Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 461 Crypt (7)

The ghost didn\'t even have time to react as it was turned to ashes. All that happened was that the light in its eyes had dimmed as the top part of its body fell down, while the bottom half of its body remained in the coffin.

With these two halves lying there, starting from where Lin Fan had cut it, the body of the ghost started to disintegrate into ashes.

It didn\'t take long before the two halves of the ghost had completely turned into ashes and floated away, even though there was no breeze in this enclosed room.

All that it left behind was a coffin and that coffin was completely empty.

Lin Fan began looking around the coffin while the two girls had moved over to where Mo Ze Chen was sitting by the wall, with concerned looks on their faces.

Lin Fan had noticed it out of the corner of his eyes, but he decided to pretend like he didn\'t see anything since it technically didn\'t involve him.

But as he tried looking through the coffin for anything, there was nothing for him to find.

The coffin itself was just as simple as this room, there was only a space for the corpse to lie in and there were no hidden compartments at all. In that space for the corpse, there wasn\'t even the ash of the ghost that had laid there, it was completely empty.

Lin Fan didn\'t need to look around the room again since he knew that there was nothing that was here.

Based on his previous experience, every ghost that had dropped a clue would be in the Child Soul Realm and the one that had been in this coffin had only been in the peak Embryo Soul Realm.

Since that was the case, that meant that there wasn\'t anything here for him.

But thinking of all the various rooms that were in the hall outside, he couldn\'t help feeling his head ache.

There was no way of telling what hid behind each of those doors, but if they were all like this one where he couldn\'t see what was inside with his spiritual sense, so there was no way of telling which room contained a ghost that was in the Child Soul Realm that would give him a clue.

If he had to go through each of these rooms and if they were the same as this one, it would definitely wear down on him if he had to defend against attacks like this over and over again.

Not to mention that he didn\'t have the time to do this with his clock that was running down.

With how long he had spent with all the other stages, he had a little over three hours left before the bead would activate to pull him out of these ruins…

He still needed to pass the Hunters Organization exam to get his Hunter License so he could open up a shop in Harmony City where he wanted to open one. Without that Hunter License, it would definitely be detrimental to his future plans, so he had to finish the Hunters Exam.

But if he didn\'t go through each one of these, there was no way of finding out which ones would have the Child Soul Realm and find the clue.

Still, that meant that he would have to find a way to find what he needed. He couldn\'t be wasting all this time trying to go through every single room. But to prove his point, Lin Fan called the girls and Mo Ze Chen before heading to the room across the hall.

When Lin Fan opened the door, what appeared in front of him was the same room as before with the very same coffin.

This time, Lin Fan didn\'t have Mo Ze Chen come over as he had the three of them stay by the door with the torches.

Lin Fan stood by the coffin by himself with his sword already raised in one hand while the other hand was on the lid, preparing to open it.

The moment he did, the same thing had happened as in the last room, but this time there were a pair of claws that flew out at his face, rather than just a single claw. This time, there wasn\'t another person for this ghost to target, so it was focusing all of its attention on Lin Fan.

Lin Fan didn\'t mind this since he already expected this, so he parried both of them with his sword before going in for the kill, but the ghost quickly twisted and used the momentum to attack again. Its hands had been swept to the side by Lin Fan\'s sword, but using that momentum, it grabbed the side of the coffin and twisted to lift its legs up, kicking out at Lin Fan.

But of course, Lin Fan was able to react to this with plenty of time to spare, though he didn\'t move right away. It was only at the last second that Lin Fan went a bit lower to let the legs sweep over his head before he swept with his sword to cut the ghost in half.

After that close dodge, there was a golden glow that had appeared on Lin Fan\'s sword and as per usual, the ghost was turned directly into ashes.

The ashes fell down over Lin Fan as the two halves of the ghost fell to either sides of him, thudding to the ground and twitching before going prone.

If it had been a human that was cut in half by Lin Fan, the blood would have completely covered him and he would be soaked in it, but this was a ghost which had lost all its blood already. All that fell down on Lin Fan was the ashes that the ghost had been turned into and even those didn\'t remain as they had disappeared like all the other ashes of ghost.

Lin Fan didn\'t have any idea where these ashes went, but they always disappeared without a trace.

Still, that wasn\'t what Lin Fan cared about as he ignored the corpse of the ghost that quickly disappeared anyway. Instead, Lin Fan went to the coffin and looked inside to see that there was nothing there at all.

It seemed like his guess was right, to find clues, he would have to go through each of these rooms until he found the one that held the clue that he was looking for, but as for how many rooms there were, no one knew.

Lin Fan had actually checked in the hall with his spiritual sense to see how wide these crypts were and he hadn\'t been able to find the end with his spiritual sense.

While Lin Fan\'s spiritual sense wasn\'t as strong as Brainy\'s, it was definitely still quite strong and could reach quite far. If he couldn\'t even find the end of this crypt with his spiritual sense, it was clear that it occupied quite a wide space.

Since it was underground, there was even the chance that it might run through the entire city…

But every door here was a meter apart and to check every single door…It would be hard to imagine just how long that would take…

There had to be another way of doing this, perhaps there was something that they had missed.

Lin Fan went back out into the hallway and looked around for anything that he could use. He began walking down the halls and seeing if there were any doors that were different. However, as he continued along, he found that there was nothing special about these doors other than the fact that they all looked completely the same.

There was nothing different about this corridor that Lin Fan could find at all, so the only thing he could do was continue on and hope that there was something further along. At least that was better than going through each of these doors one by one, hoping that something inside was different.

Mo Ze Chen and the two maids just followed behind Lin Fan, watching as he went door to door like a madman.

To be honest, Mo Ze Chen was also happy that there were other people here since Lin Fan wasn\'t the easiest person to approach, especially when he got like this. Normally when Lin Fan was lost in thought like this, Mo Ze Chen could only silently follow along since he knew that nothing he said would get through to Lin Fan. But now there were other people here that he could talk to.

Mo Ze Chen was someone who was quite social, so he wanted to talk to people and being in silence just felt awkward to him. As they followed Lin Fan, he asked the two maids, "So how do you know the boss?"

The two maids looked at each other before saying with awkward smiles, "He caught us and now we\'re following him."

When Mo Ze Chen heard this, he couldn\'t help revealing a strange look as he asked, "Caught you? What do you mean by that?"

The smile of the two maids became even more awkward as one of them said, "It\'s exactly what it means."

There was a misunderstanding that appeared in Mo Ze Chen\'s heart since he didn\'t think that these two girls were beasts, rather he thought that they were actual humans because of how good their transformation skills were.

The boss that he chose to follow, he seemed like he was quite the dangerous person…

After all, he had captured two cute girls like these and had turned them into slave maids...

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