The villain's side of the novel

Chapter 185 The Destruction Wave

As the knights stood back-to-back, their eyes locked onto the approaching horde of monsters, the towering ice formation provided them temporary shelter. The monsters closed in, their snarls and growls piercing the frigid air, sending shivers down the spines of the brave warriors. The knights braced themselves, gripping their swords tightly, prepared to face the onslaught head-on.

But just as the monsters were about to reach them, a sudden surge of invisible force erupted from the ground with a thunderous rumble, propelling the knights into the sky. Their bodies lifted, defying gravity, as they floated above the frozen landscape. Surprise and confusion painted their faces as they glanced around, searching for the source of this unexpected intervention.

"What is this?" one knight exclaimed, his voice filled with astonishment.

"Look there!" another knight pointed, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and disbelief. "It\'s Master Montaser!"

Their gazes fell upon Montaser, who floated slowly with a cold and determined expression etched upon his face. His forehead bore a radiant symbol, glowing with an otherworldly light, as he harnessed his telekinetic powers to control their flight.

With an air of unwavering determination, Montaser raised his hand high in the air, channeling his immense power. A brilliant surge of energy emanated from his palm, cascading outward like a devastating tidal wave. The wave tore through the landscape, obliterating everything in its path.


The ground shook violently as the wave expanded rapidly, stretching its invisible tendrils in all directions. It swept across the icy terrain, smashing through the massive ice formations that had once stood tall and proud. The structures crumbled, shattered into countless shards that glittered in the air before cascading to the ground.


The wave\'s power pulverized the snow and ice, ripping them from the ground and carrying them away in a chaotic whirlwind. The gusts of wind created by its passing tore at the few remaining structures, sending them toppling and scattering frozen remnants in their wake.

As the wave expanded, it encountered the charging horde of monsters. Caught in the path of destruction, they were buffeted by the invisible force, their grotesque bodies thrown into turmoil. Their snarls and growls turned into howls of agony as they writhed and contorted under the onslaught.

The clash between the wave and the monsters created a spectacle of chaos. The air crackled with energy, and the ground trembled beneath the sheer force of the collision. Ice and snow were thrown into the air, creating a swirling vortex of crystalline particles. The monsters, outmatched and overwhelmed, were forced to yield ground, their frenzied advance halted by the unstoppable surge.

The wave\'s reach was extensive, clearing a path of destruction and providing a temporary respite for the group of knights. It was a testament to Montaser\'s raw power, a display that left the onlookers in awe and the monsters in disarray.

Gazing upon this scene in awe, the group of knights realized the true magnitude of Montaser\'s powers. Horror and relief intertwined in their thoughts as they contemplated what would have befallen them if they had remained on the ground. They finally understood why Montaser had refrained from utilizing his full strength until now.

As the wave completed its destructive path, fading into the distance, the group of monsters rose again from the ground, shaken but undeterred. With renewed fury, they once again dashed forward, determined to reach their floating targets.

Sensing the impending danger, Montaser raised a finger, his eyes locked onto the looming presence of the towering monster in the distance. With a swift motion, he directed his telekinetic force, propelling the knights through the sky at tremendous speed in a synchronized trajectory.


The knights soared through the air like launching missiles, leaving behind a trail of sound and rushing wind. Their armored bodies cut through the icy atmosphere, each knight adjusting their position to maximize their safety.


Below, the monsters roared in frustration, their voices reverberating through the frozen landscape. Their anger and determination fueled their pursuit as they clawed at the ground, desperate to reach their floating targets.

Amidst the floating knights, Montaser led the way, his cold expression unyielding. The glowing rune on his forehead shimmered with ethereal light, illuminating the path ahead. His gaze remained focused, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. He knew that their elevated position had rendered them vulnerable, exposed to potential attacks from the towering monster that watched them from afar.

As they soared, the group maintained their formation, communicating through urgent shouts and gestures. Their voices were carried away by the gusts of wind, mingling with the distant sounds of destruction below. Each knight shared glances of determination and grit, their resolve unbroken even in the face of adversity.

Montaser\'s calculated movements guided their flight, using his telekinetic abilities to steer the group away from potential threats. The whooshing sound of their rapid motion filled the air, blending with the howls and growls of the monsters below.

The frozen expanse spread out beneath them, now appearing serene and distant. The landscape, once filled with monsters and peril, seemed like a miniature replica of their elevated state. The towering ice formations and treacherous cliffs became mere specks in the vastness.

The knights marveled at the sight, taking in the frozen beauty as they continued their high-flying journey. Their minds were focused, their hearts steady, as they prepared for the next stage of their battle against the relentless horde.

After finding a safe area, the group descended from their elevated position, their landing accompanied by the sound of boots crunching on the icy ground. Each knight found their footing gracefully, their armored forms seamlessly adjusting to the change in environment. The frigid air surrounded them once again, as they gathered in a circle, their gazes turning toward Montaser.

Montaser\'s eyes scanned the area, his face etched with concern and determination. "What happened to the master,?" he asked, his voice cold yet tinged with worry.

Elisa stepped forward. "A crack in the ground opened up, and it dragged him away," she explained "The monsters swarmed him, which created a fierce and chaotic fight that caused the ice to crack."

Norman, a seasoned warrior known for his tactical prowess, furrowed his brow. " I saw it the monster\'s movements weren\'t normal,"

Lester, and Magnus, stood at the side, Lester\'s gaze shifting nervously. He knew that no one had witnessed his actions, and he was sure that there was no way for Fray to have survived the ordeal. Remembering that a mix of anxiety and relief washed over him, knowing that his involvement in the incident would remain hidden.

Montaser\'s jaw tightened as he absorbed the news, coldness, and determination mingling within his gaze. "I will find him," he declared, his voice resolute. 

With those words, Montaser raised his hand, his telekinetic powers surging forth once again. In an instant, he shot up into the sky with the speed of a missile, leaving behind a trail of airwaves. The ground trembled beneath his departure, the rush of wind marking his swift ascent.

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