Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 363 - Nocru Don't Bow To Anyone

Meanwhile, Huishe Yue landed on the main deck with his nephew right beside him but before he could even take a step forward Qilin Luse stood in front of him blocking his path. Yes, this kid had something with Ji Yao but there was no way he was letting the enemy board the same ship with their boss.

It might be Ji Wen\'s ship but because Qilin Hao was married to him it meant that they had the authority to kick both of them off the ship. Thus Qilin Luse evoked the captain\'s right kicking off the both of them. Rui Fei almost laughed out loud when he saw him blocking their path.

Who would have thought he would be treated like this in Ji Yao\'s absence. One can only imagine the crew\'s reaction when they saw this. Xunshi Zhe, Big Hei and Old Du strode over and stood behind Rui Fei and Huishe Yue their allegiance clearly written on their faces. Unless it was to come out of Ji Wen\'s lips they wouldn\'t let Qilin Luse do what he wanted.

Yes, they had stayed with Qilin Luse in the past when Qilin Hao\'s relationship with Ji Wen was blossoming but even then they still treated him like an outsider. Now that he was back and acting like he owned the place, they naturally couldn\'t let that happen.

Xunshi Zhe placed his battle-axe on his shoulder while staring at Qilin Luse with a measuring gaze. Qilin Luse arched his brow fascinated by their reaction. That\'s when a blackbird flew down to Red Bane and landed on his shoulder just in time for the impending showdown.

Hei Ying who had been recuperating in the underground palace woke up only to find Qilin Luse had abandoned him. When he saw the note telling him to stay away and rest he naturally didn\'t listen and only caught up now. He would never miss out on a fight despite having been roasted by Qilin Kai.

Qilin Luse gritted his teeth when he saw that stubborn bird but this wasn\'t the time to discuss this. With an insummable amount of seraphic energy being released on deck, there was so much tension in the air that you could cut it with a knife.

It was inevitable that Ji Wen could feel it where he was. Thinking he didn\'t want his ship torn apart he opened the door after settling Qilin Hao and said, "Get off my ship," to Rui Fei and Huishe Yue.

He wanted his son to be happy but that didn\'t mean he could hold himself back and beat the shit out of Rui Fei. For this kid\'s own safety he chased him away. Anyway, it was better this way.

Rui Fei had expected this but it still hurt so much. He wanted to sleep in Ji Yao\'s cabin to ease the pain in his heart but who would have thought he would get kicked off the ship just like that.

Lan Wu who had been watching from the sidelines was afraid of Ji Wen especially when he was this upset but he also couldn\'t abandon Huishe Yue and Rui Fei. Pushing through the crowd he kowtowed before Ji Wen shocking everyone.

Ji Wen instantly knew what was happening but he didn\'t stop him. He could give a rat\'s arse about where Rui Fei would go after this. For his son\'s sake he wouldn\'t hold anything against any concord captain who would take them in but what he didn\'t foresee was Lan Wu pleading for them.

"As the captain of Blue Urchin, I invoke section two hundred thirty-five of the concord. May I request to take them in..... if this doesn\'t please His majesty... he can revoke my," he said but stopped talking when Ji Wen just turned on his heels and left.

Lan Wu who was willing to be stripped off of his title as the captain of Blue Urchin slowly raised his head not sure how angry Ji Wen must be right now. They had grown up together and he had been by his side since the day the former pirate king left this world and Ji Wen took his place.

But now they had only been separated for a couple of months yet he actually went against him for an outsider. How can Ji Wen not be pissed off at this point?

Huishe Yue who wasn\'t sure how to feel right now grabbed Lan Wu\'s arm and pulled him up before disembarking the ship. Rui Fei glared at Qilin Luse as a grey light flashed in his eyes before following after his uncle. Emotions were high at this point and if he had stayed any longer a fight would have most likely broken out.

As soon as they got onboard Blue Urchin Huishe Yue gripped his wrist as he angrily asked, "Why did you have to do that, huh? Are you his servant that you had to kowtow before him?" One has to understand that in Huishe Yue\'s eyes Nocru half or otherwise should never bow to anyone except their parents. Bowing was like a sign of defeat.

Humans can bow to their kings and superiors as weak beings but not Nocru. Once a Nocru bows it was a sign of defeat. So when he saw Lan Wu bow at Ji Wen he lost his shit.

Lan Wu who couldn\'t understand what was going on tried to pull his hand away but that only made things worse. "Huishe Yue, let go first," said Lan Wu his voice firm but his eyes betrayed him.

"Uncle Yue," interjected Rui Fei as he took a step forward but what Huishe Yue said to him next had him shaken.

"You stay the fuck out of this," he said pointing at Rui Fei, "before dragging Lan Wu into the captain\'s cabin slamming the door while he was at it.

In the captain\'s cabin Lan Wu thought Huishe Yue would go bonkers but who would have thought he would pull Lan Wu into his arms and embrace him tightly.

Lan Wu, "..."

Huishe Yue\'s hands rubbed against Lan Wu\'s back drawing him closer as his face sniffed his neck. His tight brows soon loosened as his anger calmed down drastically.

The feeling of being encircled by those big arms made Lan Wu numb all over with his breath caught in his chest. He couldn\'t understand what was going on or what Huishe Yue was thinking.

"Don\'t ever bow to anyone even if it\'s for me..... do you understand?" he whispered making the man in his arms stiffen before his body gradually loosened. Lan Wu was about to shake his head in agreement when his body was suddenly raised from the ground. Before he could even protest he was slammed on the soft bed.

That\'s when a sense of crisis swept past him.. He was about to free himself from Huishe Yue\'s clutches when he was pulled into a cuddle before Huishe Yue said, "Let me hug you like this for a little longer."

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