QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 123 Who Let The Zombies Out 30

He Yuan rushed over to the wall with the various former base leaders behind him. The inhabitants of the base who were incapable of fighting for various reasons were moved into the inner wall in an orderly manner.

Although a lot of them were panicking, the calm states of the new humans reassured them greatly and helped in calming them down. He Yuan was very satisfied. The new humans were just wonderful, being able to execute his orders perfectly at a moment like this.

The former base leaders of the newly merged bases were also quite awed. A lot of them might have grudges with the new humans but at this time, they were quite satisfied.

He Yuan arrived at the outer wall, his own army of both new and old humans right at the entrance waiting for command to rush out and tear those human-zombie freaks to shreds. A lot of then had lost their bases and their lives that had slowly begun to steady after over three years was gone. Just like that.

[Update.] He Yuan projected into 888\'s mind as he climbed the staircase leading to the top of the wall.

[Well they\'re right outside the wall but, for some reason, they\'re not making a move. Just standing there and staring. Oh and the former base leader of the military base is with them too. Quick warning though, try not to throw up because these monsters look pretty gruesome.]

He Yuan scoffed. Although, he had the new humans trail the monsters, they\'d never actually run into them as the monsters always slipped away before his team could arrive -something that he was now certain had to do with the dimension ability of the former base leader of the military base.

He had received reports from survivors of exterminated bases of what the monsters looked like but since he didn\'t make it a habit to slip his energy into the minds of people and try to siphon their memories, he had no idea of what the monsters truly looked like.

[I\'ve seen zombies at their worst how bad could those monsters possibly look?]

888 choose to remain silent and let his host see for himself.




"UCK... UGH!"

As soon as He Yuan made it to the top of the wall, he almost threw up on himself. He was wrong. So wrong. These monsters were much worse than he\'d imagined. He\'d expected them to look a \'right-side-zombie-left-side-human\' kind of way but they did not. They did not at all!

These snarling monsters were almost 2 ft tall and had arms and legs growing out of their backs, stomachs and heads! He could understand why they were called human-zombies because some parts of them were rotting and infested with maggots whilst other parts were as smooth as a new born.

How was this even possible?! Du Jian was really the special one wasn\'t he?! Just look at how these things freaking looked! They were defying all laws of nature by their mere existence!

He Yuan was also aware of their most \'outstanding\' trait and that was the fact that each one of these misshapen monsters that numbered close to a thousand were capable of activating the abilities of both their human and zombie counterparts.

Meaning that they all had two abilities each! With their size alone, three normal humans would be needed to defeat one but adding their abilities, it would take one new human and a normal human to defeat one.

As soon as Du Jian realized that He Yuan was present, he moved away his eyes -which had been visually stripping 888- and focused them on his twin brother. He\'d heard from Lu Ming about how Du Ling had been sleeping with Ren.

A man which he, Du Jian, considered his had been touched inappropriately by that idiot brother of his. He was going to kill him in the most gruesome way possible!

Lu Ming finally relaxed his shoulders when Du Jian looked away from 888. He was so angry. He really hated that seducer. When his plan in the military base had failed, he\'d escaped away with the base leader and after searching for over a month, they finally ran into Du Jian.

Du Jian was all he had left and after he had joined his boyfriend on his quest to take over the country by force, there was no going back for him. If Du Jian did not succeed then he was doomed but seeing as his boyfriend\'s creations were such gruesome masterpieces of pure power, there was nothing to worry about.

In fact, he felt good. Really good. His first suggestion had been to go back and destroy the military base and all the idiotic traitors within but apparently, Du Ling had stationed a section of the army of his proclaimed \'new humans\' there.

Whilst Du Jian\'s army would be able to tear through the little new human army quite easily, it wouldn\'t be without a loss as the success rate of his creations was quite small and he wanted to take down Du Ling\'s main army first.

Lu Ming tried not to think of the fact that Du Jian was probably in a hurry to defeat Du Ling because he felt affronted by the fact that Ren had chosen to sleep with his twin brother after rejecting him for so long.

Du Jian\'s eyes trailed over to 888 and he projected into the mind of the silver haired man. [Come here.]

888 felt a huge headache. Du Jian\'s psychic ability was usually not strong enough to affect him but at this moment, he felt a huge pressure tearing his mind apart.

