Aether Beasts

Chapter 232

"There\'s something I need to do before we celebrate," Misty said just before they entered the green court area. She knew those they\'d met were probably waiting to congratulate them and she knew she\'d be swept up in it and forget about something she needed to do sooner than later.

"What?" Aiden asked.

"I need to speak to the Red Ribbons," Misty answered. "I need to let them know about my decision. I imagine they also want to speak to me, but don\'t want to intrude."

"Can\'t it wait?" Sandra asked.

"Better I do it now," Misty said with a shake of her head. "I don\'t think they\'ll be too surprised, at least not all of them."

She knew for a fact that Vita would not be pleased, and most likely upset, but that wasn\'t enough to stop Misty. She was going to be staying with Aiden and the others, and it was better to let them know now than later. It would also go over well if she went there rather than making them wait for an opportunity. She wouldn\'t be joining their group, but no reason to create any animosity either. Apart from Milenia, everyone she\'d spoken to had been nice and fairly polite. Vita was odd but still nice and the others had been fine as well.

Juveria seemed competent and not the type to hold grudged, though Misty couldn\'t be sure of that.

"I shouldn\'t be long," Misty said.

"We\'ll be waiting." Aiden smiled. "We won\'t start without you."

Her heart felt warm at that smile, and once again she reaffirmed her decision to stay and not leave. She had it good, very good, and joining the Red Ribbons would not only force her to leave those she loved and held close ties with. it was also a risk as she couldn\'t be sure what would happen and if she would change over the course of her time with them.

\'I\'m making the right decision. I will stay with them.\'

It only took her a few minutes to make it to the Red Ribbons area where one of the vampires led her into the idling she\'d been in last time. She didn\'t spot Vita anywhere and when she asked, she was told Vita was currently occupied with her duties, whatever that meant.

As she made her way through the living area on the bottom floor, the vampires that were relaxing nodded at her as she passed, respect and admiration in their eyes which made sense since she\'d beat their second in command in a fair fight. She imagined Milenia must be very embarrassed, and Misty was glad she wasnt around.

When they arrived at Juveria\'s door, the vampire escorting her knocked once, and after Juveria answered, left Misty to enter the room alone.

Juveria was seated behind her desk which had a number of items scattered on it.

Misty only glanced at them before she focused her attention on the vampire opposite her. She could sense something in the corner of the room, but her instincts were telling her it wasn\'t a threat, and as long she knew it was there, she didn\'t really care.

"I\'m here to let you know my decision," Misty started, but Juveria cut her off. "You won\'t be joining."

Misty blinked. "How did you know?"

"Don\'t get me wrong, I did think there was a chance you might join at first," She said. \'But then you bright up the idea of reaming only a half-sister and I read you fairly well in our first meeting. Your friends are more than simply friends and after finding out a bit more, I came to the conclusion."

"Are you angry?\'

"Disappointed," Juveria said. "But not in you. Just that we won\'t be getting a new, very capable vampire. I honestly didn\'t expect you to beat Mileniai nor did I expect you to possess an innate ability like that sonic scream. There\'s more as well, but we won\'t get into that. Tell me, Misty, how long have you been a vampire?"

"I\'d say just over half a year," Misty replied. "Why?"

"Well it\'s just I\'ve never met a fresh vampire who was so strong," Juveria said. \'At least none that wasn\'t affiliated with a major house or power backing them and there\'s also the mystery of you being in the plains. It\'s meant to be impossible for someone to become a vampire in the plains due to the low amount and quality of the ambient aether, yet, here you stand before me. An anomaly."


"And nothing." Juveria shrugged. "I was just curious, but from the look on you face, it doesn\'t seem like you\'ll be able to answer my question and sate my curiosity. Thought if you could I would not ask for such information for free. Now, is that all?"

Misty nodded. "For now. I don\'t want this to be the end though. I could still use some aid from vampires."

"It\'ll cost you."

Misty smiled, her thoughts going to Zirani. "Oh, I can pay."

\'More like Zirani can.\'

"The princess," Juveira said coming to the correct conclusion. "Well if you need something let me know. Oh, and you might want to avoid Vita. She won\'t be pleased about this and is known to throw tantrums."


Juveria winced. "They are unpleasant."

Misty thanked Juveira and left the building, noting that the vampires didn\'t seem to have much of a reaction. Either they too knew that she wasnt going to go, or didn\'t want to react until she was gone. Either way, she nodded respectfully to any who turned her way.

When she was at the edge of the Red Ribbons area, she turned back and just for a second thought about what might have been. Shaking her head, she thought back to Aiden\'s smile and couldn\'t find herself feeling bad about her decision at all.

To stay was right for her.

\'Now enough business for the day. Time to get back to others and celebrate.\'


"Such a shame," Hayley said, dispersing her shroud and standing. "Do you think she sensed me?"

Juveria shrugged. "Perhaps, but if she did, she didn\'t let on, and it doesn\'t really matter anyway."

"Vita\'s not going to be happy." Hayley walked over and sat on the edge of the desk. "Want me to take care of it?\'

"No, let her get over it now," Juveria said. "You tried when she brought in that waif of a girl, Illa, and how did that end up?"

Hayley winced and shook her head. "That wasn\'t my fault. How was I to know she would tamper with our blood supply."

"Your my spymaster and in charge of information gathering," Juveria said sharply. "If you don\'t know something then it\'s your job to figure it out, and you should have known that the threat of punishment doesn\'t work on her. Not the normal stuff at least. Starving her or harming her as punishment doesn\'t work."

Juveria thought back to all the times she\'d punished Vita, and nothing had come of it. The girl was an oddball and if not for her capabilities and utter loyalty to the sisterhood, juveria would have kicked her out by now, but you didn\'t throw away valuable resources.

"Forget about that for now." Juveria leaned forwards. "What\'s the situation with Dylan?"

"Not much has changed," Hayley replied. "He\'s more careful now, and things have slowed down somewhat, but he should be ready to do the ritual during the trip back."

"He\'d better," Juveria said with a scowl, thinking of the secretive alchemist. "If we mess this up then it won\'t be pretty when we return."

"If we return at all," Hayley added. "I\'ve been working closest with him and some of the stuff is just… crazy. I still can\'t believe we were ordered to do this. I get that it will help us, but it\'s too risky for my liking."

"I agree." Juveria nodded. "But we don\'t have a choice now do we. The only thing we can do is to make sure everything is as ready and well prepared as it can be for when the time comes. If all goes well not only will be stronger for it but also be greatly rewarded."

Hayley smiled. "I do like rewards. Maybe they\'ll finally give us our own piece of land?"

"Maybe," Juveria muttered softly. She\'d been wanting a place for the Red Ribbons for a while now. Land all their own where they could settle down and grow like the other groups. The Red Ribbons were strong but were also lacking when compared to some of the other groups. They didn\'t have as good of an infrastructure, income, or connections. If she could change one thing about the first few years as leader of the Red Ribbons it would be the way she acted towards others. She had made far more enemies than friends in those days and most hadn\'t forgotten. It had led to many problems over the years and while they\'d fought them off, she\'d rather they didn\'t have to deal with such things and could focus more on growing rather than just trying to survive and get by.

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