The World Serpent

Chapter 86 - 86-Building A Camp... Or A Town?

Within the Everlasting Plain of the Korr Region in the Great Forest. A Dozen Kilometers away from the Danger Zone, created by Persia and Statera\'s duel. A Small Land stood as it found itself surrounded by Simple Houses built by the Crescents of the Inquisition. The Crescents of Inquisition wanted to create a Camp within such Land to accommodate their stay within the Korr Region of the Great Forest. A Beautiful Young Girl with White Silver Hair and an Ancient Horn looked upon the Clear Land in front of her with Numerous Crescents with specific elements behind her.

"It\'s time for us to build our camp," Persia spoke with a calm and soothing voice. She turned her head and looked at the Crescents behind her. "Yeah!!!" The Crescents shouted at the same time. With the Crescents pumped up for building the camp. It was time for Persia to look at the Plans. Thinking of the Plans, Ego instantly appeared right beside Persia.

"The Plans have been created, Sister." Ego spoke with her monotone voice as she looked at Persia with her robotic face. "Thank you for creating the Plans, Ego." Persia was grateful for Ego on creating the plans needed for the camp. Ego then took out a Giant Book and gave it towards Persia\'s hands. Receiving the book with curiosity written all over her face, Persia then looked at the Book Title.

"City Designs for Novice City Builders." Persia then reads the Title of the Book as she raises an eyebrow with interest. She opened the book and began reading everything within it in a near-instant. The Crescents around her looked at her focused face as Persia immediately closed the book. She sighed and tried to think about the things she learned from the book. For some unknown reason, She wanted to build a Town instead of a Camp.

"My Crescents... Do you want to build a town?" Persia asked with a calm and soothing voice. The Crescents immediately noticed that Persia wanted to build a town instead of a simple camp, so they nodded without any resistance. "If Master allows us to." One of the Earth Crescents said as Persia nodded in satisfaction. Persia then looked at Ego as Ego spoke before Persia could release a single word. "I\'m already on it," Persia smirked after hearing Ego\'s Monotone voice. She then looked at the Clear Area in front of them.

"Crescents with an Attribute of Earth. Please follow me." Persia spoke with her Confident voice as the Crescents instantly replied. "Understood, Master." They followed Persia as the group walked towards the Center of the Clear Area. The area was small, but Persia didn\'t care as it was enough for them to build a simple town. "20 Kilometers of Diameter should be enough," Persia mumbled to herself.

Looking around the Clear Area, Persia turned her head and looked at the Crescents standing idly right behind her. They were unmoving, and the only thing they needed to hear was Persia\'s orders. Though, such thinking was something Persia didn\'t want. It seems that the Crescents were still the Crescents as they still have their Original Selves when they weren\'t working.

"This position where I am currently standing will be the Center of the Town," Persia spoke with her Calm and Soothing Voice as a Rocky Pillar form below her. Persia backed off as she looked at the Rocky Pillar rising from the ground. The Pillar will be the Center of her Town. She wanted to make it a Giant Building though she would have to create the Town First.

"The Five of You will create the Road Network of the Town First. We will have a Giant Road that circles the Pillar about 500 Meters away from it. Then, Four Major Roads will lead to the Northern, Eastern, Western, and Southern directions. Do you understand?" Persia asked with a Calm and Soothing Voice as the Crescents shook their head. Persia nodded at seeing their reaction and spoke. "It\'s time for us to start."

"Let\'s go!!!" The Crescents raised their hand to the air as they began using their Earth Elemental Attributes to carved the Road Network of the Town. The Road Network of the Town will be its First Foundation. It will be Vital for a lot of things as Persia was quite confident of it. After the Five Crescents began their work, Persia walked back to the group of Crescents waiting for her.

Persia arrived back to the Group of Crescents and looked at them with her Golden Amber Eyes. The Group of Crescents in front of her had Vital Elements needed for the Town. The Water, Metal, Wood, and many more Elements. "After the Earth Crescents finish their work, It will be Time for Metal, Wood, and Water to do their job. The Remaining Elements will wait until the First Foundations of the Town is complete. Is that Clear?"

The Crescents around her nodded as they spoke with a Serious and Calm Voice. "Understood, Master." Seeing their reaction never ceases to amaze Persia. It seems that the Military Training of the Crescents worked without any problems. All of it was from the Work of Ego, and Persia was a bit proud of it. She then nodded in satisfaction towards the Crescents. She turned her head towards the Town getting carved into the Korr Region.

\'Hmm... Do I have to worry about the defenses?\' Persia thought to herself as it would be strange to build a town without any defenses. Though, she was in the middle of the safest part of the continent. Persia still didn\'t feel any different, so she would like to have defenses in place. Ego was already creating a town at a fast speed within her mind. The only thing Ego needed was time.

\'This should be a good experience for them as we might need to create our place within the Occidental Region. This Town will be the Part of the Inquisition that will connect itself to the remaining Regions of the Great Forest.\' Persia thought as a slight smile rose on her face. Everything was moving at a good pace, and there weren\'t any problems other than the current Internal Problems of the Spirits.

