Emperor Has Returned

Chapter 71: Beloved has appeared(1)

This bar called ‘The obnoxious pocket’ was a place that housed many smugglers and fencers.

Due to how messy things were at Hiveden, they were experiencing unexpected prosperity.

Once they found out that most heads in Hiveden’s had died, it didn’t take long before they started to bring out their valuable items that they’d hidden from the public.

“I thought traders using this opportunity to do business would find themselves unwelcome.”

“Well, no. This will be one of the ways to get Hiveden back on its feet.”

Head of the smuggling business, Oppert replied calmly.

“Everyone is following the Hugin knight’s instructions, including fencers and smugglers. Majority were quite obedient to our demands, while the few that weren’t so submissive left on their own accord. Anyways, that’s that. Didn’t you say that you were looking for something?”

Juan nodded.

“I’m looking for an item to help me transfer my spirit.”

“Transfer spirit….. Your spirit, your highness?”

Oppert asked in an awkward expression.

“Yes. Currently, I might lack the ability to achieve what I’m intending to do, so I’m hoping this item will help.”

As he spoke, Juan handed over a piece of parchment with the list of tools and materials he needed.

Oppert took the parchment but the awkward expression on his face didn’t subside.

“Am I asking for too much? Those items shouldn’t be too difficult to find.”

“Ah, it’s not that. Umm….”

Considering the state Hiveden was in, as the head of the smuggling sector, Oppert had countless tasks that fell upon him.

But even so, he couldn’t outright decline to help the person that saved everyone in the city. Surprisingly however, this wasn’t the reason for his hesitation.

“While I’m a smuggler, I am also enlisted as a scholar for the tower of magic. I’ve haven’t read up on the stories about spirit transfer too much, but I do know how dangerous and difficult it is to pursue it.”

“It’s not an ordinary spirit transfer.”

Juan grinned as he spoke.

“I’m trying to return into my old body.”

“By old body, are you meaning……really…..”

Oppert had already been briefed by Anya that Juan was the resurrected emperor.

But for Oppert, it was even harder believing that Juan was the same kid that he’d seen only a few days ago, let alone believe that he was the emperor.

The emperor…..

Oppert was a scholar. And as a scholar, he naturally questioned the possibility and didn’t believe it.

To him who liked to analyze and think things logically, the emperor was a being that didn’t supersede the realms of this world, just like gods.

But having seen ‘that light’, Oppert came to the conclusion that this light wasn’t something to be understood logically. He was denying that Juan was the emperor for the simple reason that there wasn’t enough evidence to support it.

This wasn’t something for him to quickly make up his mind about. It would be right for him to keep a certain level of suspicion before rushing into conclusions.

But, what would if Juan could actually return to the emperor’s dead body.

If Juan was really the emperor, this was history being written, and if he wasn’t the emperor then it was an insult on the emperor’s name like no other.

“It…….it may be a little difficult, your highness. I’m sure many others who’ve learnt the art of spirit transfer would’ve thought about it, but till now there hadn’t been any report of success. Furthermore, we don’t know what will happen to you as the emperor’s old body isn’t intact.”

“No. It will be possible. When Nigrato was eliminated, I personally felt the power of the emperor connect with me. Although only a small thin line now remains after the initial connection disappeared, this too is gradually weakening by the moment. I do not know when it will completely disappear. So i must do this before this connection eventually snaps.”

“Th, then…..are you familiar with the study of necromancy?”

“I’ve done it a few times.”

Oppert eyes widened. When the church decided to monopolise the magical knowledge in the empire, they seized every information and materials stored at the library located at the tower of magic.

Necromancy was especially an area deemed to be taboo, so it was surprising to hear the emperor claim to have used it before.

“I heard necromancy is extremely dangerous……”

“It is. But knowing that Nigrato’s strength has been drastically weakened, I’m sure there won’t be any big dangers. If I’m dealing with magic, I’m confident in my skills but I could use some help just in case. What do you think?”

Oppert didn’t hesitate very long.

He was a scholar.

An opportunity to help the emperor regain his physical body, he wouldn’t get to experience something like this for the next century.

Oppert happily accepted.


A crown made from the branches of a mistletoe was gently placed on top of a female priest.

The female priest, wearing a translucent silk lace robe was shaking in fear in the middle of a cramped dark room.

It was a natural reaction as the person that killed her by smashing her head was standing in front of her.

This was exactly what the Pope was wanting from the next saintress.

The atmosphere inside the holy city of Torra was gloomy having heard that the previous saintress bit her tongue on her own accord.

In the midst of constant ill news from the southern region, the city was hit with an ominous incident in their own walls.

After the story spread, the countless people that were wanting to be next saintress were suddenly nowhere to be seen. Helmut didn’t want these developments to continue.

“Is it true that you were never bestowed ‘grace’ previously?”


Helmut smiled in satisfaction. Even to him, it felt strange appointing a girl that he’d killed with his own hands to the position of the saintress, but in a good way this meant she lacked the ability..

