Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 182: The Last World

Ge Xiu didn’t speak, but answered him with practical actions.

“Crack” There was a clear sound of glass breaking from the other end of the corridor. The young man standing beside shook off the remaining glass shards on his clothes then reached in and took out a fire axe that seemed to have been there for some time.

Chen Jian suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart:

“Wait, you wouldn’t…”

Ge Xiu raised his eyelids and glanced at him, the tails of his eyes were curved and a smile flashed in his deep, dark eyes, showing a bit of cynical frivolity and carelessness:

“There are two left, is that right?”

Chen Jian’s heart skipped a beat, he took a step forward and said solemnly: “The buildings and props in the dungeon are indestructible. Only by the rules of the game can the task be completed.”

“Can’t be destroyed?”

Ge Xiu shrugged, weighed the fire ax in his hand lightly, and slightly curled his lips:

“You won’t know unless you try it.”

After finishing speaking, he didn’t wait for an answer. Taking a round swing, he slammed the fire axe in his hand at the tightly closed door on his side!

The sharp silver axe blade reflected a cold glint, making a piercing sound in the air.


The sound of the wooden door shattering sounded in the dead and deep corridor. The axe blade was deeply embedded in the door panel and fine sawdust fell down as the axe blade was pulled out, leaving a hideous gap on the door panel.

Chen Jian’s eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

Other players who had also experienced more than one game were also dumbfounded. They stared blankly at the deeply mark cut by the axe and could hardly believe their eyes.

This…how is this possible!

In the past, there were also novice players who were driven to brink of collapse by the ghosts and rules, they tried to attack the game buildings and props in hysteria and despair.

But those seemingly paper-thin walls and those crumbling faded wooden doors, under the frenzied attacks of the players, were like iron walls and did not even budge.

Even the crumbling, flimsy paper, the loose screwed and unreliable tables and chairs, were completely beyond human power.

But the situation before them completely subverted the previous common sense and cognition.

The door in the game dungeon… was actually… actually broken through by a player? ? ?

This is not metaphysical! ! !

Before they could recover from the shock, the harsh sound of the axe falling on the door panel and tearing the wooden boards came to their ears again and again.

“Crack!” “Crack!”

After a few merciless blows, the airtight door was still as tightly closed before, but the wooden boards were chopped to pieces. A few sawdust hung precariously on the big hole and the appearance of the room could be clearly seen from the outside.

Ge Xiu lowered his hand holding the fire axe and exhaled a long breath.

He turned his head and glanced at the stunned crowd, raising his eyebrows: “Aren’t you coming?”

After speaking, he bent down and stepped in first.

In the next second, the slender figure of the young man disappeared into the big hole on the door.

The remaining players standing in the corridor looked at each other, seeing a trance-like look in each other’s eyes at the same time.

They hesitated for a while, but finally took a deep breath and walked forward.

The players took a vigilant look at the large irregular hole full of sawdust. The room inside was not lit like other naturally opened rooms, but was pitch-black, so dark that it was impossible to see clearly what’s inside.

The cold, foul-smelling wind blowing from the dark room sent chills down the spine.

In the darkness, a strange and ominous atmosphere emanated from the depths of the quiet cave.

Several daring players looked at each other. They took a deep breath, strengthened their courage, then bent down, and following Ge Xiu’s example, carefully drilled in through the big hole on the door.

One of the players moved towards the wall against the door panel, and then groped on the wall next to the door in the dark— the sound of “click click” sounded in his ears, but the lights above his head did not turn on in response.

—Not surprising.

The player opened his backpack and took out a flashlight.

The light beam dispelled the heavy darkness in the room and happened to shine on a pale face looking from inside.

The player was taken aback, his hands trembled and he almost lost his grip on the flashlight.

Ge Xiu whose eyes were blinded inexplicably: “?”

The player let out a long breath of relief, feeling as if he had narrowly avoided death and his heart fell back into his chest. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked in a low voice:

“How is it? Did you find anything?”

Ge Xiu waved the things in his hand at them.

In his palm lay a cut lock of very long hair.

The pitch-black hair quietly hung down from Ge Xiu’s fingers, moving lightly as if being blown by the breeze, almost as if it were alive.

At this moment, the light beam of the flashlight shone slightly behind Ge Xiu’s back.

There, countless strands of black thick hair protruded silently from the darkness, spreading their tentacles like fine and dense spider webs, moving slowly and softly in the quiet and windless room, as if trying to corner their prey, to chew and devour all creatures in front of it.

The slender young man stood in front of the ocean-like strands of hair, as if he would be swallowed by it in the next second.

