The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 91 - Bald Beast (2)

"[Beast Monkey Form]!" With total of two steps, the Bald Fist managed to shorten the distance.

"..." Grabbing the handle of Veren even tighter, Danzel swung aiming for the man\'s stomach.

However, before the blade manage to hit the man he did a front flip towards Danzel. Touching the dark knight\'s shoulder he successfully managed to dodge the ripping blade while passing beside him and managed to land a kick towards this helmet.

Upon the kick\'s contact with the helmet, explosive strong sound waves were released.


As the Bald Fist restored this foothold to the ground he saw a big air blade with a dark green glow coming straight at him.


"Hoh?" Taking another stance, the brown aura vanished with the green one replacing it.

But unlike before, the image of the turtle shell wasn´t fast enough to show up to create the barrier of before.

Putting his hands together the aura glowed stronger and he catched the incoming air blade with this bare arms.

"Dammit!" He cursed while he felt a huge pressure coming from his hands.

The man was slowly being pushed back while the air blade was still struggling to escape the grip of the man\'s hands.

After pushing him back for a total of three meters away from this previous position, the air blade crumpled and soon faded away, only living a small scratch on both of the Bald Fist hands.

"Don\'t tell me that is all that you can do?" The Dark Fist said with a mocking tone.

Looking at the dark knight helm still shaking from the sound wave his confidence started to raise.

`Though I used quite a lot of mana and life force to block the attack, I seemed to have won the trade-off.´

What he didn´t know though was that he was dealing against an undead Draugr. Altough attacking someone directly to the ear by the use of sound waves would usually deafen someone for life, that though didn´t count towards the undead. At least that was the case on the skeleton type of undead.

As the unique existences that the undead are, aiming to defeat someone like them was no easy task.

Even though they could hear, to them the noise was nothing more than a loud sound. 

Pain from broken eardrums?


What are those?

Nevertheless, the sound waves didn´t achieve what the Bald Fist had hoped to achieve, the hit itself didn´t go waste though.

Gripping his helmet with one hand to stop the still shaking helmet, his ethereal eyes stared coldly at the man in front of him.

`The crack has grown...´

I unconsciously knew that the crack in my skull opened up slightly and that slowly the area began to leak dead mana.

"You talk too much..." Danzel said with his cold voice.

The sudden mood swings that he got from the crack in his head made the dead mana inside his to raise and come out of his armor like entrapped smoke.

Though he felt similar to when the [Sin of Wrath] was activated, this time he felt different.

The hatred that usually pushed the [Sin of Wrath] to activate was replaced with a similar yet different feeling.


The times he let his hatred guide his judgment were rewarded with greater strength of the skill, but in that state, he was just following his feelings.

And those were to kill.

Now though, he wasn´t guided by hatred, no. Instead he was fueled by this anger with a clear mind. Though he could let the [Sin of Wrath] take over, he didn´t. As he already made his mindto kill that very guy before him.

"For a dead man walking you talk too much..." The mana rushed through the Veren blade with an even darker green ethereal light.

The Dark Fist who saw this frown slightly before changing his stance back to the brown aura.

"You mana sure is disgusting..." The Dark Fist said before he rushed with similar speed as before towards Danzel.

Though he wasn´t going to call himself one of the forest-loving druids out there. He still considers himself as a druid, even if he were a bad one in that.

Usually, the druid consisted mostly of magic casters who combined their life force with their mana to wield the power of nature. That alone made them an anomaly towards all the other magic casters who used purely their mana to cast their spell.

Though they had lots of limitations, the advantages of the combined life force and mana spells allowed their spells to be cheaper.

Those limitations were mainly the number of paths that they could choose from.

Those paths were mainly were the three following:

The [Elementalist] who were able to control the basic elements.

The [Druid] wielded the power of nature itself to do this bidding.

And lastly, the [Beast Shifter] path, which was able to draw the strength of various beasts to either enchant his body or transform into one.

And every path, including the [Beast Shifter] that the Black Fist were had a certain sense of nature. Thus gazing towards the mana that the dark knight was releasing looked to him similar to something vile and dirty.

As the Dark Fist reached Danzel and was ready to dodge the coming air blade, the mana in the blade suddenly faded.


Now that both of them were around three meters away, Danzel who his body was masked with dead mana used the skill [Dash] to ram towards the Bald Fist like an incoming train.

Though he wasted some mana just to confused his enemies, he achieved his goal of getting closer. 

