Emperor Has Returned

Chapter 149 – Plotting Treason (2)

Chapter 149 – Plotting Treason (2)

Juan spread the map wide open.

The north of the vertically long map was dark, like it was marked with black ink. That was a location that had now been encroached upon by the Crack, and no one remembered what it used to look like before. However, the countless mountains extending from the Crack indicated that it originally used to be rugged terrain.

The huge mountain range which began from the Crack was divided into two. They were the ‘Walls of Nulvin’ toward the north and the ‘Dilver mountains’ toward the west.

And in the huge plain that was snuggled by the surrounding mountain ranges was the holy city of Torra, the Capital of the Empire.

The advancing mountain ranges and river streams became blurred as they met the eastern sea and the southern desert. The land that was divided into rivers and small mountain ranges was separated from the Capital by the four sides surrounding it.

But the holy city of Torra was not the center of the empire on the map. Rather, it was slightly to the west. At the center of the empire was the Magic Tower. To be precise, the Magic Tower was bound to be at the center.

Placing a compass where the Magic Tower was located on the map and picking a spot that was located at the extreme end of the empire to draw a circle would result in a line that was defined as ‘the boundary.’

The empire was defined by this boundary, and therefore the empire’s territory formed a perfect circle with the Magic Tower as the center. The emperor’s Grace couldn’t be used beyond the boundary, and thus the barbarians and monsters that had fled from the empire lurked there.

There was even a story that the surviving gods who had run away from the emperor were hiding beyond the boundary. Furthermore, black-haired humans lived there as well. The black-haired humans were unfortunate and disturbed people who refused the emperor’s blessings and protection.

Although there were countless threats and fears lurking beyond the boundary, the people living within the boundary were safe.

“Why was the boundary made around the Magic Tower?”

“That was because of Mananen McLeir’s body.”

Juan answered Sina’s question apathetically.

“Walls and swords weren’t enough to prevent those who fled to all directions from coming back. So a huge seal based on Mananen McLeir’s body was built. But it was such a difficult magic to use that the seal wasn’t able to perfectly block all of the threats.”

“If the boundary protects against external enemies, then why can’t it block the Crack?” Sina asked.

“Because the Crack has the property of encroaching upon, eroding, and digging into absolutely anything. And that includes even one’s mind. Thick walls are of no use. It is best to simply kill everything that’s related to the Crack.”

Sina nodded as she had also seen the terror of the Crack in the east.

Sina and Juan were standing at the very top of the Magic Tower. It was difficult for Sina to even stand upright due to the tilted floor, but Juan strode around with ease. All Sina could see below them were the clouds. The clouds, ironically, seemed to be stable and fluffy to Sina, causing her to get goosebumps—she was afraid that she would suffer from the ridiculous temptation to jump on the clouds.

“Be careful, since it’s quite windy up here.”

A storm seemed to be approaching. A humid wind caused Sina’s cloak to flap around. She sighed, since getting a storm in winter was not something ordinary.

“What are you going to do here?” Sina asked.

“The Magic Tower is not only the center of the empire, but also the highest place within the empire,” Juan answered.

“What’s your point?”

“My point is that this is the best place to light a smoke beacon.”

“A beacon?”

A smoke beacon in this cloudy weather?

Although the Magic Tower was the highest location and the center of the empire, there was a limit to the field of view. But Juan was not thinking of some normal-scale beacon. What he was thinking of was one that could be seen by anyone from anywhere in the empire.

Juan finally climbed to the top of the Magic Tower. Where he was standing was the edge of the cylinder that was the Magic Tower. Juan then glanced down at Sina.

“You didn’t have to follow me. You could have just seen it on the back of Entalucia like Heretia and Haild.”

“I have to watch everything you do from right by your side,” Sina said as she stared directly at Juan. “That’s what you asked me to do. Isn’t that right?”

Juan smiled and didn’t answer Sina. Instead, he began to mumble something with his hands on the railing.

Sina was perplexed upon seeing the spot touched by Juan glowing a bright red shortly afterward but didn’t take her eyes off of it. The red traces didn’t last long; the railing melted and flowed down like blood, dripping onto the Magic Tower and covering it.

