Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 311 Misunderstanding the unforseen tragedy?

Chapter 311 Misunderstanding the unforseen tragedy?

Isadora Interlude Arc


(POV: Akashic Records)

Several years had passed, allowing Belram and Isadora to grow closer and share their dreams and aspirations. It was a serene day, the sun casting a warm golden glow upon the grand balcony of Belram\'s manor, as they observed the bustling activities of the demons below.

Belram smiled gently as he turned to Isadora. "You know, Leya, I hope that one day I can extend my help to humans, just as I do for demons," he confessed.

Isadora\'s gaze shifted from the bustling scene to Belram.

"I\'ve been meaning to ask you about that," she admitted.

A quizzical expression danced across Belram\'s face. "Huh, ask me about what?" he inquired, scratching his head slightly, his blue eyes searching hers.

With a thoughtful look, she proceeded.

"It\'s about your appearance," she began delicately. "I understand that higher-ranking demons usually bear a striking resemblance to humans, but you... well, you seem to resemble a human more than most."

Belram\'s eyebrows arched in surprise, a gentle chuckle escaping his lips. "Ah, I can\'t believe I haven\'t told you yet," he confessed. "You see, my mother was human, and my father was a demon."

It made complete sense to her now.

"So, you\'re some sort of hybrid?" she asked.

Belram nodded.

"Yes, I am," he affirmed. "I understand that the notion of demons and humans intermingling isn\'t widely accepted, but I\'m doing my best to challenge that perception."

"Challenge it?"

Leaning closer, Belram\'s tone turned earnest.

"We may be in a time of peace with other continents, but this peace doesn\'t necessarily mean that races truly embrace one another. Deep down, there exists a reluctance and unease... What I\'m trying to do, is to make a world where everyone is equal regardless of status, race or talent..."

Isadora placed a hand over her mouth. "Equal? You\'re kidding..."

"Well, it is possible..."

The seriousness in his eyes was proof that he really did believe it was possible.

He knew his status currently was small, but he didn\'t base his influence and success on simply status. He had people who could help him reach out to the world, and all he needed to do was request their aid.

Isadora\'s fingers danced across her chin.

She took the time to think about what he was saying.

"I have to admit, this notion of equality you speak of seems rather far-fetched. Like yunno, stupid..."

"Huh?" Belram\'s eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"The truth is, very few individuals really give a damn about the idea of equality."

Belram\'s head sank lower, a faint chuckle escaping his lips.

Raising his eyes to meet hers again, he posed a scenario.

"Alright, I have a fun question for you.."

"Hit it..."

"Suppose you had two children. One possesses zero talent for magic but brims with intellect, while the other possesses great magical aptitude but scarce intelligence. And you find yourself on the brink of financial ruin, unable to afford schooling for both. Who would you choose to send to Aldnoah Magic University?"

Isadora didn\'t waste time to produce an answer.

"Easy, I\'d go with the child with high magical talent, because the intelligent one could probably forge their own path without relying on magic."

"Ah, typical, have you truly considered the most vital aspect of this question?" he mused. "Did you bother asking which of the children even want to join the university?"

Isadora\'s brow furrowed. A frown appeared on her face.

"No, but... But you didn\'t include that in the question," she retorted.

Placing his hands on his waist he clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"Tsk, Tsk... That sounds like sore loser talk to me..."

"You..." Isadora instantly got triggered.

Belram laughed. "Alright, alright, I\'ll talk..." he raised his hands in submission.

"Whatever," Isadora rolled her eyes.

"What I mean is, people don\'t really care about certain matters unless they\'re placed in a grand context. Perhaps, for now, equality may seem trivial to the world, but if we illuminate it with a brighter light, I believe they can come to embrace it."

A yawn erupted from Isadora, clues of fatigue tugging at her weary frame. "So, in summary," she mumbled, exhaustion pulling against her words.

"In summary, it isn\'t impossible... It\'s completely possible..."

"Sure, if you say so."

"And I know with you, I can achieve that..." he smiled at Isadora.

Isadora\'s cheeks turned a bit red.


Isadora assisted Belram in his pursuit of equality, accompanying him on visits to the Human Continent. Despite facing animosity from many humans and his own maternal family due to his progressive ideas, Belram remained undeterred. Isadora supported him for two months until their arrival in the Berijin territory, when Belram suddenly collapsed.

Isadora cradled Belram\'s limp body.

"Belram, are you alright?" worry was in her voice.

Belram\'s coughs increased, leaving him gasping for breath, unable to respond.

Panic welled up within Isadora, "I\'ll get you some water!"

But he weakly grasped her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.

"No...water," Belram managed to rasp out with a strained voice.

Isadora\'s eyes widened with fear as she watched him continue to cough, blood staining his lips.

Confusion swirled in her mind, and she desperately searched for answers. "Why\'s this happening?" she asked herself silently.

Belram\'s coughs grew worse, and he struggled to speak, his words punctuated by bursts of blood. "It\'s because of... the Skill Trade," he explained.

She was getting too powerful for him to keep as a subordinate.

Isadora\'s hand instinctively flew to her mouth.

"So... I... I was the one who killed you..." she stuttered, tears welling up in her eyes.

Belram shook his head weakly.

"No, Leya... you mustn\'t think of it like that," he managed to murmur.

Tears streamed down Isadora\'s face as she gently caressed his cheek. "But it is. It\'s all my fault," she sobbed.

Belram\'s coughs intensified, blood pooling around his lips, yet he mustered the strength to speak once again.

He reached out to Isadora, his touch weak but comforting.

"Please... don\'t cry," he whispered, a sad smile tugging at his lips. "It doesn\'t suit you."

Unable to control her sorrow any longer, Isadora\'s sobs grew louder, her body trembling with grief. "Why shouldn\'t I cry?" she wailed. "All of this... it\'s because of me!"

He gently shook his head. "No... It\'s not..."

Several strained coughs choked Isadora as she cried.


"Y... Yeah..." she sobbed.

"Could you do one last thing for me..."


"Your real name... What is it?"

Isadora hesitated for a moment. "You... you already knew?" she whispered.

Belram nodded softly, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Yes, I knew, but I understood that you didn\'t trust me enough then," he replied. "But I hope you do now?"

Isadora took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

She nodded slowly, looking into Belram\'s eyes. "My real name... is Isadora," she said.

"Isadora..." Belram repeated. "That\'s a beautiful..."

And then, the air suddenly felt heavy, and their world seemed to freeze. Belram coughed violently, blood staining his lips, his body trembling in pain.

"Bel! Bel!" Isadora called his name, panic rising within her.

But there was no response.

Belram\'s eyes grew lifeless, his body limp in her arms.

He was gone.

Isadora could hardly comprehend what had just happened. Devastation washed over her, and she buried her head into Belram\'s lifeless body, her tears pouring like a never-ending river. She clutched him tightly, as if holding on to a fading memory.

Amidst her grief, one of Belram\'s demon subordinates stumbled upon the scene. His eyes widened, and he stammered. "Y... Y... You killed him... You killed... Lord Belram..."

Isadora\'s head snapped up, her tear-stained face filled with anguish. "No!" she cried out, her voice shaking with pain. "It wasn\'t like that... I didn\'t know... I didn\'t know it would... kill him..."

The demon subordinate\'s fear turned to anger, and without a second thought, he fled, returning moments later with a group of furious demons, intent on avenging their fallen lord. But when they arrived, Isadora was nowhere to be found.

High above in the darkened skies, Isadora flew, her hands trembling as she covered her mouth to stifle her cries.

"I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry..."

She said this endlessly, as she flew out of the Demon Continent.

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