Emperor Has Returned

Chapter 79: Red wasteland(1)

There was a point in time where the land in the east were touted as the most beautiful land.

The long eastern coastline had been one of the empire’s famous scenery where you could find dragons flying about. It’s name once held value from its beautiful natural landscapes.

This was until Gared Ga-in, the ruler of the eastern land stabbed a knife into the emperor’s back.

After the emperor’s assasination, Gared Ga-in and his dragon knight order were mostly beheaded or went into hiding.

Having lost their leader and produced the culprit that harmed the emperor, the empire began to ostracize the eastern land.

And amidst the turmoil, forces from inside the northern fissure managed to slip past and infiltrate the eastern land, turning most of it into a wasteland.

Although Earl Henna, a native from the east somehow began holding them back with some help, by then it was too late. Most of the land in the east had been destroyed.

A gust of wind carried a handful of red dust into the air, spraying it over a tent. A messenger just arriving from the holy city of Torra was surprised to see how bad things truly were in the east.

For the young messenger, it was hard to believe that this land had once been a popular vacation spot in the empire.

Right now, the person he was waiting for was who solely ruled over this wasteland.

The curtains opened and a slim elder with a cape draped over her head covered in red dust walked in.

The messenger instinctively stood up and greeted the elder. When most nobles chose to leave the east a long time ago. one sole noble reamined. Earl Hela Henna walked in.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting. I was out patrolling. So, I heard Pavan sent you?”

“Yes. Ceovil Soar of the capital knights.”

Ceovil held out the letter. Hela frowned as she took off her robe before receiving the letter.

The face with only a left eye belonging to an old woman came into his view. Also her right sleeve hung loose in the air, as if she’d lost her right arm as well. But surprisingly, using only her left hand, Hela skillfully opened up the letter.

After reading it, Hela scrunched it up.

“Pavan. That bastard ignores us everytime we ask for anything, but comes running along saying ‘teacher this teacher that’ only when he needs something….. Maybe he learnt it off that evil horned pig Vares Valte, because I certainly never taught him this.”

“Earl Henna nim.”

“Don’t even try to complain about what I just said. If you have a problem, go cry to your superior and take it up with him.”

Of course, Ceovil had no intention of doing this. Although a member of the Capital knights, he was well trained in diplomacy.

“Inform this to Pavan or Vares, any of the two. I hope you get yourself killed. Preferably earlier the better. And for the succeeding General, tell them to consider selecting their dog. At least dogs show kindness to those that feed them.”

There was a reason why Pavan had sent a knight who was diplomatic in their approach.

He was well aware of Earl Henna’s sharp temper.

“Earl Henna nim, you’re already well aware of the situation surrounding the capital. The giants are being more active in the west, and we’re getting our usual daily letters from General Nienna Nelborn asking for additional reinforcements to the north. Meanwhile the south……I don’t need to explain more than what was said on the letter. It’s unfortunate that we can’t pay more attention to the east but……”

“What? So you would give me a lecture on the difficulties that politicians in the capital face?”

“I’m asking if Earl nim could please understand that the General has to command the empire’s forces most efficiently. The church has even dispatched their abhorrent [1] order in response to the crisis. Apologies, but we have no choice but to call for the assistance of Earl Henna’s 4th division.”

“You’re saying, those living there are people and those living in the east are dogs or pigs? Hah, you cute little bitch. If it’s the first or second time we’re being discriminated against, I could let it pass. I’ve said it countless times, that if reinforcements had been sent when it was asked, then things wouldn’t have got this bad in the east as we would have already settled things…..It’s much easier to deal with humans instead of monsters, isn’t it?”

Fissure in the north, giants in the west and undeads in the south. Uprising rebels in the east were deemed cuties compared to the rest.

But for Earl Henna who had to withstand years of rebellion, this wasn’t the case. It was from such internal fighting that she’d lost her eye and right arm.

“I would’ve sent hundreds of letters by now, implying that the underlings from the fissure are behind the rebellion. To be more exact the Bramble tree priests. Those fanatics are desperate to get their hands on the emperor’s head and yet the General of the empire doesn’t seem too concerned huh?”

“Earl nim, please refrain from speaking in a rude way when involving the emperor’s nam……”

“Shut it!”

Hela threw the crumpled letter at Ceovil’s face.

“Right now, I’m in the middle of a war where I can’t afford to take out even a single soldier. On the contrary, I’m the one who actually needs reinforcements, and you what? You want me to take out some of my troops and make them chase down a criminal? Are you on drugs? If you’re so desperate to catch this person, why don’t you do it yourself? You are a knight afterall.”

“There are other forces in chase of course but if Earl Henna nim would send out troops of her own then we would be greatly appreciat…….”

“You don’t have troops to send to us but you’ve got troops to track down this criminal?”

Hela used her sole left arm to dig her finger into Ceovil’s chest.

Ceovil was pushed back by Hela who’s height only reached his chest.

But in front of an experienced, battle hardened woman, his height nor training was of no use.

“After forcing out Gared Ga-in and the Lindworm knights, what else did you lot accomplish? Nothing! Who was it that took over the eastern land that was in a state of tumult and restored it into an acceptable form? That’s right, me! I never received anything so I don’t have anything to give. In fact, it should be me who’s receiving. Think how many talents you’ve taken from us.”

“Apologies once again. I don’t know what to say. Commander Pavan will most likely be feeling guilt regarding this, but…..I don’t know if you know, but in the capital, without the General’s approval nothing can be sent ou……”

“Yeah yeah, whatever. Anyways, to hell with it, if you think that i’ll do this for free.”

“…….What are your conditions?”

“7000 troops. Each packed with their own supplies.”

“Alright. I’ll make it happen.”

