The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 95 - Something I Shouldn't Have Said

"Hmm… The smell of the sea!"

"Can you even smell?"

The day after returned home, I went for my last treasure hunting before returning to Melk. And like usual, the other has their own business to attend.

Kayla, Sophie, and Angela choose to cultivate. They realize how much they depend on me, so they need to improve their own strength first. I also wish to cultivate, but there\'s no magic stones compatible with me at the moment.

I asked Lina to find necklace or any type of accessories that we can fill them with dirt from the land where Sonia casted her magic onto, our home.

I ask her if she can just cast another magic to the accessories. She can do it, but the strength is too weak and Sonia can\'t transport to the place with such weak charm magic. What a difficult ghost.

And so, I\'m currently running on the surface of the sea while carrying a cup filled with dirt. That was how Sonia able to leave that building.

And now she\'s following me and keep quarreling with Victoria. I planned to leave the cup in an empty island so she can enjoy being outside for a while.

Victoria retorted to Sonia saying she\'s smelling the smell of the sea even though she\'s just a ghost. But can a slime smell as well?

It is funny to see that a ghost and a slime talking with each other. No one would believe it that they were actually old friends. For the ghost Sonia, it\'s normal I guess for human being died and became a ghost. But what about the slime?

And as for what we discussed yesterday, I\'ll just tell it to the king next month. Maybe he will know something.

"So? So? What are you doing here?"

The ghost is excited about playing outdoor for the first time in a thousand year. For a woman who seduces men and keep them as pets, she acted too childish some time.

"I\'m hunting for treasures. There are so many treasures under the sea untouched by people. Since I have both Aura and air element, under the sea is basically my playground! If not for the fact that there are monsters as well."

"I see! You\'re doing something one of my lover who disappeared a few years after we became ghosts did in the past!"

Sonia continued.

"He used to say that the sea is filled with treasures. He even so proud to find one ancient tool in the past and he keep bragging to my other lovers."

"Before we continued, do you even remember the names of anyone of your lovers? I\'m sad to know that all of them getting seduced by you and you never tried to remember their name." I said.

"I don\'t remember their name, but I make sure to give them nicknames."

"Does those nicknames changed every time?"


So she doesn\'t even try to remember their nickname, huh? Then what about that Mr. Handsome With Perfect Smile.

"I just called them according to my mood, how they look like, or how I got them to be my lovers. I also called them by how strong they are."

No wonder that mage aiming for her first. Her power is too much! She can bring any men to their knees! If that mage leave her alone until she caught wind of what that mage\'s aim for, there\'s no chance at all for that mage to win. Sonia could gather all powerful men to kill that mage. Or maybe she could even seduce that mage if she had the chance.

But unfortunately, she died before she can seduce the one who killed her. She acted stupid in front of people who flirted with her without knowing their real intentions. She never charmed them with charm magic unless they are her targets. But she feels good because she is their target so she leave them be.

  "We have reached that empty island. I\'ll leave this cup in that island so Sonia can enjoy being outside until I return. If you\'re bored, then you can just teleport back home on your own."


I ran on the sea surface to that empty island, and placed the cup under a tree so the wind can\'t blow the dirt away.

Then Sonia enjoying floating around the cup. She can\'t get far from that cup so she only float around that cup.

"Alright, I\'m bored now. I\'ll go back first. Call me if you need anything!"

And poof! She\'s gone.

"…she was so insistent to follow us and when we\'re here she\'s gone? Your old friend has some annoying personality."

"Well, she\'s only interested in men. And in a different way from me." Victoria said.

"I\'ll be damned if the two of you interested in men the same way as you do. How can everyone in your world survive with so many of you?"

"We keep our desire a secret from everyone. But with how advanced we were, we can keep in touch with anyone with the same desire without even meeting them in person."

Maybe I could spread such invention to this world. I\'ll ask her later.

For now, let\'s go get some treasures!

Today, I only mainly looking for magic stones. Of course if there are other valuables then I\'ll grab them as well. But for now, it\'s time for magic stones. I want to increase the level of my air element magic so badly.