He Yuan quickly noticed 888\'s peculiar state and blasted his own energy into Du Jian\'s mind. The man grunted a bit and quit his compulsion on 888 but, otherwise, he seemed fine. He Yuan raised a brow at that.

His psychic ability was probably the strongest in this realm owing to his unique milky white core and with the amount he\'d forced into Du Jian\'s mind, the man should\'ve collapsed.

Just what had Du Jian done?

He Yuan looked over the smug Du Jian. The man was wearing a black cloak that covered every part of his body except his head and that was all. There was nothing that stood out.

What exactly had Du Jian done to improve his ability so much and how exactly was he able to create these human-zombies?

Next, He Yuan tried to slip his energy into the mind of one of the human-zombie. He was blocked. Something was blocking him and that something felt a lot like Du Jian\'s energy. He tried the same thing with several other human-zombies but was met with the same block.

His eyes widened when the realization hit him. Du Jian was mind controlling each and every one of the almost-a-thousand human-zombie monster army!

Compulsion and mind control were two completely different things. With compulsion, it was possible to interact with thousands at once as all you had to do is leave a message and have them carry it out. For mind control, the recipients were more like dolls.

You have to actively pull their strings. It was impossible for Du Jian to be able to actively mind control this much amount of monsters. The combination of both the human and zombie energies was more than enough to fry his brain and yet, here he was....

There was no way Du Jian was normal. Was this the true power of the special ones? Even when his luck had practically been siphoned out of him he still had enough juice in him to pull off such a stunt!

Du Jian eyed 888 dangerously. "Don\'t make me repeat myself."

A lot of people who had no idea about the confrontation that just went on in the minds of the three men all looked at Du Jian like he was crazy but the man didn\'t mind one bit.

He Yuan stepped forward a bit and blocked 888\'s smaller frame with his taller one. "You\'d have to be dreaming if you think for one second that he would be stupid enough to go to you."

This officially angered Du Jian. "TEAR THE WALL DOWN," He angrily commanded.







The human-zombies began attacking the wall of the base.

"Tear them apart!" He Yuan calmly commanded and the fight officially began.




The earth ability users lowered parts of the wall where it was safest and the inhabitants of the base slipped out and began attacking the human-zombies.

The front of the new humam base soon became a mess of blood and limbs. He Yuan, 888 and the base leaders also rushed down to join the fight.

As soon as 888 landed, Lu Ming rushed over to him and began sending him sharp shards of ice. 888 dodged effortlessly and retuned the favour with numerous bullets.

Du Jian noticed Lu Ming\'s behaviour and shouted. "Lu Ming! What are you doing?!" When Lu Ming ignored him and kept on attacking 888, Du Jian blasted his mind with his energy which caused the man to fly a few steps away.

888 was about to follow with a rain of bullets when a human-zombie appeared before him. He teemed up with a new human and focused on the human-zombie instead.

Du Jian tsked, he was about to command the human zombie to avoid 888 when He Yuan suddenly appeared before him and started firing bullets at him at the same time as blasting his mind with energy.

Lu Ming saw that Du Jian was preoccupied and was about to rush over to 888 when a new human intercepted him. He tsked and focused on fighting the new human.

The former base leader of the military base was held off by a bunch of base leaders and he couldn\'t find the opportunity to go to Du Jian so he angrily transported all sorts of heavy objects from different places to crush the angry men before him.












The entire surroundings was filled with sounds of intense fighting and the vomit inducing smell of rot mixed with copious amounts of blood.

When Du Jian saw how well the inhabitants of the new human base were holding up, coupled with how He Yuan didn\'t seem to lose terribly in the face of his might, he became even angrier and took off his cloak.

He Yuan\'s eyes widened at what he saw. Du Jian had four arms. Two extending from the space underneath his first pair of arms. He used the moment when the man was distracted to slip his energy into the man\'s mind and he realized that Du Jian\'s body was filled with numerous muddy cores.

He Yuan had no idea how he\'d done it but Du Jian had been extracting the cores out of both humans and zombies alike!

Lu Ming managed to slip away from the new human and caught sight of Du Jian taking off his cloak. His eyes inadvertently trailed to the man\'s manhood region. The others were not aware but Du Jian\'s arms were not the only things that had doubled from his mutation.

Him, Lu Ming, had felt the full force of Du Jian\'s double mutation in bed and it needed the blessing of the Gods to be able to withstand.

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