Hela’s stopped moving. Her face was full of suspicion.

“What? You’re accepting it? Without even asking Pavan?”

“Yes. On the condition that you take this seriously. I’ve got authority to accept terms to a certain amount, so if you want a certificate as evidence, I can provide one right now.”

Hela had spat out her condition while expecting it to be immediately refused.

She thought there was no way they’d supply her with 7000 troops just to track down a criminal.

If Ceovil cheaply refused but still persisted in getting her help, she had thoughts about kicking him out, but seeing him mutely accept, she felt a strange sensation but also a tinge of uneasiness.

Hela didn’t let the uneasiness disappear quietly.

“You little shit. What are you scheming?”

In a blink, Hela was holding Ceovil up by his collar. Ceovil lifted both hands in the air, showing that he had no intent to resist.

“This shows how much Pavan is taking this case seriously. I’ll promise that you can use the troops in any way you’d like. As I’ve said, commander Pavan has always felt that he owed you a debt, so it would be appreciated if you can think of this as him repaying you back.”

This couldn’t be true.

Pavan was someone that Hela had personally taught until he fell into Vares’s hands. She of course, knew his character very well.

Signs of concern were showing on Hela’s face but when she thought about what she could accomplish with additional 7000 troops, it wasn’t a hard decision to make.

“A criminal that’s worth sending 7000 troops? Who is it?”

“I’ll give you the exact details later on. But I think even Earl Henna nim wouldn’t be happy hearing about a dangerous individual crawling into her territory.”

That was true.

Hela didn’t want any other variables entering her domain. So that left whatever plot Pavan was scheming.

“……..Be honest. Up to how much were you given permission?”

“I’m not sure what you are talking about.”

It wasn’t like she didn’t have her doubts, but she chose the pragmatic option. Hela pushed a pen and paper in front of Ceovil and demanded.

“I want it in writing now. 10,000 troops. Each fitted with their own supplies. And no haggling, you know how poor we are.”

“Why suddenly increase by 3000…….”

“Shut up and just write.”

“Alright then.”

Ceovil began writing a certification as proof.

With a few drops of ink, 10,000 troops were guaranteed as writing. Suddenly, Hela felt as if everything felt a little pathetic as she always found it difficult getting 1,000 or even 500 troops for aid in the past.

After receiving the certificate, Hela glared at Ceovil with a grumpy expression.

“As I said, we’re in the middle of a war so I won’t be able to take out much of my own forces.”

“As long as you’re sure you’ll get it done properly.”

“Don’t worry about that. I have someone in mind.”

Puzzled by Hela’s words, Ceovil tilted his head.

“How many are you intending to send?”

“Just one. But for these kinds of scenarios, better to send this ‘one’ than a hundred.”


The sword flashed in the moonlight.

The attacker’s hand instantly split in two as Juan brought down his dagger.

Juan’s dagger cut three, four, five, no seven times before the attacker could even scream.

Like a breaking vase, blood squirted out from all places, and only then the attacker let out a scream.

Juan didn’t let him scream for long. A dagger pierced his heart.

This all happened in a flash when the first attacker had rushed in. The remaining attackers began backing away in a frightened expression.

Juan sprayed the blood smeared on his dagger onto the ground.

“I’m sure you’re all aware.”

Juan approached the attackers.

Inside every attacker’s mind, were regrets in getting involved and a voice telling them to run.

Though they were at an open wasteland, the attackers all felt as if they were being tightened in a prison cell, slowly being suffocated.

A prison cell that was no bigger than 3 footsteps in all directions.

“That I could have killed you all at once.”

2 weeks had passed since Juan had arrived east and this was now the 5th attack. Up till now, he’d killed every single attacker without question, but as time went, he started to feel that something was weird.

Their skills were laughable and they were definitely here for him, but strangely he felt that his position was being discovered too easily by those that were after him.

The attackers swallowed a big gulp. Before he’d attacked, Juan had been sitting still.

But in a flash, Juan neutralized and demonstrated a brutal murder as if to set an example for what was to come.

What appeared to the leader of the attackers hesitated before opening his lips.

“Wai, wait. It’s a misunderstanding. We’re not exactly here for you specifically.”

Juan tilted his head.

“Not here for me?”

“The church has declared a 10,000 gold leaf bounty for a black haired boy. So as you can imagine, everyone’s out to catch any black haired people they come across regardless of age. Th…that’s why attacked. We’re aren’t the only ones doing it.”

Juan went silent. Sweat started to appear on the attackers’ foreheads.

“Hey look, I’m sorry if you took offense but it’s not like we’ve caused you any harm. Meanwhile we’ve lost one. We’ll take our leave here so why don’t we just all walk away without seeing more blood?”

“I like not seeing blood.”

“Th, then……”

“Where’s Drugal?”


“I said where’s Drugal. Answer me and I’ll let one of you live.”

After hearing about Drugal from Oppert, Juan had actively been searching for it. But it was difficult to find the exact location as no one seemed to have heard of the place.

“Why are you looking for Drugal?”

The one who replied was the man furthest back towards the center. With a skinny body, the man was faintly smiling as he looked at Juan.

The attackers realised that they’d been tricked, seeing the man’s smile.

“You bastard! That’s right! You’re the one who alerted and convinced us to capture this black haired m……”

The final words never came. Something had sprang out from the skinny man’s hand and cleanly beheaded him.

Everyone noticed a long bizzare tentacle connecting his hand to the other man’s throat.

The attackers screamed before fleeing in all directions.

The corner of Juan’s lips rose.

His opponent had come for him.

[1] – So I had a knight order named ‘Debarment order’ in the . I’m changing it to ‘Abhorrent’ order. .will be updated.

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