Records of Rebirth

Chapter 290 - Her Name

Morgana crossed the tunnels filled with sleeping bottom feeders, nervously aware that she still hadn\'t recovered fully, unlike her opponent waiting for her, but she continued to proceed further nonetheless.

In the underground no one would hear her scream, but unlike before she had enough control over her magic to not be defeated so thoroughly. In fact, she was itching for another round, her blood pumping with a strange excitement.

[Spider? Should I be offended?] Typhon grimaced. 

[Can you blame me?] Morgana replied. [I imagine we remember this place very differently. You with fondness, me with dread.] 

Typhon glanced at the pale serpent whose striking yellow eyes taunted him in the dark. It was quiet since \'she\' left with Apollo but now there was a sharp change in the wind around him.

Was he supposed to believe she was afraid of him?

[How much did you hear?] He asked without wasting any time.

[Everything.] Morgana replied, the murderous aura she now emitted completely obliterating her former smile. [Did you know about Apollo? Why is she still protecting him?]

Typhon was pleased to see an honest reaction from Morgana who never revealed her true thoughts.

Since her punishment, she had taken every opportunity to cower anytime he entered the room. So much so, that \'she\' had begun to rethink his character because of her acting skills, an issue that upset him greatly. 

Now that Morgana\'s anger was so raw, he was relieved because she mirrored his own rage – however he wished \'she\' could see her now.

[I\'m only learning about it.] Typhon calmly replied. [So act like you heard nothing.]

[What? Won\'t you do something?] Morgana hissed in outrage. [I can\'t believe he tried to harm Ophelia. If only I knew earlier, I would have killed him at the first chance.] 

[And you will continue to act like you don\'t know about it.] Typhon gave her a warning look.

[Why?] Morgana frowned. [You don\'t agree with Apollo being her spy either. Why not send you? Or me? Doesn\'t she trust you enough?]

[We don\'t know the reasons why she chose him.] Typhon frowned. [And you don\'t have the right to question her decisions.] 

Morgana approached him slightly. [Don\'t you think your bias against me is clouding your judgement? We should work together to let her know she is making a mistake.]

[So you want to make a truce?] Typhon mockingly asked.

Surprisingly, Morgana nodded, her look sincere. [I will do anything to keep Ophelia safe.]

[Then stop hiding your true self and see if she still trusts you.] Typhon scoffed.

He recalled \'her\' worried look as she left the underground – her exact words were to \'take it easy\' on Morgana. The very serpent who was doubting \'her\' choices.

[Then you should do the same.] Morgana cheerfully replied, and Typhon chuckled.

He couldn\'t believe \'she\' believed her pretences so thoroughly, it only served to show \'she\' needed his guidance more than ever.

[Ophelia trusts me.] Morgana declared with confidence. [And I think \'she\' does too. Maybe you should learn to trust me too. Together we can convince her to use someone else.]

[You mean yourself?] Typhon replied.

[Will that be so terrible?] Morgana scoffed. [You\'re not the only dependable one around here. Just imagine how happy \'she\' will be, when I bring back the queen\'s head.]

Typhon moved towards her menacingly. [If...]

If she dared to come back a failure, he would kill her away from the Pit and dispose of her body where no one would ever find it – they had no place for useless serpents. 

Morgana backed away after sensing his malevolent aura. [If you attack me here, she will know immediately, so go ahead and attack. Let\'s see if her good opinion of you remains afterwards.]

Typhon threateningly laughed. [I\'m impressed by your propensity for make believe.] 

[Don\'t be impressed with me.] Morgana glared at him from a safe distance. [It looks like \'she\' has bigger plans…I just didn\'t expect Apollo would be a part of it.] 

For once Typhon agreed. It was beyond irresponsible for \'her\' to trust Apollo, especially when he was behind their traps\' collapse. 

Apollo was using this to win her favour, but knowing their leader, \'she\' probably chose him because she was fond of him in some way, or she saw something in him.

Typhon had less tolerance for such whimsy.

Apollo should be dead, as should Morgana who kept eyeing him suspiciously. After everything these traitors had done, their presence was more harmful than good.

Did \'she\' think she could afford to be this trusting?

The reason \'she\' wasn\'t more strict with them was because she put them in the same category of creatures who needed her help, like children or pets. An act which stirred a memory from within him that he\'d long since buried away.

But in the end, Typhon had his answer.

[It\'s her decision.] He replied. [Instead of questioning it, you\'ll do well to make sure Apollo doesn\'t escape.]

Morgana nodded before approaching him. [Why aren\'t you more upset at her? I mean…She almost killed Ophelia.]