The burning light could be seen rather clearly, since it was a cloudy day. Soon, the entire Magic Tower began to shine with red patterns. Only then did Sina realize that the light glowing under her hand didn’t feel hot at all.


There was no sound. But Sina felt as if she had heard a sound. A red light pierced through the floor, going straight toward the ground located a little away from the base of the Magic Tower. The light that was as thick as the Magic Tower then penetrated the cloudy sky and the dark clouds, seeming like it would make the storm disappear.

Sina couldn’t even tell how far or how long it would continue to rise. She then looked at Juan with a perplexed expression upon witnessing a bright light that burst out of nowhere.

“This is where Mananen McLeir’s body is stored. I used his mana,” Juan said while staring at the red light.

Juan brushed his hands off and slid down toward the entrance.

“They will be able to come and find me after looking at that light.”


Winter has always been Nienna’s strongest ally and closest friend. The fierce northern cold turned the beasts into dry corpses and covered the thick Crack with snow and ice. Even if it wasn’t for the cold weather, no beasts could hold out against Nienna’s abilities in the winter breeze.

Nienna’s strength doubled in a cold snowstorm, and the Northern Army gained strength by watching her run like a goddess on the battlefield.

“Go on.”

“The smaller Cracks are all frozen, and the medium and larger ones are showing no signs of activity due to the past purging.”

Nienna nodded upon hearing the report.

Recently, the Crack was getting quieter and quieter without an issue—such a thing was unprecedented. Thanks to the Crack being calm, the North was enjoying an unexpected period of peace.

But this peace caused Nienna to somehow feel uneasy.

Maybe I’ve gotten too used to war.

Nienna’s plan was to retire and meet a suitable partner to give birth to a suitable successor when the peaceful time finally came. Now might be the perfect time for her to implement her plan, but the war had just begun in the south this time instead of the north.

“Well, I guess it’s happening at a good time anyway.”

Nienna rose from her seat and headed straight toward the terrace. The door to the terrace was wide open and a snowstorm was pouring inside. She could see the countless people of the Northern Imperial Army that filled the outside of the winter citadel. Those were warriors with shaggy beards and faces scarred by the harsh winter wind and the claws of monsters.

Even the armor they were wearing was not in an ordinary imperial style—it was made using the hide and claws of the monsters. They did not seem to be wearing uniforms at all. However, Nienna felt proud when she saw them. They were Nienna’s kindred people, her admirers and her warriors. They were the most powerful troops in the Imperial Army.

Nienna quietly raised her hand to the side.



The entire mountain range trembled due to the short but loud cry that rang out suddenly. The cry was so loud that it even caused a small avalanche and the echoes of the cry rang out for a long time.

Nienna pondered for a moment about what to say. The opponents that they were about to fight from now on were not monsters nor were they human rebels. Rather, it was the object of their loyalty until now.

‘Would it be okay for me to suddenly order my men to swing their swords at the opponent and make the opponent bleed?’

Nienna’s agony didn’t last long. Nienna quietly extended her raised hand toward the south, where the red light was shining.


With another short cry, the army began to move in unison.

The master of the North did not make a speech, nor did she ask for anyone’s understanding. When the master of the North gave the command, their swords executed the order. The responsibility and the guilt were all borne by the master of the North.

Therefore, the weight of the responsibilities felt by Nienna was as great as the weight of the entire army.


A crow sat on Anya’s wrist as she reached her hand out. The crow’s red eyes resembled the red light that could be seen toward the north.

“Anabelle. The people of the emperor’s army have also agreed to cooperate,” Dilmond, who had followed the outer path of the wall, spoke to Anya.

Anya looked back at Dilmond.

Dilmond flinched the moment he looked into Anya’s eyes. Unlike before, her eyes were dark red—this was a change that occurred within Anya when she wore the Umbra to maximize her abilities as a necromancer.

Dilmond had once been worried that she might end up being eaten by Nigrato, but never once did anything he feared occur. Rather, her loyalty toward the emperor had become frighteningly strong. This also seemed to be a change that occurred when she heard of Juan’s death.

