Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 468 Conquering A Fallen Spawn

A terrifying demon stood at the very end of it all.

And then, just when she thought she had escaped and found allies, she saw a being of even greater horrors and darkness!

She was falling into the endless darkness of her fears when a voice called her back.


Suddenly, the woman\'s eyes were opened.

She was so scared and began to gasp for breath and found herself inside a room.

"You almost died there. Are you alright?" Angelian asked and smiled.

"...Feather-Folk?! You...! This ship!"

"Yes. You were so scared you passed out and nearly died. If not for our master, you would have died." A woman spoke to the side.

"Another beauty. It seems that our master plans to draw many girls to his side..." A spider-lady sighed.

The woman was stunned as she saw the other two women.

"I\'m Monica." Monica introduced.

"I am Angelian."

"I am Sherah."

"You! You\'re a Hive Queen!" The woman exclaimed.

Sherah frowned when she saw the woman\'s reaction.

"My brother! Where is my brother?!" The woman suddenly remembered.

"Resting on the other quarter. You wish to visit him?" Angelian smiled.

"Wait! That demon?! I saw a demon in this ship!"

"A demon?" Monica asked.

"Yes! There was a dark demon! I know this sounds crazy. But my eyes are special! I can pierce through the veil of the living and see the invisible forces battling here! This ship has a very powerful and malevolent demon!"

"Ah. You mean, Master. He\'s not a demon." Monica laughed.

"Oh but his lips are truly something that will send you to hell. Oh, those lips of his! It\'s the greatest temptation of a Fallen! I\'d give up another arm or leg for that kiss!" Monica\'s expression turned strange.

"What?! You\'re master?!" The woman shouted and quickly stood up.

"Relax. Our master is not that dangerous."

"Not dangerous?! He is a being of darkness?!"

"You\'re alive. Don\'t you think that if he wanted to kill you, he\'d have done that now? He\'s in the other room playing with your brother."

"Playing with my brother?! My brother-"

"We know what you\'ve been through. Master took a sip of your blood to get your memories. He knows what happened. He said that he had the perfect way of dealing with post-traumatic people as it once cured a young cub who thought he was responsible for his father\'s death. Master seemed pretty confident it would work. Your brother is already happily singing songs right now. Can\'t you hear it?" Angelian explained.

The woman rose and charged out of the room as he followed the melodious sound.

"Demon! What nefarious magic are you attempting on my brother!" The woman charged into the other room of the ship and opened it up.

"Hakuna Matata! Ain\'t no fleeting craze!"

"It means no enemies, for the rest of our days..." The young boy sang.

"Yeah! Sing it, kid! Change the lyrics to avoid copyright strikes!"

"IT\'S OUR TRAUMA-FREE, PHILOSOPHY!" The two sang together.

The woman was so confused as he saw his brother happily playing.

"As you can see, our master is not only dangerously yummy, but he. is quite eccentric." Monica sighed.

"Christopher! You\'re sister\'s awake."

Christopher was still dancing when he heard Nightwing\'s reminder.

"Sister!" The boy rushed towards the woman.

"Christopher! You\'re safe!"

"Of course, he\'s alright. If a meerkat and a warthog can get a lion out of a post-traumatic disorder that would have a life-long psychological scar, it can help your brother."

"Amazing." Sherah on the other hand saw the strange markings and the magic it was creating.

"Brimstone! Master, you can use Brimstone?!" Monica was amazed.

"Yes. I\'m a very good brimstone cultivator. Not as good as that nostalgic gamer guy, but good enough to manage." Nightwing smiled.

​ "Anyway, Krysta, right? I saw your memories. Quite some magic you have. You time-traveled nearly three hundred years in the future."

"Wha... what?!"

"Time traveled? So that\'s why she gave me that demeaning look." Sherah chuckled.

"That\'s right. Your kind didn\'t find dominance in the Black Bog Kingdom then. It was a scorned race. And interestingly enough, the Black Bog Kingdom started to rise into prominence at that time. This means, that whatever horrors she faced inside the walls, was the very same thing that allowed the Black Bog Kingdom to come to power." Nightwing smiled as he took out the talisman of the woman.

