The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 730 - 730 War Between Monsters

The difference in number might be too big, but this is still a fight between monsters. So no one knows how the fight will end.

Many other sea monsters have been defeated. But that doesn’t mean all of them were dead. There were still some other sea monsters fighting.

But luckily, Victoria was there to help Spot. She’s riding on Ray who can move fast even underwater and killed weaker monsters.

She also tried to kill an orca, but the orca was stronger than ordinary orca. These orcas were originally normal orcas, but because of the effect of the Orca King, the orca with a pink spot in the forehead, the other orcas slowly transforming into monster orcas. No longer just animals.

Victoria couldn’t defeat even one of them easily. She managed to deeply wound one of them, but other orcas then protected the wounded orca and attacked Victoria.

Victoria would be fine if she got attacked. But not Ray. And Victoria won’t be able to use Aura to fight if Ray is not with her.

One orca managed to bite Ray’s leg. But Ray kicked its head and escaped. Ray is just slightly faster than that orca.

‘Can Spot and his children beat them all? If we could just defeat the leader, the rest should be easy. Or if we can find the tamer of king of the orcas, it won’t be difficult to handle later,’ Victoria thought to herself.


As she thought, defeating the leader or the tamer will make things easier for them. But they can’t depend too much on other people to win easily as well. She also needs to help the others after she finished her duty in the sea.

Not to mention, Sonia who scouted the area first is being chased by several ghosts. She can’t win on her own. So Sonia needed the help from Victoria or Roy.

And since Roy will be the busiest person there, Victoria needed to finish everything as soon as possible to help Sonia with the incoming ghosts.

Sonia managed to lure the ghosts to chase after her instead of killing the others. It’s not without reason.

The tamer who tamed the ghosts is a master level mage in other element as well. He detected Sonia and thought that she would be a huge obstacle in the fight. So he ordered the ghosts to kill Sonia first.

The rest of the tamers, who tamed a lot of monsters, were all master level mages. And after most of the people in the cult were killed, they no longer have the need to hide their strength. But they weren’t able to do it since they have enemies to fight. They need time until their powerful magic was ready.

And so, Roy and everyone were thinking the same thing. They have to finish the enemy in front of them first so they can help the others as soon as possible.

And the enemies being master level mages, any destructive magic those mages used won’t be enough to kill other master level mages. So the soldiers have to put everything in the line just to make sure those mages were not able to cast any destructive magic.

Spot also wanted to help the others. But the enemies this time, the orcas, were too many. And he couldn’t get close to the leader.

Even when he used his breath attack to target the orca with pink spot on its forehead, the other orcas would move to protect their leader. Several orcas then died, but the leader was protected.

And then, each serpents, Spot included, were surrounded by dozens of orcas. Each of the orcas were twice the size of ordinary orcas. Which mean they have became monsters completely.

As for the Orca King himself, he’s smaller than ordinary orca. And the pink spot made it easier to locate it.

The serpents then got themselves bitten by the orcas. They were struggling, but the orcas’ jaws were too powerful and it might even bite a chunk of their meat.

Spot then used his full power to bring his children to the sky because the orcas won’t be able to do anything there. But he dropped one of his children on the sea and that one was bitten again.

Victoria then helped the fallen serpent by wounding the big orcas one by one. Still, they didn’t die because their skin was too thick.

But at least the serpent was freed.

‘We can’t do anything about these orcas. It’s best to just focus on the enemies on land. We shouldn’t have come to the sea,” Victoria thought.

Spot was also thinking of the same thing. And the wounded serpent then turned small, still big though, and Ray took it out of the sea.

But that wasn’t the end. The orcas were so good in their teamwork.


That was Roy shouting a command to not get Spot and everyone leave the sea.

Then they realized what the orcas were planning.

The orcas moving together to create a tsunami. With that many orcas, everything on the shore will be destroyed by the tsunami.

It was too late when they realized it. So they tried to get as many soldiers as high as possible, or hold onto Sunny who is in her big form and rooted to the ground to not get pushed by the current.

Some escaped to the air by the help of the monsters. But several non-flying mages got carried by the wave and lost in the sea.


Victoria realized that she did the wrong thing and let the soldiers died. But she didn’t lose her mind in her failures and quickly think of a plan.

“Spot, shoot at the leader of the orcas from here!” she said.

“But the others will protect him!” Spot said.

“It’s fine! Just do it!”

Spot then do as Victoria told him to, and shot a breath attack into the water.

As expected, other orcas were protecting the leader even if they have to die. But at least they didn’t try to create another wave because of this.

The breath attack created a hole in the sea. And Victoria move to the opening at once.

There, she looks for the leader and tried to kill it.

With Ray’s speed, the two familiars charged toward the Orca King. And with no hesitation, even with the water pressure, Victoria slashed her sword and wounded the Orca King.

Wounded. Not killed.

The orcas then surrounded Victoria and Ray, and some were protecting their king.

Victoria realized that her plan failed, but Ray didn’t.

Very quickly, Ray dropped Victoria from his back and kicked her toward the wounded Orca King.

Victoria knew that that was her last chance. And again, she swung her sword and finally killed the leader of the orcas.

Their leader died. But that doesn’t mean the orcas will stop being aggressive. Especially since they knew that Victoria and the others are their enemies.

There won’t be anything that will lead the orcas to create another tsunami. But they are still powerful creatures of the sea. And both Victoria and Ray were surrounded by them.

Not for long.

Roy who was busy fighting the Archbishop, also paid his attention to other battles. And when he saw the two killed the Orca King, he summoned the two of them to his side to get them away from the danger.

“Good job. Take care of the rest!”

Roy said to the soaked familiars. Victoria then rode on Ray’s back again to help Spot and the others. This time, they won’t leave the sea until all the monsters at the sea were eradicated.

Even if the orcas won’t create another tsunami, that doesn’t mean that they can’t.

Spot and his children dove into the sea again. And this time, with no one acting as the leader, defeating the orcas were much easier than before.

The serpents were ecstatic that they can finally take revenge to the orcas who have bitten on them.

There were still many orcas, but the orcas were no longer as strong as before. So there’s no need for all of them to fight the orcas.

“Victoria, you go and help the others. Leave the orcas to my children. I will fight other sea monsters here,” Spot said to Victoria.

“Alright! Good luck!”

Victoria and Ray left the sea. And this time, they’re going to Sonia’s side to help her kill the ghosts. Or exorcised them.

With Victoria helping her, the two former Aura users defeated the ghosts easily even though the ghosts there were much stronger than the previous ghosts they fought together.

The Black Slime and the ghost have learned how to fight ghosts well from their previous experiences.

“Victoria, the reinforcement has come! But if we can’t defeat the master level mages here soon, there will be more casualties!” Sonia said.

After defeating the ghosts together, she teleported to the border of the country and see that the reinforcement has arrived.

“You will continue scouting and be the messenger. I will help the others again.”

The Orca King has been defeated. There were still some powerful sea monsters, but their attack won’t reach the shore since Spot and his children were fighting them.

But nothing is over with how the master level mages were still fighting.

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