aghhh~ Nothing beats this after all..." Danzel said sighted satisfied.

Staring at this body, Danzel noticed many different chances.

Every single one of his seemed to have grown thicker and more durable with his overall height increasing slightly.

But what brought most of this attention was the withered grass around him.

And upon noticing the small amount of dead mana in the air, he knew what happend.

"Dead mana is indeed incredible..." Complimenting what was literally making him alive he opened this status window and use the attribute points.


Name: Rue Danzel

Level: 40

Race: Wight

Class: [Black Guard Lv. 1]

Sub-Class: [Runesmith of Undeath Lv.10]

Health: 8910/8910

Mana: 1419/1419

Attribute points: 0

Attributes: Strength:192 Agility: 189 Intelligence: 129 Endurance: 161

Talents: [Superior Undead] [Sin of Wrath] [Reinforced Soul] [Superior Unique Concioness] [Rune Vision] [Dead Rune Knowledge] [Undead Carver] [Dead Mana Affinity] [Dead Mana Resilience] [Undying][Lower Class Death Magic]

Skills: [Intermendiate Weapon Mastery Lv.1] [Stone Wall Lv.1] [Leap Lv.1] [Silent Steps Lv.1][Undeath Corruption Lv.1] [Swift Movement Lv. 1] [Shield Charge Lv.1] [Gale Mana Blade Lv.3] [Greater Sense Danger Lv.1] [Curse of Exhaustion Lv.1] [Penetrate Lv.1] [Mana Arms Lv.1] [Vanguards Defense Lv.5] [Armor Mana Plating Lv.1] [Cursed Blade Lv.1] [Death Influence Lv.1] [Coating Miasma Lv.1]

[Remark: A Undead that recently became a Wight. Although he lacks knowledge about Death Magic. His Strength alone makes him much stronger than your usually 3rd-tier Undead.]

[Agility Increased by 40]

"Let´s hope that the talent similar to that Rapha guy was a wise choice..." He whispered to himself before walking deeper to the forest.

"I might as well get familiar with my body around this whole week...."

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