A Crescent appeared in front of Persia and kneeled in front of her. "Master, The Major Road Network is complete." Hearing the report, Persia nodded in satisfaction as Ego instantly appeared right beside her. "The Town Plans are complete, Sister. I have already included Economic, Strategic, and Defensive Applications on the Plans. Agriculture is also one of it, but it isn\'t the main focus of such a city." Ego spoke with a monotone voice as Persia smiled.

"That was rather fast. I don\'t know what I would do without you, Ego." Persia said with a smirk as Ego took out a Stack of Gigantic Blueprints. Ego then gave the Blueprints to Persia. Persia looked at it as she began reading it at an instant speed. Persia nodded in satisfaction as she smiled and patted Ego\'s head. Ego\'s hair was soft and silky. Persia felt like she could last long with patting Ego\'s head.

Ego was surprised to feel Persia\'s pat. Though, she didn\'t resist it and accepted the pat without any problems. "I\'ll give you a reward later.\' Persia spoke with her Calm and Soothing voice as she turned her head towards the Crescents. Persia walked towards the Crescents and gave the Plans towards them. The Crescents began reading the plans of the Town created by their Teacher. They finally had a good image of the Town that they were building.

"I see... These Blueprints are the Plan, Teacher and Master had in their mind. We will complete the plan without any problems, Master. We will not fail you." The Crescents bowed towards Persia as she smiled and spoke towards the Crescent. "No need to be impatient. Just take it easy as this will be the First Town we will build in the Great Forest." The Crescents accepted Persia\'s advice as they nodded and walked towards the Town to begin the First Stage of the Plan.

While looking at the Crescents, Persia noticed Three Familiar Crescents looking at their fellow Crescents from afar. A Slight Smile formed on Persia\'s Face as she disappeared from her spot.

Luna, Capita, and Marx looked at their fellow Crescents building the First Town of the Inquisition. They couldn\'t help but feel useless as they couldn\'t do anything useful for their Master. "We will work hard if Master has something she wanted us to do," Luna spoke as Capita, and Marx nodded in agreement. "Something I want you to do?" They could hear a voice right behind them. They slowly turned their head and saw Persia smiling towards them.

"Eh?" The Trio didn\'t know what to say as they saw their Master standing right beside them. Persia looked at the Trio and asked with her Calm and Soothing Voice. "Do you want to do something?" Hearing her words, The Trio immediately nodded. "We don\'t want to be useless while they are working." "I\'d rather work than stay idle." "I hate not moving my body." The Trio had different answers, but they had the same idea within their mind.

"Hmm... If you want to help the Inquisition. It would be better for your abilities to get used to the repair of the wasteland. You should head towards the Spirit Camp and tell them that the two of you will help with the repairs. Now, Do you accept?" Persia asked as the Trio thought about it within their mind. They nodded and instantly answered without any problems.

"Cleaning Master\'s Mess would be a good experience." "Master\'s Mess..." "I\'m interested in Master\'s Mess." Hearing the words of the Trio, Persia couldn\'t help but wryly smile. The Crescents were straight-minded creatures. The Crescents wouldn\'t sugarcoat their Words for anyone, not even their Master. Persia already knew such a fact and accepted it as a good trait. Persia then sighed and smiled towards the Crescents. "Well, then. Be sure to be careful. If something happens, Don\'t hesitate to resist and defend yourselves."

"We understand, Master. We will clean your Mess without any problems and head back without hurting ourselves." Luna bowed as the Trio began heading towards the Spirit Camp. The Spirit Camp was a distance away from them, but it was nothing for the Trio. Persia looked at the leaving Trio and turned her head towards the Town.

The Town Building had good progress. The Major Road Network got refined, and the Internal Minor Road Network was slowly getting built by the Crescents. Metal Walls stood 10km around the Pillar in the Center. The Crescents built Wooden Houses in Large Numbers, and a Natural River slowly formed. Persia looked at the Town slowly building itself, and she knew that it needed an excellent power source.

Persia didn\'t want a Futuristic Town or City. What she wanted was a simple town in the middle of nowhere. Despite planning for it to be a Trade City, That was for the future. Persia would first enjoy the peace and calm within the Town that the Inquisition would create. Persia stood above the Heavens as she used her wings to fly. Thinking of her wings, Persia wondered about her Monster Form.

Something must have changed within her Monster Form. It might have wings that might make her a Winged Serpent. Though, Persia didn\'t have any reason to use the Monster Form with such peace in front of her. Persia looked at the Town below her as she smiled with a proud expression plastered on her face. The Golden Bright Sun was slowly hiding within the Horizon. The lights of the Town began shimmering as a Peaceful Darkness took over the World.

Persia looked at the Lights illuminating within the Darkness. Persia remembered everything that happened to her and knew how much she grew since she woke up. The Long Adventure will not end as it was only starting. Unlike before, Persia had people around her. She wasn\'t alone in a Single Forest surrounded by enemies. Persia then spoke with a Calm and Soothing Voice.

"This is rather Beautiful.. I guess Peace isn\'t that bad, after all."

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