Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1169 Hidden depths (1)

Chapter 1169 Hidden depths (1)

After arriving at the archives, the person that they had met before was still there.

That person wasn\'t surprised to see them and helped them obtain the books that they asked for.

But this person couldn\'t help revealing an even stranger look.

That was because the books that they requested became even stranger.

"1001 ways to cook aliens."

"My alien wife and me."

"The time that I got lost in the universe."

These were random books that had been placed in the archive for historical preservation reasons. These were books that had been famous in the past when they had just started roaming outer space.

Nowadays, these books were considered garbage because of all the things that they knew.

The books that they had requested before related to the history of their military state, he could at least imagine that they could be used for some kind of special mission. But these books…they didn\'t make any sense at all.

Why would they suddenly request these nonsense books?

Still, it wasn\'t his job to ask why they were looking at these things.

It was his job to bring these books to the people authorized to read them.

It didn\'t take long for this person to bring them the books before heading back to his desk.

Of course, he also couldn\'t hold back his curiosity as he kept peeking at them from time to time.

All he saw in the end was just them seriously reading these books even though they were nonsense.

Or at least that was what he saw because of the illusion law that Lin Fan used.

Momonga had already confirmed that they were able to use the illusion law to trick them, so he was having Lin Fan use it in a different way.

The books that they were reading seemed to be the ones that they had requested, but Lin Fan had swapped them out while that person was getting them. Though it seemed like he had been waiting at the counter the entire time, he had actually gone into the archives with this person and swapped out books that he thought would be helpful.

Right now, they were just going through those books.

After reading for a long while, Momonga finally put down the books and rubbed his eyes.

When Lin Fan saw this, he turned to look at him with an expectant look.

As for the two girls, he just ignored them since they seemed like they were about to fall asleep again.

Momonga finished rubbing his eyes and said, "I\'ve found something, but it\'ll be hard to get to it."

Lin Fan knitted his brows, but he also looked like he had already expected this.

If it was easy to get, it wouldn\'t have been that hard for them to find a direction to go in.

Momonga gave a sigh before saying, "We\'ll have to go to that place after all. It seems like that\'s the only way for us to reach this thing that I\'ve found."

Lin Fan knitted his brows even more when he heard this.

The \'place\' that he was referring to was the dorm for members of the special elite unit like them.

This was the special elite unit that had the right to use the power suits, the ones that had been sent in to invade their universe.

But since they were the elites of the military, naturally they were in a place that was much more restricted than this.

That was where they would be hiding the secrets that they didn\'t want other people knowing about.

So going there and infiltrating was the best move for them.

However, the payoff was that this place would be much more strictly surveilled compared to the rest of the headquarters.

So if they were going there, it was likely that they might be exposed…

That was the risk and reward that came with this…now it was time to decide what they would do.

Lin Fan considered it and he decided to go with Momonga\'s plan in the end.

Momonga had found something worthy of following up on, or he wouldn\'t have mentioned it.

So the least he could do was trust him.

At the same time, it was better than what they were doing where they were just wandering around doing nothing right now.

So after coming to this decision, they headed off together.

With their rank badges, it was easy for them to arrive at the dorms.

When they arrived, they were surprised how empty it was…until they realized why this was the case.

Most of the ones that had lived in this place had been sent to invade their universe and that was why they weren\'t here right now.

Of course, they wouldn\'t have sympathy for these people since they volunteered for this in the first place.

After arriving in this place, they immediately started looking for places that seemed suspicious.

They used the illusion law to cover themselves while they searched this place.

They didn\'t know what would appear, so it was better safe than sorry.

But in the end, they weren\'t able to find a single thing.

There was nothing special about this place, it seemed like it was nothing more than a normal military complex which they had seen plenty of back in the Lin Astral Empire.

So once again, they were stuck in a dead end…

Or that was until they learned about a certain place.

"What did you all come back for? Didn\'t you all get sent for deployment?"

This was one of the colonels that had been here for some reason that had found them. This colonel seemed to know the identities that they were using which was a very bad thing for them.

When they didn\'t answer, the colonel pulled up some kind of tablet that he used to check something.

After a while, he said in an understanding voice, "Ah, it seems that there was a withdrawal that was called…" Then he looked at them with sharp eyes as he said, "So you were called back to be re-educated."

Lin Fan\'s group was confused when they heard this, but they didn\'t say a thing as they waited for the colonel to make a mistake.

The colonel saw that they weren\'t talking and mistaken it as them trying to keep silent.

So the colonel said in a sharp voice, "That\'s it, I\'m taking you there myself then."

He grabbed Lin Fan\'s hand, or rather he grabbed the hand of illusion Lin Fan and led him away.

Seeing the illusion him being pulled away, Lin Fan\'s group had no choice but to follow this colonel.

They arrived at this large set of doors that opened after the colonel showed his badge and then the colonel pushed all of them…or rather the illusion versions of them in there.

Once they were all pushed in, he shouted, "Now, properly receive your punishment and stop trying to play hooky!"

But after he said this, he let out a sigh of relief before muttering under his breath, "Luckily I found them and could fool them…If they knew what I was doing, who knows what would have happened."

The colonel seemed like he was hiding something, but that wasn\'t their concern at all.

After he had finished shoving them in that room and pressing a button, the colonel quickly ran off to do his own thing.

They had debated whether to follow the colonel, but they suddenly realized something much more important.

From the room where the illusion versions of them had been shoved, they could feel some kind of strange law coming from it.

They didn\'t know what this law was, but they could feel the power of it.

This was a law in the God Realm.

A room that had a God Realm law filling it when a button was pressed…no matter how one looked at it, this was a very suspicious place.

It was clear that they should start their investigation in this place.

But they had no idea what they would even find.

The room continued to run for a long time and during this time, they searched around the room to see if they could find the source of that God Realm law. However, they weren\'t able to find it no matter how they looked.

It seemed that wherever this God Realm law was coming from, it was coming from inside of the room.

So the only thing that they could do was wait for this room to finish whatever it was doing before heading in to investigate.

This room continued for around an hour before finally opening its doors again.

Once it was open, they split up into two groups.

One that would watch outside to make sure that no one disturbed them while the other would check the inside of the room.

As they checked the room, they found that there were still traces of that strange law that was in the air.

So Lin Fan didn\'t hesitate to raise his hand with a black hole in it to absorb the law that was around them.

But when he did, he couldn\'t help slightly knitting his brows as if he realized something.

He looked around the room until he looked at a certain part of the ceiling.

He raised his hand up towards that part of the ceiling and then revealed a look like he had found something.

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