“That’s great news. At least I don’t have to go out of my way to persuade them.”

Anya flapped the hem of Umbra’s long robe. For a moment, Dilmond felt as if he could see countless skeletons under the black robe.

Among the numerous corpses left behind after the tragedy of Hiveden were those of the Templars. One day, their bodies had suddenly disappeared and no one knew what happened to them—except for Dilmond and Anya.

Dilmond wondered if it was okay to take advantage of the bodies of the Templars, but Anya’s answer to his concerns was clear.

It’s better for the dead to die once more than for the living to die.

Although it seemed evil, Anya’s intentions did not go against the will of the emperor. At least Dilmond wished to believe so.

Anya, who had now brought out the Umbra’s ability to the maximum extent, was just as powerful as Ras.

Back then, Ras had no choice but to devote part of his power to suppress Nigrato. But Anya had no such restrictions. If Anya decided to act against the will of the emperor with such power, the empire would be faced with a new disaster. Dilmond could guarantee that such an end would most definitely be terrible for everyone.

“Then shall we get going, Sir Dilmond?” Anya asked.

“Sure… I mean, yes, Captain.”

Anya, the captain of the Order of Huginn, did not have to directly give commands to her knight order. As soon as Anya conveyed her will, the crow on her arm loudly fluttered its wings and flew high up in the sky.

Then, the army of undead under Anya’s feet began to march toward the North. The knights of the dead, which belonged to the Order of Huginn, rode atop dead horses, and the Dragon Blood Soldiers that were created by Juan took the lead. At the very front of the line walked Urkel, the one who used to be called the Revenge King, with dozens of skulls clattering on his body.

Anya calmly thought that all she could do was ask her enemies to surrender. And whether they decide to surrender or not, they would eventually become a part of the emperor’s army.


It was once a demerit, but now, it was a merit, that the East was without a leader.

Hela expertly dominated the east with the little imperial influence she held. The mercenary guilds that flourished in the east offered Hela some highly-skilled warriors to do the duties of the soldiers during their absence.

The mercenaries were the best at smelling the scent of war and money. Above all, they were well aware of which direction would eventually achieve victory.

A large number of troops gathered together, filling the route to the west.

The war against the warriors of Arbalde could have been quickly cleared up and settled if such an amount of troops had gathered back then, but everything was already in the past. Besides, there was no way that such a huge number of troops would have gotten together like this in the past.


Hela spoke to Hury, the former leader of the Punishment Unit, who had now become the Captain of the Special Forces Guerilla Unit.

“Are you sure you don’t hear any more whispers?”

“Yes, Your Grace.” Hury nodded. “The same goes for the other troops. But we can still exert the power of the Crack.”

All of Hury’s troops were people who had been encroached upon by the Crack to some extent. They were constantly tempted by the Crack and felt the urge to cry out the name granted to them by the Crack. In return, they gained far more power and strength than ordinary people.

Hury used to be one of the warriors of Arbalde and one of the people who had been most influenced by the Crack. However, the whispers of the Crack that used to make him suffer had gone quiet for some time now.

“That’s good news. The power of the Crack is evil, but we need that power at a time like this,” Hela said.

“...What you said the other day must be true, right?” Hury asked.

“Yes,” Hela nodded as she looked at the red light rising from the west. “His Majesty said that he had found a way to permanently protect the empire from the Crack. He also said that you will all be able to get your normal lives back.”

To the warriors of Arbalde who had been encroached upon by the Crack unwillingly and then volunteered to be prisoners because they did not want to turn into monsters, there was no better reward for them compared to getting their ordinary lives back.

Hela promised to give rewards to all those who were gathered here, ready to fight. For some, she promised them gold, success to some others, indulgence for some, and a future for the rest.

The Special Forces Guerilla Unit had a different purpose compared to the Northern Army, who were ready to risk their lives to follow commands, or the Order of the Huginn, who rose from even death to carry out the commands given to them.

However, they were the most human-like Army.

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