Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 572 Day Of A Human

Emeros was shocked at his \'father\'s\' declaration. 

"I... I hope you\'re lying, Dad! That seems...!"

"Impossible. I know. That was the point! Using the last powers of Calaminus that hid inside the Fortress, I turned back time through a lie. From their perspective, I tried to save your two brothers and failed. The moment they came into contact with End\'s power, it would seem they had succeeded in putting an End to them. But as a Trinity, you have the advantage of needing to be killed three times before you truly die. This is also the reason I can\'t cease to exist. As long as there is Truth, there will be Falsehood. To permanently End me, Truth has to die!" Pseudos explained.

"But... But why would I have nothing that my two brothers have? Why would I be born in weakness?!"

"Emeros. This timeline is not an alternate timeline. It\'s not the same as when Kyros and Calaminus reverted to True Time and created a timeline that was meant to be burned. This timeline is the very same one where Kyros is yet to be born. Therefore, you cannot hold any power that will draw any suspicion from End\'s team. To them, you are just a human!"

"So I just have Fate Challenger?!"

"You don\'t understand; you were born to be nonexistent. Neither Fate nor Destiny nor even True Challenger!"

Emeros felt ill as his stomach turned. He was a power-hungry man, and the appearance of a Fallen and the powers that were shown to him sparked his appetite for vengeance on everything that had happened in his life.

"Is that even possible? I can\'t have Foresight?!"

"It\'s not that you can\'t have; you\'re not blessed! Fate and Destiny Challenges and those that are strong enough to threaten or change both, the True Challengers, have the blessings and empowerment from Gods and Fallen. But let\'s be honest, in the grand scheme of things, many mortals are only moved by these people. They are affected by whatever actions and schemes are thrown and created. But you, you don\'t have any of those. To use Calaminus\'s terms, you are an NPC."

"An NPC? Basically, I\'m like some monster creep meant to be slain by the heroes?!"

"Well, no. Creeps can kill the hero. You\'re basically some dude that dies in a cutscene."

Emeros trembled.

"Then all I have... is wisdom? Or do I have your power?"

"No. You don\'t have any! Almost all the powers and blessings were given to your two brothers. Well, they are not technically your brothers; they are still you. But we cannot make this lie if you are strong. That\'s why your mother intended to make you human. Mysterion and Revelation are in you. You are the mystery revealed. Hidden and unnoticed. Seen yet unseen."

"What does that... even mean?! Almost all? You mean to say I still have a Fallen or Ancient God in me?"

"Yes. You are the awaited inheritor of Vasilius. The lost Ancient King. He was the God who became the first king to rule over a society. But he has died, and his power is in you."

"So I can get that power? Where is it?"

"We don\'t know. Part of this plan was to keep ourselves from knowing where the inheritance of the Saint in Light is. It\'s up to you to go find it. It could be on this planet or another. It could be a galaxy away for all we know."

Emeros trembled.

"Father! I am just a young boy! If you cannot give me anything, how can I do this?!" Emeros shouted.

Pseudos smiled.

"Kyros was created to be the strongest among you. Noxus was to be his shadow. And you were to be the weakest, insignificant, and the very one who will save both. Emeros, I\'ll tell you honestly. We don\'t know what the future is here. Kyros and Noxus were to be the bright target that End would try to attack. In reality, we never expected End to move now, and we were caught off guard when we sensed their movements. We thought this battle would happen after the Era of Middle, but Folly is the only one who can outmaneuver your mother. Because you are nothing, Destiny and Fate do not apply to you."

Emeros raised his head a bit.

Destiny and Fate was the great problem that Kyros and Noxus had to fight and constantly outwit. But if these two powers were not attacking him, then it could be possible to live on!

But then, Emeros realized something.

"Wait! Then... my life! When these memories of the two... I thought that Destiny marked his curse on me!"

"Destiny didn\'t mark you with his curse."

"Then was it that god of luck?"

