Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1128 To War (13)

This fleet didn\'t take any action when they saw Lin Fan\'s ship and even opened a path up for him.

It seemed that they were all here to act as an escort just in case anything happened, but Lin Fan knew that it had a different meaning. They were most likely here to protect the capital from the approaching Beast Race troops.

Lin Fan had never thought that the situation in the Lu Astral Empire had actually gotten this serious…

It seemed like he had gotten here in just the nick of time.

When Lin Fan\'s ship landed on the Lu Astral Empire\'s capital, he found that there was a large crowd that had gathered.

Once he came out of the ship, there was a loud cheer that rang out for him.

Lin Fan slightly knitted his brows when he saw this, but seeing the people out there cheering for him, he had no choice but to put on a smile and wave at them. 

With his fine sense, he could tell that there were people that were out there keeping guard so it wasn\'t a problem to have so many people gathered like this. There shouldn\'t be a problem even if someone wanted to try something, since most of the guards were elites.

After coming out, Lu Fei Yu\'s group also came over to them and walked along with them. At the same time, she waved out to the crowd along with Lin Fan.

With the way that they were walking, it was almost as if they were very close.

It seemed like a fake way of making it seem like their Lu Astral Empire had already built close bonds with the Lin Astral Empire.

Still, Lin Fan didn\'t mind this since he had come to the Lu Astral Empire to help them. At the same time, they were allies to begin with, so showing a close bond was a good thing.

The only thing that Lin Fan didn\'t like about this was how the Lu Astral Empire had brought out all these flashy decorations.

He could see the squalor of the city around him, so he knew that they were in a tough spot. In this situation, they were forcing the citizens to bring out these kinds of expensive things to welcome them…

It was clear that the Lu Astral Empire didn\'t treasure their people as much as the Lin Astral Empire.

After all, when the people of the Lin Astral Empire sent him off, they had only brought their homemade signs and other homemade things. The Lin Astral Emperor didn\'t give a decree that would harm his citizens like the Lu Astral Emperor would.

But it wasn\'t his place to say anything about the Lu Astral Empire.

They were sent here to cooperate with them and not judge them.

Since there was already an alliance with the Lu Astral Empire, there had to be some upside to it.

Lin Fan decided to trust the Lin Astral Emperor\'s decision on this matter.

After making their way through the crowd, they were quickly led by someone who was dressed as a minister.

When Lin Fan saw this minister, he couldn\'t help slightly knitting his brows again.

That was because he could see that the minister was wearing quite fancy clothes even though it was clear that the Lu Astral Empire was suffering from the Beast Race invasion.

It seemed that it wasn\'t just the royal family that was the problem, the ruling nobles were also a problem…

But he endured this since he knew that this wasn\'t something that he should address right now.

Once the Beast Race invasion was over, he would have some things to say.

But before that, they needed to take care of the Beast Race first.

It didn\'t take them long to reach the palace and Lin Fan was brought to the throne room.

In the Lin Astral Empire, the throne room wasn\'t used as much since the Lin Astral Emperor disliked using it. But here, it was clear by the decorations in this throne room that the Lu Astral Emperor very much liked showing it off.

Once he arrived, Lin Fan just stood in front of the Lu Astral Emperor and gave a slight bow to him.

When the ministers and generals around him saw this, they couldn\'t help revealing displeased looks. Though when it came to etiquette, this was all that Lin Fan was required to do as both the crown prince of the Lin Astral Empire and as a Ruler Realm Expert.

The Lu Astral Emperor at the very least understood this and raised his hand to settle his generals and ministers.

Then the Lu Astral Emperor said with a smile, "Young master Lin, it is an honour for our Lu Astral Empire to have you come here. We hope that this will increase the bond between our Lu Astral Empire and your Lin Astral Empire."

Lin Fan just gave a simple nod in response to this, he didn\'t say anything else.

At this, the ministers and generals once again revealed dissatisfied looks. There were even a few of them that wanted to step forward to say a few things, but the Lu Astral Emperor once again raised his hand to stop them.

The Lu Astral Emperor looked at Lin Fan as if he was sizing him up before finally saying, "Then young master Lin, I have to thank you for the information that you have given us. With this, we will surely have greater efforts in our fight against the Beast Race troops."

The Lu Astral Emperor knew this because Lu Fei Yu had reported back while they had been traveling.

So the method of fighting against the strange Outer laws have already been tested and they have proven effective.

At the very least, they had to thank Lin Fan for giving them this information since now they will be able to fight back against the Beast Race.

Lin Fan once again gave a simple nod as if this was a very simple matter.

At that, the throne room fell into silence.

But to everyone\'s surprise, Lin Fan was the one that broke this silence.

Lin Fan cupped his hands and said, "Your majesty, I wish for your permission to enter your Lu Astral Empire\'s battlefields."

When the ministers and generals heard this, they all couldn\'t help revealing shocked looks.

After all, this was not something that they had expected to hear.

Even the Lu Astral Emperor in all his wisdom couldn\'t help being taken aback.

After a moment of silence, the Lu Astral Emperor slowly asked, "Young master Lin, you\'re saying that you…want to enter the battlefields of our Lu Astral Empire? May I ask what is your reason for this?"

Lin Fan just said in a calm voice, "This is a battle that will decide the fate of the human race, naturally I have my own duty to fight on the battlefield."

The Lu Astral Emperor slightly knitted his brows when he heard this before asking, "Then why not fight the Beast Race troops invading the Lin Astral Empire? I\'m sure that there are also Beast Race troops who are currently invading the Lin Astral Empire as well."

Lin Fan revealed a smile and said, "Well, it\'s hard to fight on the frontlines when you have to worry about your back."

The moment that they heard this, all of the Lu Astral Empire\'s ministers and generals seemed like they were about to explode.

They immediately understood what Lin Fan was implying with these words.

He was saying that because of the Lu Astral Empire\'s incompetence, he had no choice but to come here and help them instead of fighting the Beast Race invading the Lin Astral Empire.

Even the Lu Astral Emperor couldn\'t help slightly knitting his brows when he heard this.

This caused a bit of pressure to fall onto Lin Fan, but he completely ignored it.

If one looked closely, they could see a thin layer of black energy that was currently around him.

But in the end, the Lu Astral Emperor calmed down and said, "Very well, you may enter our Lu Astral Empire\'s battlefields."

That was because he had to admit that Lin Fan was right.

The Lu Astral Empire had been pushed back much further than any other Astral Empire, mainly because of the special cultivation technique of the Lu Astral Family. Their cultivation technique was very weak against the Outer laws that the Beast Race troops used.

This was no time to care about their pride when their Astral Empire was about to fall.

Even if the Lu Astral Emperor was someone that treated his citizens poorly, he was still an Astral Emperor. He knew what he needed to do to take care of his nation and he could put down his pride when he needed to.

The generals and ministers looked like they wanted to say something, but they all swallowed their words in the end since they too knew what kind of situation their Lu Astral Empire was in.

Seeing this, Lin Fan couldn\'t help revealing a look of newfound appreciation for the Lu Astral Emperor.

It seemed that he had to raise his evaluation of him.

It wouldn\'t be by much, but at the very least, he could be considered a competent ruler.

With this, Lin Fan gave another slight bow to the Lu Astral Emperor before saying, "Please send me the information that I request and I\'ll be setting off soon."

Then without waiting to be dismissed, Lin Fan walked out of the throne room.

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