Young Master in the Apocalypse

Chapter 73 - Arkhangelsk


While perched above snowy hills, the group could see one of Russia\'s northernmost cities in the distance.

It was situated on both banks of the Northern Dvina, near the point at which it emptied into the arctic White Sea. The city extended for more than 25 miles along the banks of the river and the numerous islands that made up its delta region.

While the city itself appeared to be dead as if it had been abandoned from afar, there was one particular island separated by the river that seemed to have civilization on it.

The island had a complete perimeter wall with electricity and guards. Not only that, but there were also natural barriers of the river on two sides with a bridge connecting both sides, safeguarding this fortification. Even from the distance, it was clear that it was impressively secure.

However, Viktor was not sure if he should pass through this particular island or go around the perimeter of it.

Viktor did not bother hiding his hesitance, so it was easy for the group to see that he was considering his option.

Following the direction of his sight, one of his bodyguards, Boris, also fell into thought.

"Young master, is the bunker located in the city?" the bodyguard asked after thinking for a moment.

"No, the location is on one of the islands near the white sea."

"Young master, I believe the entire river and sea are frozen during this month of the year. It is possible that we\'ll be able to simply walk over to the specified island," Boris voiced his thought, hoping that it might ease his young master\'s decision-making.

"That\'s true, but in a few months, we might find ourselves trapped on the island without a boat. Not to mention, don\'t you think we should at least be acquainted with our next-door neighbor?"

Previously, Viktor was fine just spending his days in the new bunker, but after witnessing the reality of the world, reality hit him hard.

There was no way he could remain hidden. If he did, while he might be able to stay alive for a while, he would be left behind more the longer he stayed. At that point, the dangers they would need to face would not only be from those mutated and abyss creatures.

As a result, he decided to take a small risk and get to know the people of this settlement first and foremost.

Well, there was also the matter of how it was already dark. Knowing that there would be creatures lurking, he would much rather be inside that wall than outside surrounded by unknown dangers.

"I guess it\'s decided then."

After giving everyone a simple briefing of what to say and not to say and instructing the Djinn to disappear into the lamp, the group began walking toward the bridge.

The bridge in front of them was a 200-meter long and 20-meter wide road bridge generally used to allow cars to access the city, so although it had some mess, the road was still quite smooth.

When they all began walking on top of the bridge while gazing at the frozen river down below and the walled island in the distance, multiple lights suddenly shone in front of them.

Before they could take a closer look at the source of those lights, a man from that direction shouted.

"Walk slowly, all hands in the air!!"

In the foreground, Viktor walked with two bodyguards by his side, while Barry and Eva walked towards the rear. Following the man\'s demand, Viktor raised his hands high for them to see, and the group followed suit.

He did not want to alarm the other party and make them consider him and his companions a threat.

After the group crossed two-thirds of the way, The man shouted once again.

"That\'s close enough! Clearly state your identities and your business in Arkhangelsk!"

"I am Viktor, and these are my companions. We are not aiming to cause trouble… all we are searching for is a shelter to stay in."

It did not take long for an answer to be provided. However, their response was not as they hoped.

"Turn around, we do not accept strangers on our premises! Find another shelter!"

Viktor had contemplated the situation and had chosen to go with his plan, instructing Eva and Barry to slowly move next to him.

"Please understand that we have women and children here, and that we mean no harm."

"Who are you trying to deceive! That is not a child! Just... go back to where you came from!!"


Well, Barry was 15, so he could be said as a child. It was worth a shot.

Not willing to give up, Viktor added with a slightly desperate tone, "Please, we are only trying to stay alive..."

He was still observing the other party when all of a sudden, the Djinn\'s voice sounded in his mind.

<Bad news… a horde of abyss creatures are approaching from behind.>

\'What the f**k!?\'

It only took a few seconds before everyone heard the distant noises. If he wanted to run, this would be the perfect time to do so.

However, he quietly asked the Djinn about the people inside the walls. After a very brief moment, the Djinn said that there were more than 200 people with fewer of them above the mortal realm. This meant that this town was really a settlement for people young and old.

With this thought, he believed they would not let him die outside the wall.

Viktor once again shouted.

"Please! If you don\'t let us in, we will all die! We will leave in the morning if you don\'t believe us, but please! Let us in for tonight!"

This time, the man on the other side did not respond. Although it would normally mean something good, Viktor could already feel the bridge trembling. Not only that, but he could even hear the sound of flapping wings.

He was about to prepare himself for a fight when all of a sudden, the steel gate in front of him opened.

All five quickly rushed inside, and the gate was closed the moment they entered. Still, Viktor was worried about the horde right behind them. Among them, there were also the flying gargoyles.

He was quickly thinking of a countermeasure just in case when to his surprise, just as the steel gate was closed, a bright light suddenly covered the air just above the gate, enveloping the whole settlement like a light dome.

This time, Viktor could not contain his thought.

"What the f**k is that!?"

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