Emperor Has Returned

Chapter 85: Ten thousand leaves(5)

“It’s too early in the night to be sleep-talking, 10,000 leaves?”

“Don’t change the subject. Back then, you could have handed me over and received the 10,000 leaves that you’ve been prattling about over and over. So why take the dangerous path instead?”

“Well, I can see here Mr 10,000 leaf don’t believe in good faith and professionalism huh. Are you saying that you’re suspicious of me because I didn’t hand you over and decided to protect you instead?”

“I like my back the way it is. You can never be too cautious.”

Swallen tried to smile but her lips didn’t go up. She realised that the force coming out from Juan was making her feel timid.

For the young black haired teen who was looking at her while sitting relaxedly on the side of the ditch, it wouldn’t take much effort to kill her.

While she didn’t feel any murderous intent, the sudden weight of the air around her made it hard to breath causing her to wipe away some sweat.

“Well, you’re not going to let this go are you.”

“Whatever you say, I won’t kill you at the very least. I still need you to guide me to Drugal.”

“Fine. I’ll admit it then. I had been intending to take you to Drugal before I met you.”

“Even if you’d have to face off against Paladins?”

“For quite some time, the eastern people have been disregarded by the capital. Are you aware that there aren’t any bishops, or Paladins in the east? The Abhorrent knights are an exception. They’re only here because of the wanted arrest of a 10,000 leaf bounty individual. The moment Mr 10,000 leaf is caught, they’ll be out of here.”

“Okay, so I understand that Paladins aren’t your concern. But if gold wasn’t what you’re looking for, why are you taking me to Drugal?”

Swallen made a ‘found out because of those bloody Paladins’, expression on her face.

In all honesty, it didn’t really matter whether Swallen gave him an answer or not. He needed a guide right now.

Whether Swallen would betray him or not, for now all Juan wanted was for her to get him to Drugal. To lop off her head or not would be a decision to make later.

However, Juan was admittedly a bit curious as to how Swallen would answer. Right now, people wanting to help and willing to turn against the empire from him were a rarity.


After a slight pause, Swallen opened her lips.

“In truth, it might be for the same reason as Mr 10,000 leaf.”


“It’s as I said. Didn’t you say that you were looking to kill someone at Drugal? Me too. But the thing is…… I simply couldn’t see a way to make this possible by myself. But then, I heard of the rumours about you. That a person at Hiveden is causing a real headache for the higher ups. Then I found out that you were looking for Drugal, so I figured not to miss the opportunity.”

“Who are you trying to kill?”

“Heeey come on, I didn’t ask any private matters so Mr 10,000 leaf should consider doing the same.”

Juan looked at Swallen with a bemused look but understood where she was coming from.

Did it matter what she said?

There was a high chance Juan would leave behind a tower of corpses at Drugal, and if lucky Swallen’s target may also be killed in the process.

“You’re saying your target might be trying to kill me?”

“I think the possibility is high. I’m certainly not a match but I think you might be. Even if you’re not, I’ll be getting my 10,000 leaves if that happens.”

In one word, Swallen saw Juan as some sort of bomb that she’d throw into Drugal and hopefully achieve what she wanted.

“The person you want to kill. Is it Gared Ga-in?”

Juan discreetly threw it out there, but there was nothing discreet about the name that was brought up. Swollen stared at Juan dumbfoundedly before clapping her hand in fright.

“Gared Ga-in? The one who assassinated the emperor? Are you out of your mind? Why would someone like him be at Drugal? Ah, actually that’s right. He could be at Drugal. But what made you think I’d be associated with him in any way? In one in a thousand chance that I was, I’d be on my way to the furthest part of the empire to here.”

Juan smirked at Swallen’s over the top reaction.

She didn’t look as if she was lying.

Juan was on his way to Drugal to find the link between Gared Gain and the fissure.

Though he didn’t know whether it was a coincidence that Swallen had someone she wanted to kill there, if Swallen really had a connection with Gared Ga-in, then she wouldn’t have approached him so inelegantly.

Juan turned his head. Swallen too turned and looked in the direction but there was nothing but empty darkness.

“Is something there?”


He’d thought he’d felt a presence but there was no one there. He expanded his senses but he could only find those that he’d already been monitoring.

Paladin knights and a few others looking for him. And…….

“Not in our close proximity.”

Juan lifted his head up. Swollen followed his gaze up but there was nothing but an empty sky.

Juan was clearly looking towards a spot in the empty sky.


Beltre was looking towards the horizon from a hill. Hiding somewhere in the red wasteland was his target that the Pope had instructed him to capture.

Even now, Beltre could commence a pursuit, but he gave the order to stand by and wait.

Breathes held with patience and silence. The prey’s neck snatched and limbs sliced to prevent retaliation. Then make them swallow death.

This was the way of the ‘snake’, the way how the Abhorrent knight order went about their missions.

On this occasion they’d collided with the target abruptly and unexpectedly, which played a part in their current state.