The players gasped involuntarily and a chilling fear crept up their backs instantly. They subconsciously screamed:


But before they could blurt out the warning, they saw the seemingly weak and beautiful young man turn around suddenly, his face expressionless, his movements swift and unrestrained, as he raised his axe and dropped it, the hair-rising sound of the sharp axe cutting through hair resounded in the narrow and closed room.

In the next second, a shrill howling resembling wailing of resentful ghosts exploded in everyone’s ears.

The dense strands of hair winded in the darkness like a long snake and violently continued to attack the young man standing in the middle of the room, as if thoroughly enraged!

The players were frightened out of their wits and quickly scrambled to escape, stumbling as they run away from the big hole in the chopped door.

The lights in the corridor were flickering, dimming and lighting up continuously, the gap between ceiling and the wall shook violently, scattering dust which fell all over the floor.

Through the wall, the shrill screams and the creepy sounds of hair breaking through the air could still be heard.

The players were pale and fearful as they looked at each other in shock.

Although the situation was critical, it was mostly certain that as long as they escaped to the corridor, those ghosts would not catch up to them.

It’s safe, at least for the time being.

One of the men swallowed with some difficulty and then asked hesitantly:

“In the room just now, that newcomer, seemed to have hurt those hair strands? Could it be that I didn’t see clearly?”

At this moment, everyone suddenly reacted.

——That’s right! !

Logically speaking, in all dungeons in this game, there were no countermeasures against ghosts. After encountering them, players could only run away to buy some time. All their attacking intentions would come in naught, but the curses and injuries caused by ghosts were real.

But… just now, they clearly saw that the novice player seemed to have chopped off the ghost’s hair with an axe? ? ? ?

What was going on? ? ?

They all exchanged glances with each other, everyone’s eyes were filled with the same bewilderment.

At this moment, the screaming in the room suddenly stopped.

There was a dead silence in the corridor.

In the silence, regular footsteps could be heard slowly walking towards the players.

“Da da da”.

Everyone subconsciously backed away.

Immediately afterwards, Ge Xiu bent down and stepped out through the hole in the door. His expression was calm, without any emotional fluctuations, as if what happened just now was just an ordinary morning.

He straightened up in the corridor.

The gazes of the players moved down slowly and then they fell silent at the same time: “…”

They were horrified to see that a large handful of thick, black hair was easily held in the hands of that handsome and amazing young man.

Unlike its almost-alive state just now, the thick lock of hair hung lifelessly on the ground, like seaweed washed ashore by the tide, curled up and falling down loosely.

Ge Xiu walked over with ease and threw down the hair in his hands in front of everyone’s eyes:


Chen Jian obviously did not recover from the impact of the scene in front of him, he was thrown in a daze as he lowered his head and stared at the clump of hair thrown at his feet:


His voice was dry and hoarse, he paused as if he hadn’t figured out what to say yet.

Chen Jian calmed down and finally found back his words: “Then… the clue to the next floor…”

Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows:

“No need.”

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the stairwell with the fire axe in his hand.

The players who were left downstairs stared blankly at each other and only after a few seconds did they digest the deep meaning in the other’s words.

In the next second, they sobered up from the trance, turned around in a hurry and rushed towards the fifth floor.

Before reaching the fifth floor, they heard the familiar rough sound of hacking and smashing.

The players took a deep breath and walked out of the stairwell.

Although they were mentally prepared, they still couldn’t help but gasp when they saw the fifth floor.

This time, the young man did not choose a certain door to smash, but began to destroy on a large scale everywhere. All the sealed windows were pried open by an axe, scattered wood chips and dust covered the entire corridor and not even the walls were spared, covered with deep axe marks.

Large areas of the wallpaper peeled off and under the wallpaper, there were countless densely packed eyes, both large and small.

Those pitch-black eyes of different sizes were rolling around, each eye revealing extremely creepy malice, as they were staring fixedly at the players standing in the corridor from the gap between the walls, quietly and soundlessly peeping at them.

Those eyeballs were close to each other, crowded like tumors. Seen from under the wallpaper, bright red blood was spreading in the whites of the eyes. Such a scene was enough to make any sane adult have nightmares.

At this time, the young man finally stopped his destructive actions.

He tilted his head, frowned slightly and carefully examined the spine-chilling eyeballs in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

The next second, the young man slowly picked up the fire axe again, and tentatively poked one of the eyes with the handle of the axe.


The shrill scream resounded through the building in an instant.

Players: “…”

This time, they didn’t even have the energy to be shocked.

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