The trick he used was purely controlling his own mana and placing it at the sword. Making it look like something will happen.

Being so near to each other, the Dark Fist wasn´t able to get away.

Crossing his arms, he received the shield head one without much damage. 

`I am too close!´ As he predicted, the longsword of the dark knight soon followed behind that charge.

Fortunately for him, though the help of the brown aura, he escaped by a hair\'s breadth by jumping to the left side.

"Damn, that was dangerous..." The Black Fist mumbled as he hurriedly turned around.

Only to be shocked.

"What the hell is that!?" Gazing at the black mist coming straight at him, he panicked.

The mist soon hit this target and was slowly absorbed inside the man\'s body, bring together a horrible feeling inside of him.

`This feeling...´ Observing his body he found no hints of the external wound, but he knew that inside of him something was wrong.

"What did you do to me!?" The Bald Fist yelled with anger at the dark knight, only to meet his silence and cold glare.

"This bastard-" Before he could finish this sentences, the dark knight came soon enough rushing towards him with this longsword glowing with a dark green light.

"You!" Gathering his mana and life force in his hands, he punched to the air and released a wave of wind at the size of his fist.

That skill was called [Air Blast] which allowed you to gather the wind around your arms and shoot it all at once with high pressure.

Danzel instead of dodging, continued marching towards his target with his shield in front of him.

Though the [Air Blast] of before pushed Danzel back to the cage, that was only because he was unprepared.

It was similar to when you tried to push someone unprepared.

But if you are going to tell someone that you are going to charge at them and try to push them to the ground while stealing their wallet, they will be able to get a better footing and prepare for your charge.

Multiple waves of air crashed upon the shield of Danzel but to no avail.

Not even when he was hit by the shoulder did Danzel stop his charge.

"You damn brute!" The Dark Fist complained before changing his form towards the green turtle shell.

`There has never been a case where anyone would take one of my [Air Blast] head on, and multiple times at that!´ For the first time in the current fight, he started feeling anxious.

Though he was stronger against the dark knight with his [Beast Bear Form] active. His weapon, that were this fists was hugely disadvantaged against a full plated armor opponent.

Not only was he fast enough to block my attacks with his shield in the [Beast Bear Form]. But also durable to survive the attacks of the [Beast Monkey Form].

His opponent in the other hand had a sharp longsword that could inflict severe wounds on him given the chance and a ranged attack that was similar as deadly.

This only hope that he had was to block the strike with his barrier and deliver a fatal blow while this momentum was lost.

"[Beast Turtle Form]!" The image of a turtle shell appeared as quickly as it faded, and soon a green barrier in the shape of a sphere appeared around him.

Looking at the charging dark knight he took a side punch stance.

Staring at the stance that the Bald Fist took, Danzel couldn´t help but grin viciously.

Being one meter far from the barrier, Danzel raised Veren up to his head, and instead of swinging yet, he put the dark crystal shield inside his ring before grabbing the handle of Veren with both hands tightly together and swinging at the barrier.

The moment he swung, a huge bloodlust was released which made the slaves around him flinch from fear.


The dark green light clashed together with the green.

Previously the barrier barely held against the [Gale Mana Blade], but now in blank range together with the swing of Danzel made cracks appear much faster in the barrier before it completely shatter like broken glass.

"Wha-!" The Black Fist eyes widen up as he that his, but he didn´t forget that now was his chance.

Though he expected that this shield would be able to block the attack of the dark knight  completely taking this momentum away, he still went for his plan.

After all, beggars can´t be choosers.

It was enough that he blocked the devastating air blade.

`Now that he discarded the shield I just have to block the longsword like before and finish him once and for all!´ The Dark Fist though before increasing the power towards his green aura.

Although the longsword was as dangerous as the air blade by itself, blocking it meant letting room for my fist to connect.

Danzel whose blade was still glowing in his mana, held Veren in both hands while taking an inside stance ready to pierce the man in front of him.

As soon as they got close they clashed.

With the Bald Fist green aura trying to push the blade away from him, the dark knight was trying to pierce though him.

Just when the arm touched the blade, instead of being deflected like before it cut a chunk of the man\'s arms before the blade continued his path towards the man\'s neck.

"Kugh!?" Piercing his neck, the Dark Fist threw up blood while he was still in disbelieve.

"It has been a long since I last used [Piercing]..." Danzel said with his cold voice.

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