Furthermore, it was likely that she wouldn’t act against his wishes, seeing the fear in her face.

Helmut was pleased with his choice.

“It’s time. Lets go.”

The female priest got up wearing a heavy look. Upon taking her hand to usher her out of the room, Helmut felt the sweat on her palm.

“You……no, What’s your name?”

“It’s E, Eve Isildin your holiness.”

“I see. Miss Eve, you don’t need to feel intimidated. Nor should you be shaking. The position of saintress comes with much honor as a commander of a Paladin order. So why would you feel the need to be wear such a distraught expression.”

“…..Ye..yes, yes your holiness.”

“Reply with one yes. And smile.”


Eve forcefully dragged the side of her lips in a smile. Helmut clicked his tongue as he led her out of the room.

A grand hall filled with white pillars appeared once they exited the room. Light from the ceiling shined down, brightening the stage.

In front, there were numerous followers silently waiting to greet their new saintress.

After making the painful walk towards the stage, Eve noticed a reddish stain in between the bricks near the stage.

It was the spot where the previous saintress bit her tongue and sprayed blood nearby.

Eve almost collapsed to the floor in a daze. But Helmut quickly held her up from falling.

“You’ll experience death a second time if you don’t do this properly.”

Eve was on the verge of crying but pulled herself together and tightened her legs from falling. Then, just barely, she managed to stand on top of the altar.

She looked to the large crowd in front of her eyes.

Although the interior wasn’t spacious, it was full of famous nobles, priests and other notable names.

Two Paladins standing on each side of her were the commanders of the White Lotus and Black Cross Paladin order, famous for being the right and left hands of the church.


Eve only now fully realised the position that she inherited.

Although the position of Saintress was basically the Pope’s puppet, the words that came out of her mouth had a big impact in the empire, as it disclosed the church’s desire and intent.

Seeing Eve short on breath, Helmut thought it was best to make the finish the ceremony as quick as possible.

Eve didn’t even know how the ceremony was made. She was moved here and there by a priest on her side and only spoke when she was asked to.

Bored from the ceremony, a few nobles began to yawn and exchange conversations.

The ceremony lasted for quite a while but for Eve, time flew on by. Gradually, she felt as if she was becoming someone far from who she was.

For the last proceedings, Helmut poured some wine into a glass and made Eve drink it. Up to this point, Eve obediently followed.

Once Eve emptied the glass, Helmut proclaimed.

“And with this, I hereby declare a new saintress has been born in this empire. Your majesty, please watch over and lead us.”

“Please watch over and lead us.”

The hall reiterated the Pope’s words and that concluded the ceremony. Though there were hiccups, for a rushed appointment, the saintress had done well for her part.

“Well done. Now just read this final prayer and you can go and rest.”

Helmut whispered in her ear. But Eve’s head hung low and didn’t respond.

Seeing the saintress stay still, the crowd started to buzz. Helmut started to sweat as he brashly tugged at Eve’s arm.

But Eve boldly shook off his hand.

“What are you…….”

Helmut’s eyes met Eve’s and froze.

Gone were her usual green eyes, replaced by eyes coloured pitch black. So dark that he expected black ink to drip down from it any moment.

Eve wasn’t shaking at all. Unlike her previous self, there was no evidence of being scared. No, a more accurate description would be that her face was void of expression.

She began walking back to the altar, passing Helmut as if he didn’t exist.

The Eve that returned to the altar had a completely different composure. The crowd were left stunned and confused upon seeing the frightened saintress act strangely.

Then from Eve’s mouth, tore out a voice that echoed throughout the chamber.


Juan felt strange.

With the help of Oppert, he had attempted to return to his body through the thin connection that still existed.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to fully return to the body yet, but a small part of him hoped that doing this would allow him to briefly observe the state of his old body.

But before he could link himself to his old body, his consciousness drifted into a female’s body. He hadn’t expected this to happen.

‘I don’t think I’m affiliated with this person in any way……..”

Below the stage were numerous nobles, priests and knights. Juan didn’t know of someone so famous that they would receive the attention of so many.

Then beside him, he heard a loud declaration.

“And with this, I hereby declare a new saintress has been born in this empire.”


It was a title that he’d heard of.

Anya had told him that the Pope used the Saintress to declare messages that were supposedly the will of the emperor.

Unknowingly, Juan began to laugh.

‘You dare?’

Dare manipulate and distort messages under my name?

Juan looked at the face of the man that had grabbed his arm. A face resembling a snide rat.

He did think that he’d seen the face before, but he hadn’t been anyone important. If he was, then there was no way Juan would have forgotten his face.

Juan simply ignored him. He wasn’t worth his time.

Juan skipped past him and stood on top of the altar. He decided to show these fools what it was like to truly hear ‘the emperor’s command’.

“I, Juan Kalberk Kenosis send out this message through this body.”

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