Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain

Chapter 154 I Feel A Bit Cold

"Hm… my thoughts seem to be changing." Laylah muttered as she walked: "Before, I felt that only bad people killed people."

"But now, I feel that killing bad guys is my job."

"My thoughts are changing, could it be… am I escaping from what the enigma in Hikaru\'s words wrote down?"

"It seems… This is really my personality. If I hadn\'t met Hikaru, maybe I would still be a police officer acting for justice."

"If that\'s the case… I wouldn\'t see Alisse again."

"Sigh, okay. Laylah, you don\'t need to think too much. You have been thinking for more than 25 years, now, you just need to rely on others."

Laylah thought to herself. At this moment, she suddenly remembered Hikaru\'s image and the feeling of being protected by him.

"It seems… being protected by others is an extremely warm and safe feeling."

"Don\'t let him fool you…" Suddenly, a voice rang out in Laylah\'s head, startling her.

"Heh?! Who? Who is speaking."

"Don\'t search for me…" That voice rang out again.

At this moment, Laylah frowned because she realized that the voice was exactly like hers.

What was even more horrifying was that the voice came from inside her head.

"I am you in the future."

"Me in the future?"

"That\'s right."

"Hahaha…" Laylah suddenly laughed loudly: "So… future me… why are you here?"

"Sigh…" Laylah of the future suddenly sighed: "I was killed by Hikaru in the future, luckily I have an item that can help me save my soul and return to the past."

"However, it only has that function, so I cannot resurrect myself or do anything else."

"The only thing I can do is communicate with you, help you kill Hikaru, and avenge us."

"Us?" Laylah smiled and said: "It seems… the god that Hikaru mentioned has begun to act. You say you are the future me, but it seems your personality is not like mine."

"Don\'t think too much." Future Laylah spoke up: "I am truly you. Through many events in the future, my personality has changed a lot, so it\'s no longer like yours."

"Oh!" Laylah suddenly smiled contemptuously: "So... can you tell me why Hikaru killed me and how?"

"I can\'t say it, it\'s taboo. If I speak, the existence that created this world will pay attention to us." Future Laylah said, her voice filled with desperation.

"Ah! You can\'t say it, so what evidence is there to prove that you were killed by Hikaru?"

"I\'m just a soul hiding inside your body, isn\'t that enough for you to trust me?"

"The me of the future… You also know what our personalities are like. If you don\'t have enough evidence to convince me, do you think I can trust you?

"Sigh, I have no way to prove it but I hope you can trust me." Future Laylah said: "The only thing I can tell you is… Hikaru will become your enemy."

"Will he become my enemy instead of my boyfriend?"

Future Laylah: "…"

"Are you crazy? Why would he become your boyfriend? What the hell are you thinking?"

"Heh?! So… in the future, when will he and I become enemies?"

Future Laylah explains: "After the apocalypse started, I also thought he was my ally, and that he would help me find Alisse. However, it was all a  lie."

"He used me to kill Rayze. During the fight between me and Rayze, even though I was able to kill Rayze, I was also seriously injured."

"Hikaru then took advantage of that moment to kill me. Luckily at that time my strength was enough to help me escape."

"During the time I was hiding, I was constantly being chased by him. It seems that he knew the Future, so no matter where I hid, he would find me."

"I… Okay, I can only say this much. Laylah, time is running out, I will help you awaken your superpowers and reach tier E."

"That way, you can kill Hikaru before he becomes stronger than you."

Laylah listened to her future self, and thought about many things. However, those thoughts only crossed her mind for a few seconds.

Presently Laylah found a chair on the side of the road. She brushed the snow off the chair and sat down, she then said to her future self: "You said... Hikaru killed me after I killed Rayze, right?"

"That\'s right."

"So… at that time, how far had my power reached?"

"Tier E."

"Tiers are calculated based on what?"

Future Laylah explained: "Based on each person\'s ability to control superpowers. For example, when I awakened my superpower, at that time, my tier was F and I could only create a tornado to knock the zombies away."

"Tier F is the starting Tier, at this level super powers have almost no attack ability."

"When I reached Tier F+, I had the ability to attack, but it was not too strong."

"It was only when I evolved to Tier E,  that my power  reached a new level. At this time I could destroy enemies from afar with a wind blade."