"This is quite magic. It feels like it\'s crafted by a powerful dragonic Time God. This should be a Heretic. Too bad it lost its power. Although Luigi might be able to do something out of this."

Krysta saw the talisman and clenched her fist.

"Three... hundred years?! Impossible! That magic should only allow me to pause and move time by seconds!"

"You bent time and space. How else did you escape those monsters chasing after you? Here you go."

"You\'re... giving it back?"

"You don\'t want it? I can keep it if you don\'t want it. Or would you give this up as some form of payment?"

"...That\'s a family heirloom."

"Oh. Then it\'ll be mine once we\'re married." Nightwing smiled.

"Who would want to marry you!?" The woman cursed back.

Suddenly, she felt great killing intent surround her as she turned and saw the three women ready for their weapons.

"Everyone, stop. None of you, by yourselves, can satiate my lust. If I want to build a harem, it\'s my freedom too. You can always choose to leave me. But if you harm any other woman that I chose to be with, then I shall abandon you and treat you as enemies as I did with those succubi!" Nightwing spoke coldly.

The three were petrified and the mere thought of being separated from Nightwing caused great pain in their hearts.

The three bowed down.

Angelian was struggling and was telling herself to stand up and resist as her pride was insulted by the words of Nightwing. But memories of the kiss would haunt her.

"Good. But I must say, Krysta. You are very interesting. You cannot feel lust. But Is ee this an exciting challenge? You will want me even without your lust." Nightwing laughed.

"An incubus taking the hearts women dare to brag about having me?! Your kind should be killed and purged!"

"I don\'t know if it\'s because of your unique constitution or if it is because of your allegiance to the Saint Cross Holy Kingdom. But whatever it is, it\'s impressive. To feel no lust towards me is a very, very impressive feat. No woman should be able to resist my powers." Nightwing laughed.

"Enough! Send me back to my kingdom! Even if three hundred years have passed, I am still of royal blood!"

"The Saint Cross Holy Kingdom? That kingdom fell, over a hundred years ago!" Sherah recalled.

"What did you say?!"

"I was but a monstrous spider beast then and did not even acquire my human form. I had just gained sentience and was being hunted by that kingdom! That fell, when the Black Bog Lands gained might and they sent a powerful army to kill us all. They failed in their assault and it led to a grand massacre that instilled fear in the nearby kingdoms from that day onward! Their main armies died without penetrating through the mountain barriers of the land."

"I read about this. The kingdom lost so many and had been a huge bully in these lands. Their destruction was sought by nearly everyone in this region." Monica also spoke about what she had read.

"What?! The Saint Cross Holy Kingdom is... gone?!" Krysta was shocked!

"As I\'ve said... You have time traveled. This isn\'t the time you lived. The talisman that you have brought you here. Fate led you to pass through time. And my own being, which draws all women of staggeringly great beauty will meet me."

"How is that possible?! My talisman isn\'t that strong!"

"And there is another reason why it harnessed such great power. I\'m sure you know what it is."

"Another reason?! What do you mean?"

"Hahaha." Nightwing laughed.

"You\'ll understand it in time. In any case, Fate has brought us together. That same being that ate all your family and killed your soldiers is back. It\'s hungry and it will stop at nothing to feed again. Ladies. I now know what it is we are fighting. It should have the power to conquer a Crown! It\'s a Fallen Spawn! A being hidden by Destiny to ambush Fate. A trap designed to appear when the being known as the Nephilim rises!"

"A Fallen Spawn?! A direct descendant of a Fallen?!" Angelian was horrified.

"Yes. It awakens for a time and devours people and then vanishes and leaves all traces of its existence. It selects a host who will be in charge of feeding it. I believe that a plot to bring many ambitious people set. The current power that protects the Black Bog Kingdom is a blessing from this very being!"

"Master... You wish to fight it? Would it not be best if we have the others here?"

"There is no time. I\'ve seen the memories of Krysta. She escaped thanks to circumstance, luck, and powerful magic. But in most cases, this Fallen Spawn will only awaken for a very short period. And that is the time for us to fight it!"

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