Adding further, the target’s abilities far exceeded what had been described in the reports.

To add to that an unexpected confider.

The excuses could go on without end but Beltre surmised it in one word.


Maybe it was only natural that they were careless because a whole knight order had been mobilized for the task.

If they wanted to, a knight order had the capability to besiege a city.

But now that his identity had been blown, he needed to approach with far more cautious and secrecy.

He’d already paid an eye for his lack of carelessness.

“Brother Beltre nim.”

Someone from behind begun to conversate. A female with long silver hair, which looked like a mirage as her semi transparent hair moved limply in the air. Her green pupils were cut vertically.

“Sister Nora.”

“We’ve confirmed their location. It appears their horses are too spent to travel any further. We can easily catch their backs by surprise. We’ve made sure so they can’t suddenly escape.”

“Is that right. Hmm, how do they look?”

He wasn’t asking for their current state.

Beltre was asking how much Nora could achieve with the ‘snake’ that was permitted to her. After a brief hesitation, Nora spoke.

“The female won’t be any trouble. But the black hair will be difficult, I expect.”

Beltre was a bit surprised. The snake permitted to Nora was unique in that it was specialised for assassinations.

If Marco killed his enemies swiftly like a wind, Nora could kill her enemies without them even knowing. Even if it was an archer that had managed to pierce Beltre’s eyes.

Hearing Nora say that it will be difficult, was basically saying he was a non viable assasination target.

“Did he see you?”

“I’m not entirely sure. When I got close to them our eyes met for a moment. Whether this was coincidence or him noticing me, I decided to retreat after judging the situation as dangerous.”

“Good. We’ve still got plenty of time. If he did notice you, the fact he didn’t move against you explains there’s a reason behind it. Again, nice work. We can maintain pursuit at a safe distance thanks to you. I’ll be expecting you to continue.”

“Of course. Also, an unexpected name came up.”


“The name Gared Ga-in was mentioned.”

“That apostate? How was it mentioned?”

“It was ambiguous. The female mercenary talked about someone she wanted to kill, and then the black hair asked whether it was Gared Ga-in. It was difficult to grasp whether the black hair had any hostility towards Gared.”

Beltre strained his eyes.

“It is already known that Gared Ga-in has a connection with the fissure’s priests. But to find out he’s also connected to Tantil’s demon…… This might be bigger than we think. I now understand why his holiness emphasized the severity of this task.”

There hadn’t been an official sighting of Gared Ga-in since his aassasination on the emperor.

The fact he hadn’t been confirmed dead meant Gared Ga-in was the highest ranked on the empire’s list of enemies. If he was captured then executed, there would be no greater honor as the church would be praised for carrying out justice.

Beltre’s chest swelled up upon thinking about the possibility of catching a fish bigger than he could have imagined.

But immediately shook his head.

He needed to focus on his target. The black hair was his target given to him by the Pope.

Take too large of a step, and his leg would be ripped apart.

“Keep watch on the black hair for now. There’ll be more and more insects taking notice of him sooner than later. Also, find out what you can about that female wielding the bow. Her skill with the bow is beyond what an average mercenary is capable of doing.”


Sina Solbein looked devastated as he stared at her horse dying in front of her.

Losing a horse in the middle of a wasteland was basically a death sentence.

But, lucky or not, the black being which was munching on her horse seemed to have no interest in her.

Everytime the black beast opened its mouth, a part of her horse disappeared.

She estimated that her horse would be gobbled up in about 10 mouthfuls. The thought of her being next did pop into her mind, as her eyes wouldn’t look anywhere else but the beast.


She turned around upon hearing a voice from behind. A man who looked to be about thirty was looking down at her.

Wearing the empire’s military uniform, he held a lengthy spear on his shoulder.

Sina blankly stared at him before turning her head back at the black beast.

“That……..is that what I think it is?”


Black scales and a white horn stretch like a mane, ability to devour a horse in several mouthfuls and its giant mass.

It had the same characteristics as a dragon from the stories that she’d heard many times. As a knight, Sina of course had an interest towards stories about dragons.

But believed to be extinct, what would one think upon seeing one land from the skies before chewing up their horse.

‘In all honesty, it doesn’t concern me.’

She was sad that her horse had died but she’d never considered the thought of seeing a dragon that was alive. On closer inspection, on its back were a saddle and equipment designed to keep it under control.

“I heard that they’d gone extinct after the Lindworm knight order disbanded…….”

“One survived.”

The man gave a short answer but upon realising his words needed a further explanation, he added on.

“Occasionally, I’d let him wander if I see no one over the wasteland. I didn’t expect anyone to be so nearby. I’ll of course compensate you for your horse. Double in fact. And if your alright with it, I’ll take you to the nearest village.”

“No. I don’t mind……..but uh, are you perhaps a member of the imperial army?”


The male stretched out his hand at Sina.

“Horschel Helmer, 4th division Centurion. Currently carrying out Earl Henna’s orders. Am I speaking to a knight?”

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