Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 151 Early morning... problematic breakfast? (R-18)

Chapter 151 Early morning... problematic breakfast? (R-18)

(POV: Lumiere)


The scent of fresh bread and eggs wafted through the air, mingling with the fragrant aroma of herbal tea. Serena, Stellaria, Fasit, Mimosa, Isadora, and I sat around a small wooden table outside a cabin crafted by Beorn.

As I settled into my seat, positioned between Isadora and Serena, a gentle smile danced upon my lips.

Serena, with her enchanting grace, delicately speared a succulent piece of meat with her fork and brought it to my lips.

"Say \'ahhh\' my love."


I parted them slightly, allowing the morsel to enter my mouth, savoring the tender flavors that exploded upon my tongue.

Serena\'s eyes sparkled with anticipation as she asked, "Is it to your liking, my love?"

My voice touched with adoration, I replied, "It\'s awesome."

"I still feel it can be better," Serena?s cheeks were a bit red.

Fasit giggled. "I honestly believe your culinary skills are perfect, Lady Serena."

"Perfect isn\'t enough for my beloved."

"Eh, but it is," I murmured, chewing the meat.

"You see? He says it isn\'t," Serena gently bit the tip of the fork.

"Did he?" said Mimosa, quietly nibbling her bread.

Isadora leaned closer, her gaze fixed upon my lips. "Darling," she whispered, her voice a delicate melody. "You have a tiny stain on your lip."


Before I could react, Isadora took hold of my face, her touch sending shivers down my spine. With her mischievous gaze, her seductive tongue extended, caressing the edge of my lip with gentle strokes, erasing the wayward mark. As she withdrew her tongue, a satisfied smile graced her lips. "Mmm, simply delicious," she murmured.

Across the table, Stellaria watched our exchange, her eyes filled with amusement but also a hint of longing. With a playful roll of her eyes, she interjected, "Oh, come on, why am I not sitting next to you, Lumiere?" Her tone carried a mixture of mirth and desire.

Serena responded with a confident yet tender tone, her words embracing possessiveness and devotion.

"Big sister, Isadora and I are bound to our beloved. We share an intimate connection that surpasses mere desires. You, my dear, have yet to engage a contract with my lord."

Stellaria\'s calm demeanor always belied the fiery desire that flickered in her eyes. "We\'ll have to make the contract soon," she said, her voice dripping with seduction.

My throat suddenly felt dry, why did she have to make everything sound sexy?

However, I managed to nod in response.

"Maybe after breakfast," I offered, hoping that the cool morning air would help quell the heat building between us.

Stellaria, however, had other plans in mind.

"Let\'s do it at night," she purred, a sly smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "And afterward, I can have a taste of your hot liquid."

Mimosa raised an eyebrow. "Hot liquid?"

Stellaria\'s smirk widened.

"By that, I mean his manly yogurt," she replied unabashedly, her words sizzling with innuendo. I felt a jolt of electricity race through my body, my mind reeling from the explicit imagery her words evoked.

As if the air itself had become charged with palpable tension, Stellaria\'s legs, adorned with snug socks, subtly moved beneath the table. Her foot grazed against my crotch, a gentle brush against the tip of my cock. The shock of her touch rippled through me, causing me to vibrate momentarily.

Isadora, her perceptive gaze fixed upon me, interrupted my inner turmoil.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I\'m fine," I murmured, my eyes never leaving Stellaria\'s captivating gaze.

Fasit, ever observant, leaned closer to me.

"You don\'t look fine," she remarked.

Panic threatened to bubble up within me, but I quelled it with all my might.

"It\'s nothing," I replied too quickly, hoping to divert their attention.

"Really?" Serena asked.

"Y-yeah!" I said.

But Stellaria had other ideas. With a devilish gleam in her eyes, she unleashed her sensual assault once more.

Her leg moved with practiced ease, gently stroking my aroused crotch. Her toes made subtle contact with the area where my cock stirred, hardening against my will.

I shifted my chair slightly backwards to break the contact.


Now I could focus.

Stellaria, who was gently licking her index finger erotically, sighed.

"You\'re no fun," she said.

"I need some more tea," I muttered, attempting to divert my attention from Stellaria\'s scandalous advances. But before I could even finish my sentence, Umbra materialized at my side like a phantom, swiftly pouring a fresh cup of herbal tea for me. "At your service," he said with a mysterious smile, his voice carried a certain charm.

I returned the smile and offered a grateful nod. "Capable as always, Umbra," I replied, savoring the aroma of the steaming tea as it enveloped me.

Mimosa turned her attention to Fasit, her gaze filled with curiosity.

"Weren\'t you going to tell him about what we discussed yesterday?" she asked.

"Huh?" I said.

Serena chimed in. "What\'d you mean?" she inquired, leaning in closer to catch the details.

Mimosa leaned back in her chair.

"It\'s about the power gap in the Silva Citadel," she revealed.

"Power gap?" I echoed, my eyebrows raising in surprise.

Fasit exhaled a heavy sigh.

"Some of the minotaurs and grygans are a bit sad."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"They\'ve seen how much some have grown stronger than the others, and it\'s demoralized them."

Stellaria, never one to hold back her blunt opinions, cut in with her own question.

"What, are they seriously hurting because they\'re weak?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Well, that\'s another way to put it."

Fasit tilted her head down slightly, acknowledging the accuracy of Stellaria\'s statement.

"Stellaria!" Serena chided her.

"What... I was just saying the truth," she smiled sheepishly.

"Regardless, I agree with Stellaria," Isadora shrugged. "Being weak isn\'t an excuse for depression. Instead, they should focus on finding ways to become stronger."

Stellaria smirked triumphantly.

Isadora let out a weary sigh.

"I can\'t believe we\'re actually agreeing on something," she muttered, her gaze fixed on Stellaria.

Stellaria chuckled and replied, "Well, let\'s just say you\'re finally getting smart."

Upon hearing those words, Serena and I froze in our seats, our eyes darting between Isadora and Stellaria. Almost in perfect sync, we shifted slightly, preparing ourselves for a potential fight to break out. Isadora, calmly composed, gently wiped her mouth with a small kerchief and quipped, "Is that your attempt at a compliment? You know, for a grandma, you\'re not doing so bad yourself."

Grandma... well technically, Stellaria was a grandma. I mean she\'s 4,000 years old after all.

Stellaria, seemingly unfazed, continued sipping her tea nonchalantly.

Suddenly, her face froze, her lips pursed tightly.

With a quick snap, she retorted, "Who are you calling grandma, you wannabe succubus?"

Succubus... well technically, Isadora was horny 60% of the time. So, she\'s almost a succubus all in her own.

And just like that, Serena and I scooched even further away from the brewing tension.

Isadora, maintaining her composure, gracefully rose from her seat.

"Shall we take this outside?"

Umbra interjected with a soft, "Oh my."

"Not today," Fasit sipped her tea, her eyes darting around.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I leaned back in my chair, feeling the headache slowly creeping in.

"Come on, guys," I pleaded, my voice filled with exhaustion. "Can we please save the fight for later? It\'s too early for this."

I looked at Isadora, silently pleading for her to relent.

Isadora cleared her throat, her eyes fixed on me.

"For your sake, I won\'t fight her," she conceded graciously.

"Thank goodness," Mimosa murmured in relief.

Stellaria, a sly grin stretching across her face, crossed her legs elegantly.

"Maybe you\'re just scared," she teased.

Isadora closed her eyes momentarily, her fists clenching ever so slightly, clearly trying to resist rising to the bait.

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