Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 362 World Doomed To Burn

The massive World Wood Tree stood towering over mountains. The trunk was as wide as a mountain, and its branches spread across the sky. But its leaves were withering, and its state was constantly declining. Some branches on the far edges of the tree had already fallen off. And cracks and small pieces could constantly be seen falling.

But even though there was such a decline in this massive tree, it was still a beacon of life in a dead and dying world.

The plants and trees that could be seen on top of this massive tree had already withered. Several barren patches of land had no trees or plants in the entire landscape but only had the flickering of small embers moving in that area.

Kyros watched from the watchtower of this region and could see the Brimstone Beasts moving and devouring life and objects.

"Why are here, lo- Er... Kyros?" Mechiel asked.

"To understand them. These beasts are quite curious. This world still follows certain rules even as the gods and fallen have left. Take, for instance, what keeps these creatures from living? What is their source of energy? They don\'t do skotosynthesis, but what?"

"From the looks of it... they devour." Mechiel answered.

"That\'s the answer, isn\'t it? It seems strange, considering they are beings of brimstone as they devour life, death, and elements. They give birth to new creatures of form. If Histerion set this scroll on fire, then these beasts have to eat life, death, and even the elements to keep burning."

"A world doomed to burn..."

"Yes. But what dictates the form of these beasts? Some are born with the forms that are bipeds. Others walk on four feet. And others are even born like an insect. Could it be based on the highest life they devour?" Kyros wondered.

"Why is that important? Shouldn\'t we just go there and kill them?" Lea appeared as she emerged from the doorway and joined the group watching over the grand balcony of the Elven Fortress.

"Lea. So? How many men?"

"There are roughly twenty-seven thousand people capable of fighting. And there are eight thousand that are not. Those who can\'t fight haven\'t cultivated, are young, and are invalid or have been so wounded that they are useless."

"And how strong are the soldiers?"

"There are over a hundred who are at Champion level, six thousand that are on the Captain level, and the rest are ordinary soldiers."

"What about the state of the weapons of this elven nation?"

"The wood of this tree has been used to create arrows and weapons. But most of these weapons can only be used several on a Brimstone Beast. For arrows, the arrow itself will be burned after one shot. The weapons such as the spears could be used some fifteen times. But the strength of the wood weakens. As for weapons made of metals and various steels, they are quite rare. Only those who are Champions have those, as they were the only ones strong enough to be used against Brimstone Beast. But the Champions don\'t use it as much as even their weapons are weakening."

"Have you tested just how strong the wood weapons made from this tree are?"

"It\'s quite strong. Although, I tested one arrow and noticed that the arrow could kill a Captain if shot at the heart of these Brimstone beasts. The wood turned into a spear that could kill several Champions before being burnt up. Such a pity. These elves treated this Tree as their home. I can sense their sadness and anguish as they harvest its wood to make weapons."

"Well, it is the end of the world. Had the elves not abandoned tradition, they would have died. "

"Are you sure that this is the only plan we have?" Listrel appeared.

"As I said, we are fighting against time. While it may take years until all of these scrolls are burned up, we do not have the luxury of staying in one place. We need to find the sources that retain this universe from acting as it once did. And they are all here, in the Planesworld."

"How sure are you that that is true? It doesn\'t make sense. If you claim that the power of the gods and fallen have been pulled and dragged into that timeline where we once were, that would mean that their powers exist in the infinite universe where they would dwell. Even my father only knew of the surrounding planets and systems. We don\'t even have a complete list of the names of the gods and fallen! Why would the important ones be in the Planesworld?"

"Because of Fate. That\'s why."

"Fate? Do you believe that Fate led them here? How? She has no control over this timeline!"

"Actually, she does," Kyros revealed the Time Core.

"You must have heard Calaminus speak back then. He is the Time God that helped me. Right now, he seems to be in some slumbering state. But he is the god that proves my theories. Mechiel. The reason why I love it is that we had a very complicated relationship in our past life. Perhaps you will find more about it in this place."

"There is... a version of me in this timeline?" Mechiel was shocked.

"Not anymore. She died right before I did. It\'s a lot to take in. But this should explain a number of my odd actions. I wonder if I\'ll ever find out what happened after I died." Kyros chuckled.

"Anyway, this place is where all the abandoned timelines are sent. Those gods called it the Unrecorded Pages. So the timeline where we met, fought, and fell in love with each other exists in this one. Fate sent me here with confidence that I could escape. Destiny was so confused because, in his mind, it seemed impossible. I deduced that this was one of Destiny\'s weaknesses. He only knows the end where End exists. His powers and knowledge on these abandoned timelines are very little."

"So you think that in one of those abandoned timelines, these gods would have hidden here?"

"Yes. That\'s exactly what I believe. I already told you of my identity as the Nephilim. In my past life, when I met Mechiel, I was very weak. I managed to become a Celestial then, but a rather weak one. Even Conquest Conquerors could easily kill me in that timeline. This was all intended. Fate trained me and kept me hidden through my powers of Mysterion. She gave me that life and even killed me because my purpose was to grow strong in an abandoned timeline. When I moved into the main one, I would have the strength to keep fighting and challenging Destiny. Her sending me here also assumes the same way."

"So somewhere in the Planeworld are the remnant powers of gods and fallen that allow all existence to continue. And we have to find that and hope that it can send us to the edge of the universe?"


"Sounds impossible. But now I get it. That\'s what Fate wants Destiny to think."

"Exactly. Are the arrangements ready?"

"Yes. It took a while, but everyone is now following the orders that you have given. All your plans are being followed. But I fear when they realize what your plans are, they will rebel."

"And that\'s why we have to act. We can only stay here for another two weeks. Let\'s go. We can only find out more of those Brimstone Beast by killing them." Kyros ordered.

The four moved back into the room. Inside the trunk of the tree were cities and forests. There were long vines all over the inside of the trunk, which the four used to move them towards the bottom of the World Wood Tree at great speed.

As they approached the bottom, the sounds of battle could be heard.

"Another attack? When will these attacks end?" Mechiel sighed.

"It\'s expected. Our fall near the side of this tree has forced the Brimstone Beast to move and investigate. This means that there is some form of intelligence among the beasts. Since the elves got to us first, whoever commands the Brimstone Beast has sent some of its forces to scout and find out what happened. I heard that there haven\'t been any attacks for the past two months before our arrival." Listrel explained.

"Are we going to fight? I\'ve been itching to get my hands dirty. I wonder if my teeth can devour brimstone?" Lea wondered.

"How primitive of you, Lea. Have some class." Listrel chuckled.

"It\'s the end of the world, and you still care for class? Your vanity for perfection will do you no good in this world. I can\'t believe that I have to fight next to you." Lea frowned.

"You girls can kill each other after this. For now, we all have no choice but to rely on and support each other. Save that energy when you fight. I\'ll distract the enemy. Breakthrough the front lines and eliminate them." Kyros ordered as he sped up.

The four reached the bottom of the World Wood Tree and could see the raging battle as they fell to where the roots and the trunk met.

"Let\'s move. Clear out the enemies and force the Brimstone Beast to retreat!" Kyros ordered.

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