What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 953: Yandere VS Yandere

Chapter 953: Yandere VS Yandere

(Lilith POV)

As much as I didn\'t want to get myself involved… Daddy did tell me to keep them safe so I couldn\'t just leave them to their fates.

I was hoping that they might give up after I told them I wouldn\'t be involved, but I should have known they were too stubborn for that.

Making sure I had made myself invisible to all senses, I followed Daddy\'s disciples to where they had planned to intercept those three disgusting pieces of trash. They had chosen a spot within the Death Mountains as their interception point, which was smart since it wouldn\'t matter much if they fought here and caused tons of destruction.

I sighed at their rashness, did they really think they could take on those three by themselves? Sure, they were moronic pieces of trash, but they were still moronic pieces of trash that survived being stuck in the Abyss so that counts for something.

Not to mention the fact that they do have Origin fragments within each of them, boosting their capabilities even further.

All of them spread themselves out in a semicircle with the ones able to fly floating up into the air to intercept them.

A short while later, three figures appeared flying across the sky and stopped a short distance away when they saw them.

"Hmm? What are all of you doing here?" The one with the platinum blonde hair asked, landing in front of them with a scowl on her face. "Weren\'t you all still being lost little lambs back at his lair?"

It took me a moment to remember her name, Pimvare the Soul Vampire. I don\'t usually remember the names of pathetic pieces of trash like these but they have earned a spot in my memory for being such big pieces of trash.

Daddy\'s golden girl floated forward, a look of rage plastered on her face, "We know who you are and what you\'ve done. Do you think we will let you do whatever you want to our Master?"

"You Master?" The red haired one, otherwise known as Tyriana the Star Wolf, repeated before sniffing in their direction. "I see… I didn\'t think it was the case since the entire place was filled with his scent, but since all of you reek of his smell too… You\'re all part of his new harem, aren\'t you?"

"Ufufu~ So it seems," The red fox woman of Daddy\'s new harem answered with a smile that did not reach her eyes. "And you three are our Master\'s past captors."

The one with the black hair stepped forward, if my memory still serves she should be Heaven Splitter Leanne, also just as big of a trash as the other three and the one who cut Daddy up into pieces.

"Captors? I know not what you have heard but if you must know, we are the ones who love our darling the most in existence."

"And to show that love, you cut Him up and ate Him?!" The white fox of Daddy\'s harem spat, obviously enraged at the mere thought of it, just like the rest around her.

Pimvare sniffed at her disdainfully, "Hmph… If you even had to point that out, then I don\'t even understand why darling keeps you all around? You\'re not even good enough as a replacement for us."

The golden girl growled back at her, "Master most certainly has no need to replace you with anyone. You\'re not even worth remembering."

Pimvare waved her hand dismissively, "How delusional. You have no idea how deep our love for each other was. We are destined for each other and no one can get between us, not even that white haired bitch who was so obviously jealous of us. Our love transcends dimensions."

"How does killing and eating the one you love show your love for Him, pray tell?" The girl in the cheongsam asked, her fists clenched.

Tyriana snorted, "Truly worthless. How else will you be closer to the one you love the most? There is no other way to be closer to them aside from partaking them within yourself."

"And then when you digest Him, He\'s gone, isn\'t He? Are you idiots fucking dumb?!" The girl with the twintails screamed. "How dare you hurt my Onii-sama in another life?! Even this self-proclaimed sister over here wasn\'t delusional enough to do that!"


Leane turned up her nose at Daddy\'s girls, "In that case, how do you all even show your love for darling? It\'s clear all of you are just talk, nothing more."

The one with the golden hair moved forward, "We worship Him. His soul, His body, His very being. That is how we love our Master."

"In other words, we have sex with our Master as proof of our love," Daddy\'s witch stated as a matter of factly.

Oh by Daddy, she should not have said that.

This may come as a surprise but… These three are virgins… Daddy has never slept with any of them.

The reaction from the three of them was instantaneous.

All of them leapt forward at Daddy\'s witch, intent on killing her where she stood for doing something that they never managed to do.

Tyriana had transformed partly into her wolf form, her hair lit ablaze with crimson fire while her nails elongated into claws to tear her target apart.

Leanne had summoned her sword out of thin air, the woman\'s eyes flashing silver while her blade was swung towards Daddy\'s witch\'s neck.

Pimvare\'s face had also morphed to show her vampiric features, her fangs and nails sharpened into miniature daggers that were further enhanced by the blood aura she had clad herself with, just so she could erase the woman in front of her from existence.

I was prepared to jump in until I realised there was no need to.

Daddy\'s fire fox had intercepted Tyriana, batting her fire away with a wave of her own and sending the wolf back with the help of the ice fox.

Daddy\'s swordswoman had also split herself into four and parried Leanne\'s sword away, though it also resulted in all four of them being flung away as well.

As for Pimvare, she found herself being held back by Daddy\'s golden girl herself, the newly ascended goddess grasping the vampire\'s hands while her body was clad in her cosmic lightning.

"How dare you?" Pimvare screeched, pushing her weight against the new goddess. "How dare you sully our darling\'s purity with your filth?! He belongs to us! Us!! You shouldn\'t even be looking at him at all! Much less be touched by you!! All of you seduced him with your tricks and took our darling away from us!!!"

Lightning formed around the golden girl as she pushed back with equal force, growling, "Master belongs to no one. If you even think His purity is something that can be tainted, then you are the one who is unworthy of Master! Master is the true Divine, too good for the likes of a moronic bitch like you!!"

An explosion blew the both of them back, forcing them to disengage as the two groups glared at each other.

"I\'ll kill all of you, carve you all up piece by piece and let beats feast on your remains! How dare you seduce our darling?!" The vampire spat.

The golden haired goddess gnashed her teeth at her, "That\'s interesting, because I was just about to say the same thing to you. How dare you hurt our Master?!! To even think about it is sacrilege!!! We\'ll wipe you from existence for even thinking about doing it again!!"

And the two groups clashed.

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