The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 16 - Thinking Of You

Margaret did not care who he was or what was going through his mind. She grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall. The paintings trembled at the impact of the force.

Duke Harris was shocked by what had happened. He did not have enough time to react. One moment, he was reaching for the doorknob, hoping to seek an audience with the Crown Princess. The next moment, he was held by his collar with his back against the wall.

Esther gasped in shock, covering her gape mouth with both hands.

She turned to see Lady Margaret, who looked calm and collected.

"Miss Esther,"

"Yes… yes Lady Margaret?"

"Go and get Sir Nikolas and the guards," Margaret instructed.

The maid ran off to do as instructed. Margaret turned her attention back to the Duke. He was clearly shaken by what had just happened.

"What did you think you were doing? Were you going to enter the princess\'s room unannounced?" She interrogated him.

"I… I…"

Margaret snorted, "Don\'t I… I… me! You\'ve trespassed into this mansion and attempted to ridicule the future Queen of Kinshearth with your insulting behavior."

She threw the Duke onto the ground. He landed heavily on his back, causing him to grunt in pain. But the cold expression on Margaret\'s face did not change. As the Duke struggled to stand, Margaret, stepped on his chest with her heeled shoe.

She leaned in close and threatened, "If you value your reputation, pride, and life, I suggest you watch your manners, Duke Lackerwood."

Margaret glanced up to see the knight and guards coming in her direction. She picked the Duke back up and patted him down. The man was still clearly shaken by what had just happened. He was rattled speechless.

"Milady, you called for us?" Sir Nikolas asked as he bowed to her.

Margaret put on a smile and gently nodded her head.

"Please escort the Duke off the premises. The Crown Princess does not wish to see him or any guests today, please see to it that her wishes are respected."

Sir Nikolas saluted, "Understood."

No one questioned anything. They all knew what they saw. You simply do not question Lady Margaret\'s authority. Unless you have a death wish. Moments after the knight and guards left with Duke Lackerwood, Esther returned with the soup she had requested earlier.

"Thank you, Esther," Margaret said with a soft smile.

"You\'re most welcome, milady. If there\'s anything else the Princess or you require, do let me know," with that, Esther bowed and scurried off to tend to her other duties.

Margaret brought the soup into the room, heaving a sigh of relief as she closed the door behind her with her foot. She placed the soup on the dressing table and took a seat on the cushioned chair.

"Laina, I hope you\'re alright," she muttered to herself as she massaged her temples.

After a moment, Margaret laughed to herself.

"What am I saying, of course she\'ll be alright. I just… I just worry too much."

She turned to look at the wardrobe. Margaret took out the crystal ball once more. This time, she locked the room door before beginning her incantation and spell casting. She wanted to double confirm the location she had seen before.

But instead of images of Laina, she realized the images that appeared this time were of Marius. Her cheeks flushed red as Margaret ended the spell abruptly. She needed full concentration when she cast this spell. She had to have a clear image of the person in question in her mind.

Unlike the previous spell, where she was successful in concentrating on Laina. This time her mind drifted and she thought of Marius instead. She began to recall how he looked at the ball.

"Have not seen him in so long… He did look pretty handsome in that suit," she muttered to herself.

As her mind drifted, she continued mumbling to herself as a cheeky grin formed on her face, "He\'d look even better without."

Realizing what she had just said, Margaret felt her cheeks flush beet red. She squinted her eyes closed, cursing at herself as she slapped both her cheeks.

"Oh my goodness! What am I thinking of!" She exclaimed at herself.


"Achoo!" Marius sneezed.

He rubbed his nose, wondering where the sneeze came from. He was as strong as a dragon could be in their prime and dragons don\'t get sick.

"Well that\'s a first," Dante commented as he continued to work on the documents he was reading.

"What is?"

"You, sneezing," Dante replied, looking up at Marius.

This reminded him of something his lover once told him.

"If you sneeze, it means I\'m thinking of you~"

A smile appeared upon his face as he continued to work. Marius noticed the smile on his King\'s face.

He folded his arms and teased Dante, "My my, the great Dragon King is smiling so sweetly? What could possibly melt his cold cold heart?"

Dante rolled his eyes, ignoring Marius.

He did not appreciate being ignored.

"Aww come on, tell me," Marius pleaded.

"Someone once told me, if you sneeze, it means someone is thinking of you."

"Someone is thinking of me?"

He wondered who it might be. But the truth of the matter was, he already knew. However, given the way she always spoke to him when they met.

"Maybe I should ask her," he muttered to himself as a smile appeared on his face.

He could already see her angered expression in his mind. Marius knew exactly how she was going to scold him for being ridiculous. Even then, it still made him happy.

Dante laughed as he shook his head. Seeing Marius like this brought a smile upon his face. It was about time he found someone special.. He did not want one of his closest confidants to remain single forever.

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