Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 545 Return To The Original Form

It was time to take action. The natural fortress of many twigs and branches that made numerous levels had been fortified as an invasion was expected.

After all the preparations, \'Nightwing\' called for a meeting of all the forces and leaders they had acquired in their campaigns. All the kingdoms of the Uninvolved Lands had representatives who met with Nightwing. All the strongest cultivators at the peak of being Cardinals and Crowns were invited to gather in this meeting.

Naturally, \'Nightwing\' and Breveros were the leaders who continued to discuss the strategy for fighting the armies.

As they had positioned themselves in one of the highest peaks of budding leaf, they could see the full view of the enemies that lay before them.

At the entrance of this grand defended lands were the armies of Central Midlands. The armies that were gathered were vast, and many. It would result in a grand battle between the two Midland forces, and Crowns were certain to appear.

Many sat and grumbled as they watched the army. Most blamed Breveros for his poor luck. However, they were more open after what had happened. Though they had witnessed the power of Breveros, there were whispers within the crowds, and many considered Nightwing to be the real leader.

The Eldrich assistants of Breveros would often rage and threaten them, but the arrogance of the people of the Uninvolved Lands rose even higher. It would belittle Breveros and the Eldrich openly.

"You speak of power, but if not for Nightwing, we would have all died! So what if Breveros unlocked a new power of the wind? If not for Nightwing\'s blood that stopped the attacks of those Fleshy Golems, we would all have died! Can Breveros counter the strength of a Conqueror? That giant could easily kill Crowns!" One of the kings mocked Eldrich.

The assistants and guards of Breveros were shouting in rage, but Breveros was silent. He didn\'t care anymore.

He was immersed in the wind and the concept of freedom. He saw the reactions of these people as an expected and unreasonable targeting of himself because of his bad luck. Breveros desired freedom.

True freedom to be unbounded by Fate and Destiny.

"So... our main concern is the gathering armies," Kyros spoke.

Breveros turned to Kyros, as did the Cardinals, who were tendrils of Reisling.

They couldn\'t point out something odd and different with Nightwing.

"For those wondering, I have merged with another clone I sent into the Midlands to spy and corrupt many. He was masquerading as a Paladin and was using powers of Light."

"Using the light?"

"Yes. I used the power of my master, the Fanged Fallen\'s daughter, to create two incarnations of myself. One held the darkness and appeared as Nightwing, while the other took hold of the light." Kyros explained.

"Light? How is that possible?! An Incubus can\'t use light and harness it! Much less be a form of it!" One of the Eldrich frowned.

"That\'s because I\'m not an Incubus." Kyros smiled.

[Deception activated.]

"The tale of the Succubus is that one of the Gods had taken a liking over a daughter of the Charmed Fallen. But the nature of this being was too corrupted and full of lust that it would cheat. So one of the sons of Solas did something unbelievable. He used his powers to imbue and rebirth the Succubus as a being of the light. But, of course, this tale didn\'t end happily as the being formed as a woman clothed in light but still had her lustful desires. This being, known as Lilith, struggled, for though she had loved the son of Solas, her lust could not be controlled. She slept with so many beings. Gods and fallen alike. When the son of Solas found out, it drove him mad. As a being of Solas, he could tell that Lilith truly loved him. And was the first to defy the laws of marriage."

"What?! The first Fornicator is a son of Solas!? I have never heard of such absurd stories!" Chrislie Sword Saint, the wife of Killian Sword Saint and the mother of Krysta, reacted. She was a priestess to Solas before her death and resurrection.

"That\'s not exactly something that the church of light can tell in their stories, right?" Kyros sneered.

"Serpentari Solas. That\'s his name, according to Solas and Soter, hidden in the legacies of those who walk. He took back Lilith, who showed sorrow in her deeds against Serpentari. But it was all a facade. Solace cultivated the love of Lilith all to prepare for his reprisal. Knowing how he transformed the Succubus into Lilith, he became the first Incubus. But not of the darkness, a being lust which is of the Light. He took on a new name, Lucifer."

Deep within the soul of Kyros, Nightwing opened his eyes.

"... Lucifer? Is that where I draw my power?" Nightwing thought.

"Or am I Lucifer himself?" Nightwing pondered.

"That\'s a possibility," Calaminus explained.

"An Incubus that could use light and harness Skotos Eis Phos. That\'s what Kyros thinks you are, and they used this knowledge against you. It\'s possible that just like the duality of gods and fallen, the trinity that forms the Nephilim are three different souls. But we have no evidence to prove this." Calaminus answered.

"... Lucifer. He was a being light and concealed this light to become darkness... So Kyros thinks, this is who I am... Then what of Kyros? Who is the darkness that sought to be light? If my essence is that of Lucifer, a naga, then what is Kyros?"

"We don\'t know yet. I guess we\'ll find out soon." Calaminus chuckled.

"Lucifer?! The Morning Star is a son of Solas?!"

"One of the strongest of Solas\'s sons if you ask me. Solas, Kyriachos, and Tyrannus blessed him to make this possible. As Lucifer, he took on multiple wives and was even pursued by the Charmed Fallen."

"The Charmed Fallen pursued him?!"

"Lucifer dared not to take her as one of his mistresses. But many Succubus was drawn out and pursued her. Lilith could only watch in horror as the man she started to truly and faithfully love had become a scorn of all creation. The laws of the gods and fallen have been set. But Lucifer ragged against this and tried to take numerous wives. Made vows to all sorts of many women and received the curse of all beings for breaking the most sacred point of all. The highest act of Unity that can be achieved ever since Hyperion severed all creation. Marriage. This is why, even as a Naga, the sun of Lucifer, I dare not to take more wives." Kyros explained.

Many who had numerous wives were confused by Kyros\'s statements.

"What punishment is there to take many wives?" A king asked.

"For you? Nothing. This only applies if ones seek to become a god or fallen. Mortals need not worry. But as my eyes are set on becoming a heretic, I cannot taint myself with any other relationships."

The women of Nightwing felt a strange pain as they heard this.

"A naga? That\'s your heritage?"

"The firstborn among Nagas. That\'s the heritage I had when I was sealed and awakened. Those that walk the path of Lilith become Lamias." Nightwing turned into one of the strongest Cardinals that survived the Darkling scourge. She was a Lamia.

Her heart quivered as she saw Kyros\'s gaze.

Her fiance saw her expression but dared not to show any form of hatred against Kyros.

"Now that I have explained my original form and dispelled any suspicion... I need you all to launch an attack. Brevero will remain here. Despite his bad luck, unless the entire leaves fall, you guys ought to survive. I will take my team to call out the reinforcements of the Eldrich. As you know, we plan to launch an invasion. And this team will most likely face an ambush. Our goal is to ambush those who plan to ambush our team. So the strongest in this place should go with me to fight and massacre the teams. Who will go?" Kyros asked.

Almost everyone shot their hands in the air. They dared not stay with Breveros.

"It\'s touching to see some loyalty. But I cannot bring all. So I will select those who are strongest. Those covered with Destiny\'s power will join me in this battle." Kyros answered and began to call out the names of those who had powerful blessings from Destiny.

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