There\'s no interesting story to tell here. I\'m just grabbing magic stones, most of them are water element magic stones, and gather them on the empty island. I keep doing it until it started to get dark.

Of course I defeated some monsters underwater. Although I learned how to fight with a broadsword underwater, I choose to use my self-repair spear. I let Victoria hunt monster on her own.

This way, I can improve both my summoning element (hopefully) and my Divine Vision as well (probably).

After all, there must be some monsters underwater with good vision. Especially in the deep part of the sea. Maybe I won\'t need to close my eyes again when I move fast underwater.

Once I think I found enough treasure, I swam around the bottom of the sea in case I found another sunken ship.

I found some of them, but I\'ll leave exploring that ship the next time I go diving. I just memorize where to go next time. I still need to find good material to make container so I can create air element magic stones.

Then I return to the empty island, grab the cup and some magic stones. I also found some jewelries to give Sam to sell. The amount is less than before since I\'m mainly looking for magic stones, but I think it\'s enough for a few months.

Since I\'m planning to go to the market first, I decided to not call Sonia. As for Victoria, I\'ll just summon her later when I\'m home.

I returned by running on the sea surface. I choose a long route since I saw a ship with many mages on it. I think they want to try their luck with the sea demon, but they won\'t find that sea demon. It was all just a huge misunderstanding!

After reaching the city, I went to the market and bought the same material I used for my oxygen tank.

After buying some, I return home. I left my bag filled with magic stones in my room, and did some experiment.

I summoned Victoria who was still swimming, and transform her into a hammer to turn the material into a container. I want to make some air element magic stones as soon as possible.

I make the container big enough to fit ten magic stones, and thick enough to endure the compressed air so it won\'t explode.

After finishing the first container and compressed air inside of it, I made some more until dinner time.

During dinner, Lina gave us some accessories for us.

Everyone is here except for Sam who\'s busy.

"Most of what I bought are necklaces, but I have few earrings and bracelets as well."

If I want one that doesn\'t restrict my movement, I think I\'ll choose the earring. But with the size being so small, can it contain enough dirt so Sonia can travel to?

"The earring is too small. Not enough dirt to make me teleport there." Said Sonia after we tried it after dinner.

Then everyone choose their own accessories. Most of them choose bracelets. Victoria doesn\'t need one because I can summon her and we can use the one I\'m using. As for me…

"I\'ll take this belt buckle. It won\'t restrict my movement. But…"

"What\'s wrong, master? Is there anything you\'re not satisfied with? I\'m sorry for choosing one that doesn\'t fit your taste."

"No, Lina. You\'re doing well in choosing them. You\'re not at fault here! It\'s just that… since my pants fit in just right on my waist, I never need any belt even in my previous live. So I just…"


I think I heard something snapped.

"Roy, does that mean you never gain weight? Even after you ate so many things?"

"Umm… yes? Kayla, you\'re scaring me."

Then Victoria explained what\'s wrong.

"Roy, other than you, we are all women here. All of us loves sweets and worried about weight gain. Then you just said that you never worried about gaining weight. You just made an enemy with all the women here by saying that."

Oh, shit!

"Roy, I think you will sleep alone tonight. I\'ll be borrowing Victoria as well."

"Umm… Sophie. Don\'t be angry."

"Roy. All of us will have a sleepover at Sophie\'s room. Don\'t you dare peek on us!"


"Roy! I hate you!"

"Umm… Angela… I have no other secrets…"

"Master… this is the first time I feel hatred toward you. No more dessert for you tonight."

"No! Don\'t take the pudding away! Lina!"

"Roy, you\'re the enemy of women."

"You can\'t say that to me if you can change your body shape however you like, Victoria!"


"No! Ghost doesn\'t have the right to speak now!"

No one talked to me tonight. This is the first time I feel so lonely after returning to the past.

I thought I was used to loneliness in my past live, but now, I\'m used to have someone with me. So when no one talked to me, I felt so lonely.

By the way, the pillow in my room is wet because of sweat. It\'s not tears!

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