Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 561 Rise Of The Fated Dead

The fortress itself was glowing with great energy that the walls and portions that were damaged were slowly returning to it\'s full might.

The Holy Shield around the Fortress began to glow a bright and powerful light.

The Crowns saw it and ordered everyone to stop attacking as the attacks were bouncing back at them!

"Hold your fire men!" A Crown who used fusion power to fuse his body with the corpse of an ancient dragon spoke. He was the strongest among all Crowns.

"That magic cannot last! Reflect magic of pure light without form? I\'ve heard of mirror magic, but this is different. Wait and prepare to attack. This is their last deperate attempt to survive. When the walls go down, I want everyone to attack with all their might! Do not be deceived with the restoring power! It\'s all a facade!" The Crown ordered as the great light appeared.

Mysterion and Lies were spreading out as an effect of the power.

The Shamanic spell that Esther Steele used was a power that contained great deception. But now, Mysterion was blocking it from the eyes of Destiny and even Thora.

They did not know what was happening inside!

Over the years of their lives, the Steele family had a powerful group of soldiers that served them.

Mezal was their leader, and together, the team of Captains made a name for themselves within the Lowlands taking on dangerous quests. Their number grew and Mezal was the nominal leader of this mercenary group that had some fifty men.

But Fate was cruel that while they had went as far as survived a Commander in their Captain levels, they remained unknown and their adventures only kept to their selves.

The team that Mezal formed was a powerful group, each Captain able to fight off a Champion one-on-one.

But soon, they died. And the only memories of their might, remained with Mezal.

In their last days, Mezal pleaded with these friends of his to give up and leave. They were not part of the notorious family of Mezal\'s true ancestry. But his friends all declared that they were part of the Steele and made a vow of servitude.

Mezal wept when they did this, and wept harder the next few hours when they were all dead.

But now, the power of Fate that called out the souls of the dead through an ancient spell made by the shamans had spared their souls.

Even the dissipating soul of Hemsy was spared and drawn in before it dissipated.

But now, the grand spell of the Shaman used the Unholy, the Holy, and the Life energy that was present and created a resurrecting spell.

Many who just died were suddenly awakened in shock as they saw themselves back in the Fortress.

Men after men, woman after woman, all who died serving the Steele family were being restored!

Hemsy opened his eyes and it was as if the memories of the Steele family\'s adventure after he died was being sent in him.

Hemsy lived as if he knew every detail that the Fortress had recorded.

"Amazing…" Hemsy could not help but tear up to how far the Steele family went ever since he died.

Mezal trembled as he saw the faces of his familiar friends. He could never see them as his knights.

The bewildered and amazed expression of the three remained. The power they received was surging and they were surprised that their cultivation were already on Commander level!

"Puck! Samer! Flint! Wergon!" Mezal moved to greet the four. They were the four leaders who commanded the mercenary group.

An Archer, a Ravager, a Berserker, and a Mage. These were the four friends that Mezal teamed up with.

Their appearance and weapons were the very ones they had when they died!

The four saw Mezal and smiled.

Mezal rushed to them, but they bowed.

"It\'s an honor to serve you again, lord Mezal!" The four greeted in respect. They had seen the memories and embraced the vow that they made.

Mezal ran to them and began to weep.

"Not a good thing to show to your allies, boss!" The Archer, Puck laughed.

"Right! We\'ll reminisce next time! There\'s a battle ahead! Give me more of those weapons you acquired from your killings! I\'ll paint the town red with my blade!" Samer the Ravager laughed.

There were many more servants who returned, and those who died long ago were reborn. Yet all of them received the blessing of Unholy and their cultivation reached to new heights. The weakest ones were Champions!

Suddenly, numerous strange apparitions appeared as five shaman souls appeared.

Mezal was shocked as he saw the familiar faces.

"The spell worked!" One of the five, an old man laughed.

"And now, our powers have been unsealed. But it seems that the Nephilim did so much more! Behold! A Greater God is there! And see the power of their team! Your son-in-law has Foresight that is higher than mine! Just a bit, and he would reach the realm of True Understanding!" Another spoke.

At the center, was an old man who looked fondly at the wife of Mezal.

Esther bowed before the five.

"Elders. Father, Mother. The plan of Fate has worked."

"Oracle of Fate, Esther! You have done well. But now, let\'s finish this. Mezal, it\'s good to see you." The old man smiled.

"Father-in-law! Shaman Elder Mordecius Caius!" Mezal approached.

"Do not bow before me, Mezal. You have far surpassed me now. We have made the vow of Steele. We are part of your family, as servants. So do not bow. Although, I hope my daughter will continually torture you for becoming what you are now." The man glared.

Mezal felt his knees weaken as he glanced at his wife who was approaching.

"Let\'s deal with that later. Husband. Behold the army of the Nephilim! The Steele family has lost so many through the years. But Fate has set your blood to be the generation in which the plan to serve the Nephilim will happen. The moment Calaminus moved back in time, the ripple of Fate altered this timeline and made preparations to store all souls. And now, your army is ready."

Behind her were all the fallen groups that the Steele family had. Many were even unkown to Mezal for they had made their vows to the Steele family through Aron and Branze.

"Mezal!" Greater God Daradiel called out.

"The protective spell will fall. I sense the enemies outside preparing for a full scale invasion to attack! You have to overpower them! With the great power of life, I can bestow the Earth to increase the defenses of several who could be the vangurds. Have them use the Gunpla and I will increase the defenses so they could block the attacks of the Crown!" Daradiel ordered.

Mezal nodded and turned to everyone.

"Friends! Warriors! Champions! And those who were forgotten along the way! This is a moment that I treasure deeply in my heart. You are all members of the Steele family and even though many of you are unknown to me, Fate has bonded us all together. But now, this great reunion is not something that should cause us to pause. We have an army. And we have to invade! You have seen our memories and I cans ee that many of you could hardly believe this all! But I tell you, it is all true! The battle between Beginning and End continues and is reaching a crucial point! The Era of Middle is here! We go out and fight these foes who are beyond us! But we will not stop our march here! We go and wage war to armies of the Eldrich! Demerus! Activate Mobile Fortress Protocol! It\'s time to move out!"

Demerus nodded. This was one of their greatest projects. Using the power of Astra and the Celestial Code that could move great rocks and planets, the Emberdons created a miniature formula and applied it to the Fortress.

"Everyone! Please organize yourselves into groups! Follow my instructions!" Mezal quickly gave orders and arranged the entire army into order.

The number of the Steele family had reached a population of 600!

Outside of the fortress, the army of the alien invaders were all prepared to make their attack.

"They will brace for our first attack! So make sure that your first attack will kill them all!"

The light began to fade and the army all were ready to pounce.

But suddenly, a massive wall emerged out of the lights as the Fortress of the Nephilim moved!

"[Holy Wave]!" Daradiel used Exodia and brought out the potent life energy that was just absorbed.


"Attack!" The Crowns of the alien races gave the orders and their attacks were all sent out.

Their combined power surpassed the Holy Wave attack of the Fortress in energy and blew through it, but the Gunpla team were coated in great earthen energy and took the remnant energy.

Suddenly, an army of fighters charged out of the moving Fortress and many even used the walls to make a powerful jumping attack at the enemies.

"What?! Their number doubled!" A Crown cursed as he saw the Champions and Commanders charge in!

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