"However, to be able to evolve to Tier E, you need a lot of energy crystals. Besides, you also need to…"

"Wait!" Laylah suddenly spoke up, interrupting future Laylah\'s words: "It seems you are misunderstanding something."

"Heh?! What do you mean?" Future Laylah felt confused.

Laylah didn\'t say much right now, she suddenly raised her hand, and a blast of wind shot from her hand.

That wind had a semicircle shape, and it rushed at an extremely terrifying speed.


The sound of howling wind rang out, and the concrete electric pole in the distance was immediately severed, and it fell to the ground.

Future Laylah: "…"

"You…you…how can you be this strong. Wait! Maybe I came to the wrong time? What day is it now?

"It is the 4th day after the apocalypse began."

"What the hell? Day 4, are you already this strong? Your power has definitely reached Tier E."

"Tier E? Probably so."

"You… How can you evolve so quickly? Did something happen?"

Laylah shrugged: "My current superpowers are thanks to Hikaru who helped me get them."

Future Laylah: "…"

"You… you said… Hikaru helped you get super powers like this?"

"That\'s right. Surprised? Hahahaha…"

"You… don\'t joke with me, how can he help you awaken your super powers?"

"I have no reason to lie to you. Reality has proven that my current superpowers were all thanks to Hikaru helping me get them."

Future Laylah was silent, it was as if she couldn\'t believe what was going on.

"Are you telling the truth? He helped you awaken your super powers?

"That\'s right."

Future Laylah took a deep breath, and she felt that what she had just heard was the most absurd thing.

"I… you…"

"Hm…" Present Laylah suddenly frowned and said: "Are you… really the future me? It seems that what you said and what is happening are completely different."

"I… I am of course you from the future. But… I don\'t understand why things changed like this."

"I think Hikaru is planning something, you can\'t trust him. Even though he helped you awaken your superpowers, it was only because he wanted to take advantage of you."

"Trust me. I have experienced the feeling of being used and betrayed by him, so I understand very well what he is trying to do by helping you awaken your super powers."

"Laylah, your power has now reached Tier E, so we can kill him easily."

Hearing that, Laylah felt a bit amused: "Hahaha... are you sure that I can kill him?"

"That\'s right." Future Laylah said: "Hikaru doesn\'t have any special superpowers other than the ability to enhance his physical strength. With your current strength, you are capable of killing him easily."

Laylah laughed loudly: "Hahahaha… you amuse me. Laylah from the future, it seems you came to the wrong world."

"What did you say?!" Future Laylah felt confused.

"Laylah!" Suddenly, a voice rang out in the distance.

Laylah raised her head and immediately saw Hikaru standing in the distance looking at her: "What are you doing here?"

Hearing Hikaru\'s question, Laylah smiled and replied: "I\'m looking at the snow. Don\'t you find it very interesting?"

"The streets have never been so empty, there is no one, and the heavy snowfall is turning this place white."

"It\'s very beautiful, and romantic, right?"

Hikaru looked around, as expected this scene was a bit strange but also quite romantic.

The Zombies were all frozen, and humanity was trying to hide in safe places.

This street used to be very crowded, as every hour there were thousands of people circulating on the road.

However, currently there was no one on the road. Only corpses and severely damaged cars remained.

But... Since it snowed a lot, the snow quickly covered those ugly things, making the street look much cleaner.

"I don\'t think you came here just to watch the snow fall." Hikaru said, his voice extremely calm.

Laylah nodded: "Yes, I came here to kill people."

"Are you done killing them?"

"Um… why didn\'t you ask who I came to kill?"

"This place is near the supermarket where we met Kateb. Even if you don\'t tell me, I know who you came to kill."

"Heh?! It seems you understand me very well."

Hikaru shrugged: "Enough to be able to stay by your side without worrying about being stabbed in the back."

"Hehehe… I won\'t do that."

"I don\'t think you would do that either." Hikaru didn\'t wait for Laylah\'s permission, as he came closer and sat next to him.

"Laylah!" Future Laylah suddenly shouted: "This is a good opportunity, kill him. Right now, kill him. Even if you cannot kill him, you must let him lose an arm or leg."

At this moment, Laylah suddenly glanced at Hikaru, she then reached out and grabbed his hand.

Hikaru looked a little surprised at Laylah\'s action, she smiled again and said: "I feel a bit cold..."

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