"Actually, Desidamonia is a Fallen? And no. It wasn\'t him."

"But... I lived a very... miserable life, father! What caused that?"

"You are an orphan born in a country full of strife, corruption, and immorality. A weak one with no backing to support you. Everything you experienced had nothing to do with any gods or fallen. You were just living in tragedy."

"Living in tragedy?! That was it?! Then what was the point of it all!? Everything I experienced, all those pain and suffering?! They held no meaning?!" Emeros shouted with all his heart, pouring anger and agony.

"There was. It was to make you the most inconspicuous candidate for being a part of the Trinity. The one born ahead, kept by the power of Vasilius, appeared in a place where many babies would gather. It was all designed. Your anger and vengeance and the arrogance that was naturally instilled in you from this hungry soul kept you alive. That was our plan. All for this day. The day of the human, Emeros, to take wings and be a Nephilim." Pseudos explained as he approached.

"My son. I am sorry. This was the only way to defeat End. You are outside everything that we all see, including End. No one knows who you are and where you are apart from me and Vasilius. Not even your mother knows this."

"What if... I tell an ally that I am a Nephilim? What if..."

"Even if you tell them that you are the Nephilim, no one will believe because my power marks you with it. Even if you find some god, fallen, or any descendants and ally and tell them that you are the Nephilim, my power will work, and they will see it as a lie. You can claim their blessings, but they will never believe you if you are a Nephilim. In fact, it would be so suspicious to them that they might kill you."

"Dad... I\'m just a kid, then. Yet... yet all this."

"My son, you are not just a kid. Kyros and Noxus were born with great power. But if you can reach their level, you will do something far greater than they ever did. This was what we created to be. Not Destiny. Not Fate. Just you. Be strong and force yourself to a level where you can battle True Challengers, even though you are not one."

"But how? What do I have to be greater than those two?!" Emeros wept.

"You have their memories."

"I can\'t even remember half of their memories! I don\'t have Wisdom!"

"Then find a way to remember it." Pseudos smiled.

"...Find a way? How?"

"You have to figure this out on your own. I can\'t help you with everything, Emeros. I won\'t stay here too long. In fact, this incarnation\'s End is coming."

"You-you\'re leaving?!"

"This form has died. Falsehood will continue, but this body will fade away. Only if you revive Kyros and Noxus and become the Nephilim will it be possible for me to exist again."

"Then how can I live?! Who will guide me to survive if you leave, father?!"

"Find someone to guide you. Find a True Challenger or someone of Fate. You can hide under them for their protection and growth. Remember all those beings that Kyros met and subdued? In this region, if you find a Crown that has become some ghost or lingering spirit, they can help you." Pseudos explained.

"...How? Where can I find one like that?!"

"Well, I\'ll tell you a secret. There\'s a powerful Crown in the debts of this Mine. He served as a Conqueror. A powerful Conqueror. That\'s the reason why this mine is full of such mystery. If you go in there, you will find it."

"The depths of this mountain?! But Father! Beasts that even Champions can\'t kill live deep down this mine!"

"Then get stronger! Emeros! You have to find a way to be strong! Your brothers were so powerful, and their allies were strong, and their weapons were provided for them. But you...! You will have to walk this path counting your stats, numbering it every step of the way! Clinging to items of magical power and switching from weak metal to stronger ones!"

"But... I don\'t know how to do that! I can\'t! Their memories are vague! I can\'t remember everything as they can!"

"As I said, find a way. Find a way to remember. This day is your start. The three of you must take flight and take form!"

Emeros collapsed on the ground in great fear. The task ahead was too much for a mere man!

Suddenly, Emeros felt a strange warmth cover him. It was a bizarre form of warmth that soothed Emeros\'s soul.

Pseudos raised his hand and a strange form appeared and was embracing Emeros.

"Mother..." Emeros, who knew no embrace of a parent, felt his mother\'s comforting embrace.

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