My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 225 - Next Problem

Kevin then saw a golden aura mixed with red appear all around Erik who was holding Alan tightly in his arms, and he knew that Erik had just lost control when he had seen Alan being pierced by this darkness beam.

And this threatening aura around him could only mean one thing ... Erik had just reached the Stage 2 of a Warrior Spirit and that thanks to the red mixed with his golden aura he was much more powerful than a normal Warrior Spirit who would use his Stage 2.

The only problem was that in his current state he would surely kill everyone that came close to him and Alan needed to be healed immediately, he was seeing his HP points continue to drop alarmingly and he had apparently already passed out.

Kevin had to act fast or Alan was doomed, and as he was about to use his Stage 3 because with his current strength he was no match for a Stage 2 Warrior Spirit who had lost control, Erik gently placed Alan on the ground and then moved so fast that to the others it surely looked like he had teleported, and with one kick and one punch he decapitated 2 of the 4 dead cyclops that were still standing.

Kevin took this opportunity to rush towards Alan and he opened his mouth and forced him to swallow a Healing potion legendary grade, his HP points had dropped below 50 and he was only relieved when he saw them stop going down.

They had stabilized at 22 points and although it took longer than usual, after a few endless seconds, he finally saw them start to slowly increase again.

He breathed a sigh of relief and Axel, Liam and Ian joined him just after being released from the pressure that had pinned them to the ground.

He immediately reassured them upon seeing their worried faces that Alan should be fine now and that his HP had started to increase again.

His skin, muscles, nerves and organs were rapidly recovering and his breathing was gradually returning to normal, he saw the relief in everyone\'s eyes when they saw that Alan would be fine, and then he turned to face their next problem.

Kevin, who had continued to follow Erik\'s movements, knew that he had started to fight the dead giants and that he was already done with the dead cyclops.

If it continued like this, Erik was going to kill this General Wizard and the Elite Warrior Wizards without him being able to copy their summoning spells, and that it was out of the question.

So he summoned 4 other dead knights level 150 and he said to everyone : "While Alan recovers, I will place him under the protection of these 4 dead knights level 150 and I will create a shield around them with my Chains of Restraint."

Liam then asked him feeling helpless, he had never imagined that one of them could be seriously injured, it was the first time he had seen summoned creatures fight like this : "What do we do now ?"

Kevin then explained what he wanted them to do : "Alan will be fine, so I want you all to stay focused, I\'ll take care of Erik ... I\'m going to try to reason with him, but because of the red that\'s mixing with his golden aura, I\'d be surprised if he listens to me.

And we mustn\'t let that red spread into his aura because if it becomes more important than the golden color in it, Erik\'s heart might stop beating, this is his first time using his Warrior Spirit skill and his body won\'t be able to handle that surge of energy."

He also hadn\'t forget his goals because if he could copy those spells that summoned superior creatures, he could better protect them all in the future.

Kevin frowned as he continued to watch Erik who was fighting alone against the 2 dead giants with a sadistic smile on his face, it was obvious that he was having a lot of fun making this fight last.

And not only did he fight alone against them but he also dodged all the fireballs without effort that the dead wizards were throwing at him.

He finally said to the other when he saw that the red continued to spread inexorably over his golden aura : "In the worst case I\'ll use my Stage 3 to knock him out, but I would rather save it for later because I have a feeling that this General Wizard hasn\'t said his last word yet.

He already succed to fool me earlier, even my sixth sense hasn\'t been able to warn me of the change in the trajectory of this darkness beam."

Liam frowned as well and he asked him doubtful : "Do you mean that he was the one controlling the dead cyclops ?"

Kevin just nodded and Liam then said : "Damn you\'re not the only one who had been fooled, we underestimated him too, I really thought it was the Elite Warrior Wizards who summoned them, but that would explain why we had such a hard time fighting them with Ian."

Kevin just noticed that out of the 12 dead knights level 150 he had summoned only 4 were still standing, so he said to them : "While I\'m taking care of Erik, take the opportunity to finish off the other summoned creatures.

I still want to try to copy the General Wizard\'s summoning spells but if I have to use my Stage 3 to save Erik then I will kill them all without hesitation, there\'s no point in taking unnecessary risks."

Axel then told him : "At this rate Erik will take them all out before you even get a chance to copy them."

Kevin nodded and said : "That\'s why we need to act fast, luckily thanks to my Chains of Restraint the General Wizard and the Elite Warrior Wizards are the least dangerous to Erik right now, so he will go after them last."

As Alan was taken to safety by his dead knights he ordered his Chains of Restraint to create a shield around them to protect them, and then everyone went back to fighting.

Liam, Ian and Axel took care of the rest of the dead knights and dead wizards with the help of his own summoned creatures, and as for him, before going to try to reason with Erik, he went to behead the 2 Elite Warrior Wizards like the summoning spells he wanted to copy were from the General Wizard and not from them.

Indeed why would he bother to copy the spell that can summon dead wizards when he can have the one that summons dead cyclops and dead giants.

He used the wind, water and lightning particules to shap a shortsword and then he finished them off quickly with only one strick before joining Erik who was still playing with the dead giants.

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