Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 460 Chatting With Jen

Chapter 460 Chatting With Jen

"I do not know about cute or boys liking me, but I do know nothing could match up to what I read in stories. Just so you know, I did have a husband before."? I explained.

"I can guess it. If you really have gone back in time multiple times, I can see you having a few husbands. Must be tough being a slut." Jen replied with a teasing grin.

"Hey!" That hurt! It really did! I am no such thing!

"Haha! I am just joking. You said before that you had your memories erased, right?" Jen asked, to which I nodded my head in answer. "Then you wouldn\'t remember the people you fell in love with before, and they would not remember you."

"Yeah." I nodded my head as well. "When I think about such things, I do wonder how I lived each of those lives. I can remember bits and pieces of a few of my lives, but they are all at points where either Sophie or Adel are in trouble. Or moments with Grace."

"That just means your feelings for them are strong. You should embrace that." Jen held my hand and looked me in the eye. "Faith, even back on Earth, you were someone who cared deeply for the people you saw as friends and family. Remember that time I was being bullied by those girls?"

"You mean the time I got beaten up for you?" I could remember that time. It was a painful experience, but I was glad I was able to keep Jen safe. Jen had angered a popular girl in school who was known to be a bully to start with. It all happened because a boy the girl liked asked Jen out, whom she quickly rejected, but just by the fact that the boy asked her out, Jen became a target.

I had happened to hear something about Jen being cornered by the girl and quickly ran off to try to help her. I got there right as Jen was about to be punched and took the punch for her before turning around and hugging Jen. The girl was so mad that she kept kicking and hitting me. Only after I was bruised and battered did she finally stomp off in anger since I would not get out of the way.

I think that was the first time I had seen Jen cry so hard. I could only lift my head up and ask if she was okay, which made her cry even harder. Luckily, no one made fun of me when I went to school after taking three days off. The girl ended up getting expelled as well. Her parents tried to fight it but was unable to since someone had actually handed over video evidence. Even the police got involved. This was not on my or my parents, but the school called the cops, and from what I know, she ended up doing a few days in juvenile detention. Luckily, she never caused any more problems after that.

"She ended up not being able to go to school, you know," Jen answered a question I had in my mind. Now that I was thinking about it, I did wonder what happened to her.

"What did she end up doing?" I asked curiously.

"I ran into her once, and we talked. After that day, she did turn her life around. Well, to an extent. She ended up pregnant at seventeen and a single mom after the guy she slept with ran off. She started working on the side while her parents looked after her son. She even apologized to me and cried when she talked about you. She said it was all a real eye opener when she got pregnant, and the world seemed to shun her.

"She became a young mother and worked hard. Having to take care of a life that she had given birth to made her want to change her ways and provide for the child." Jen explained as she let out a long sigh. "Only if she had figured these things out sooner. She still regretted not apologizing to you face to face. She said she could only do it by visiting your grave. She said she made a habit of going once a month. Your mother had mentioned this as well. That someone was always cleaning your gravestone."

"I see…." It was weird talking about my own death. But I guess this was something one would need to get used to. "I am glad she was able to straighten her life out. Being able to do so is a good thing. At least she did not fall into drugs or end up in jail for life."

"That is true. Although if you think about it, that is now basically my life up until now." Jen\'s lonely expression almost made me tear up. I hugged her tightly and closed my eyes. "You will no longer be alone. You can live with me in my house for the time being until I need to head off to deal with a few things."

"Deal with a few things?" Jen asked in confusion.

"You heard it and felt it, right?" I know everyone at least felt the earthquake.

"Yeah, so what was that?" Jen looked a little worried. Which I do not blame her. This world was full of all possibilities that one would not be able to even dream of being a reality back on Earth.

"It\'s called a Doom Bringer. And from what I know, it is very powerful. In ten years\' time, we will have to fight a battle like no other. And I will be at the front." I explained lightly.

"Why you!?" Jen cried out. "Faith, why do you always put yourself in harm\'s way? Why must it be you!? You always do this! Just like the time you protected me!"

"Jen…." I saw her tearing up, and it made me start to feel bad. "It\'s because I am the only one powerful enough to deal with it. You will understand what I mean as time goes on."

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