[That\'s where you\'re wrong.] Typhon shook his head. [She changed something in Ophelia. Her aura is now the strongest of all of us, more similar to \'her\' than anything.]

Morgana\'s eyes widened. [What?]

[I admit I was upset at first... but once I sensed Ophelia\'s aura...] Typhon pondered. [I couldn\'t be angry at \'her\' anymore.] 

[Why? What did she do?] Morgana asked.

However, Typhon stopped speaking, realising he had said too much already. 

So, he left without answering, making Morgana hiss in frustration. She knew something interesting had happened and yet Typhon was refusing to tell her.

Why wasn\'t he honouring their truce?!

On the surface Typhon thought more of how Ophelia\'s drastic changes could be connected to \'her\'. Not only did Ophelia\'s aura closely resemble hers, but he also wondered what had happened to that mass of malevolent energy he saw.

Morgana followed after him, but gave up shortly after when he stopped responding, quickly moving on to find someone else to bother. And Typhon hoped Arsinoe would keep her busy for a while until he figured it out.

His main issue with their leader was that her impulsive actions could endanger them. 

Typhon couldn\'t say that all her decisions were bad, but her methods weren\'t always the most refined and her soft heartedness was also an issue.

Cygnus had described all that occurred with the Nymph to him - all that he could see anyway, and his general consensus was that their relationship was good, which was why the Nymph and her daughters were able to form an alliance. 

But this sort of thing would only work on the Nymph who already had some affection for her. It would have gone terribly wrong on someone else. So, he had to be ready to deal with any problems that could arise as a result of her efforts.

Unfortunately, the latest problem on the horizon was of an entirely new breed. 

The first thing Typhon saw on entering the room was their leader trying to calm down an over excited Ophelia, who was zipping through the air at breakneck speed.

[This is amazing!] Ophelia yelled. [Why do I have so much energy?!]

\'She\' seemed to be puzzled by Ophelia\'s response, and kept asking |[Are you in any pain?]| over and over again.

But Ophelia shook her head, seemingly confused. [Why would I be?]

|[Don\'t you remember anything that happened?]| \'She\' asked and it was Typhon\'s turn to be surprised.

Ophelia mused in thought. [I remember coming out to find you but…there\'s…nothing after that. How odd.]

She didn\'t seem to remember getting hit by that blast of malevolent energy and Typhon remained frozen by the door, until \'she\' spotted him.

[Now you\'re here?!] Ophelia yelled, eyes glaring at him. [Why did everyone else leave? You\'re all acting strange today. Typhon wouldn\'t stop fussing over me, and now you are acting weird as well.] 

It seemed Ophelia had forgotten her near death experience.

Rather than hurt, she actually seemed irritated by their concern.

But then, she glanced at the stone walls surrounding her that had turned into dark marble, stroking their cool surface with her feathers.

[…this is new.] Ophelia muttered. [When did it change?]

|[Are you sure you don\'t feel strange anywhere?]| \'She\' asked once more.

[Strange? Not really.] Ophelia replied. [I guess I feel hungry. Maybe a little sleepy too, but mostly the same.]

Typhon could see why \'she\' was concerned, but her gaze seemed rather frantic now, and he wondered if he should be more worried by Ophelia\'s lack of memory.

|[You should eat something.]| He immediately suggested.

Perhaps it was best she didn\'t remember such a traumatic event. Drawing her attention to it might have some unwanted effect.

Fortunately, \'she\' caught on quickly and agreed with him.

In response, Ophelia took off in the air to leave the room. However, her speed took her by surprise, and she ended up storming out of the room with a loud scream.

[What is this feeling? I feel great!] Ophelia raved in excitement, her voice echoing through the corridors as she familiarised herself with new speed.

With Ophelia gone, Typhon was able to speak freely. 

[Can I say something.] He said.

She turned to him and gave him a nod. |[Sure, what is it?]|

[I don\'t really doubt your decisions as our leader, but you have to be more mindful of your actions when it comes to using your powers. This thing with Ophelia can\'t happen again.]

To his surprise \'she\' actually agreed.

|[I know. It won\'t happen again.]| She replied. |[And you don\'t need to hesitate to voice your opinions to me in the future.]|

Typhon nodded but he stopped her before she left the room.

[There is one more thing. You named all of us here but... none of us know your name. Do you not have one?] 

|[Oh... didn\'t I tell you? My name is Aurelia.]|

\'She\' said it like it was supposed to explain everything, but Typhon remained frozen in a mixture of shock and disbelief, his thoughts now murky with doubt.

There was no way.

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