Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 140 I’m in the aftermath of it all? (I)

Chapter 140 I\'m in the aftermath of it all? (I)

(POV: Akashic Records)

As the moon shone brightly over the Silva Citadel, the air was filled with joy and merriment. The Central District was a hub of festivities, bustling with grygans and minotaurs who were overjoyed at the return of their ruler, Lumiere. Seated upon a wooden chair, Lumiere was surrounded by his loyal subjects. A delicious aroma wafted through the air, emanating from a wooden plate placed before him.

"Woah!" His eyes gleamed as he picked up the plate and took a bite.

The sight of Lumiere indulging in the dish caused Fasit, our resident buxom lass, to quiver with anticipation. Her breaths quickened, and beads of sweat gathered on her forehead as she awaited Lumiere\'s verdict.

With a mouthful of food, Lumiere paused, letting the suspense build, before he suddenly dropped the plate, startling everyone around him.

"It\'s not good enough is it...?" Fasit asked, disappointed.

Lumiere broke the silence with a booming laugh.


The minotaurs and grygans erupted into a chorus of joyful adoration, showering Lumiere with their praises.


"He likes it!"

"Lord Lumiere\'s so awesome!"

Amidst the laughter and cheers, Lumiere joined in, his contagious giggles spreading like wildfire. Fasit blushed, her breasts heaving with a mix of relief and delight at Lumiere\'s endorsement.

In the midst of the lively festivities, the mugs of beer flowed freely through the hands of the gathered crowd.

Lumiere sauntered over to where Isadora, Serena, Lirien, Mimosa, Mojito, Martini, and Thrain sat, all thoroughly enjoying their brews.

Lumiere tucked his hands casually into his pockets.

"Wow Mimosa, I can\'t believe you actually made our own brand of beer!" he exclaimed, a mix of astonishment and excitement evident in his voice.

Mojito, unable to contain his laughter, slapped Mimosa on the back, nearly causing her to spill her drink.

"You\'re a genius, Mimosa!" he bellowed, his voice ricocheting through the air.

Mimosa, her cheeks flushed, playfully scolded Mojito, "You reek of alcohol Mojito."

Proudly, Mojito chuckled and remarked, "Nah, I smell like roses, darling!"

Martini?s face graced with a contemplative expression, took a long sip of his beer, his silence speaking volumes. "Idiot," he muttered under his breath.

Curiosity piqued, Lumiere leaned in closer to Mimosa. "So, how\'d you make it?"

"Well, by manipulating natural elements like water, grains, hops, and yeast, I managed to accelerate the brewing time and produce a beer of exceptional quality. The secret ingredients were the spells I used to purify the water, enhance the fermentation process, and infuse unique flavors chosen by Fasit herself." (Mimosa)

As she spoke, there was a twinkle in her eye.

Lumiere\'s eyes widened in awe as he marveled at Mimosa\'s ingenuity.

"You managed to accomplish so much with just the little information I gave you," he marveled.

"I have to do my best for you, Great Lumiere." Mimosa smiled radiantly.

"Mimosa?s most likely the biggest brains when it comes to organic magical products." Serena nodded numerous times.

She wasn\'t drinking.

Isadora, nodding in agreement, added, "Yeah, she might even surpass Fasit when it comes to herbs!"

"Ha~Ha~ I... I don\'t think so." Mimosa?s pointy ears twitched as she scratched her silky white hair.

Mojito gently hit his mug against hers, "You should have more faith, Mimosa."

"Indeed!" Thrain shouted filling his mouth with beer.

Lumiere observed Lirien, his eyes narrowing playfully as he noticed her lackluster enjoyment of the beer in her mug.


He smiled, then, he stood up, stretching his arms as if preparing for a grand performance.

Serena raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued, while Isadora just smiled, knowing what was next.

He walked past his subordinates, deliberately making his way towards Lirien.

Then he sat next to her. "Phew."

She scooched a bit, creating a small distance between them.

Lumiere, undeterred, sat closer.

Lirien scooched again, and again, Lumiere sat closer.

"...Did you enjoy your feast...?" asked Lirien with a dull voice.

"Oh no. I\'m just taking a small break before Fasit tells me to try out something else."

Lirien nodded, her dullness somehow contrasting with Lumiere\'s vibrant energy.

"You know... you look a lot like Isadora from this angle."

"...Our souls briefly fused when Vyndariel dragged us to the Abyss. So, when we took on new forms, similarities were bound to happen..."

"Eh... it was... a compliment..."


Naturally, she missed the point.

Lumiere tapped his chin theatrically, mimicking deep thought, and exclaimed, "Aha! So that\'s why you two share such similar Unique Skills!"

Lirien nodded, her red eyes glinting slightly in interest.

Lirien sighed softly, her voice devoid of any excitement.

"...I envy you, Isadora..."

"Come again?" he asked.

Her tone was too dull.

Lirien repeated her words, her voice still as dull as ever. "I envy Isadora," she murmured, her gaze fixed on the bottom of her almost empty mug. "No matter where she finds herself, she somehow manages to attract the love and attention of many people. Meanwhile, people can barely stand my dull personality."

"You weren\'t so dull when you almost tore me to shreds," he chuckled.

"...sorry..." she offered a quiet apology.

"It\'s fine, really," Lumiere assured her, his playful smile never leaving his lips. He paused for a moment, remembering Isadora and her vibrant persona. "But I have to agree, Isadora\'s a pretty special person. She has this way of attracting attention, maybe because she\'s so... active."

"...Active...?" asked Lirien, eyes dull but curious.

Lumiere blushed, a flush creeping up his cheeks.

"Oh, nevermind that!" he stammered, trying to divert the conversation away from his inappropriate thoughts. "What I mean is, Isadora\'s energy draws people in. She has a certain charm about her."

"...hmm..." Lirien nodded.

Drifting off, his memories of their encounters flooded back, and he spoke without thinking. "Like when she, uh, sucked my... until there was almost nothing left inside," he murmured, staring at the ground.



Lirien blinked, her red eyes flickering with something akin to surprise.

"Um, forget I said that," he managed to squeak out.

"Lirien," he began softly, "I may not know much about you, but one thing I can say with confidence is that you are not as evil as I once believed."

Lirien\'s dull, red eyes flickered with surprise, a glimmer of hope dancing within them.

He shifted a bit closer, his voice filled with sincerity.

"In fact, if anything, I believe you possess the same kindness as Isadora."


"Yes, really. Though I may not have realized it before, you went to great lengths to search the entire demon continent and beyond, all to ensure that Isadora could be reunited with you again."

Lirien\'s gaze softened, a warmth spreading across her normally expressionless face.

"If anything... I\'m jealous of you," he admitted.

"...you are...?"

"Isadora\'s like the sun, her brilliance captivating all who come near. But you, Lirien, you\'re like the moon. Though your radiance may go unnoticed by many, those fortunate enough to witness it appreciate its beauty all the more."

He turned away, his eyes fixed on the moon hanging high in the night sky.

"The moon may not shine as brightly as the sun, but its presence brings a sense of peace and serenity to those who are awake to witness it. And in that way, Lirien, you\'re just as remarkable."

"( ...wow, Isadora really has it nice... )" (Lirien)

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