Aether Beasts

Chapter 229

"Later," I said mentally. "It\'s complicated."

I sent her the general rundown of what had occurred, and I could sense through our bond that she had a multitude of questions for both me and the lost queen but after taking a deep breath she stood.

"Get the healers to check them up," she shouted, raising a hand to silence the crowd. She grasped my right arm and thrust it up into the air. "The winner of this bout is Aiden Hawke. Both fought well and put on a good viewing for us all, so give both congratulations and the respect they are due."

The crowd applauded once more, and I sought out the Umbrin clan. There was a mix of reactions but my eyes immediately went to Kai who looked devastated. It looked like he had just been told his entire family had died and he was next. Seeing that look, I couldn\'t help but feel some pity for him. In any case, Sandra wasnt the type to mess with people, and she would treat them well when they swore loyalty to her.

To my surprise, the woman sitting next to him also looked shocked, though there was also sorrow there. Lucy who was sitting next to her looked ecstatic, which wasnt a surprise considering this meant she now had a chance with Pate once again. That is if the true Pate took a liking to her. It was still a mystery as to what would happen, what Pate would say, or if he would even remember anything.

Misty and Sandra walked down with beaming smiles on their faces and I gave both tight hugs before facing the healer that had come. He had the robes of the thousand drops sect and after checking me over, used some minor healing and then went over to Pate whose injuries were far worse.

Half his body was burned badly, not to mention he probably had a few cracked and broken bones. I was glad I had held back on my strikes, especially when using solar aether as too much would have burnt right through him.

Zirani had once told me the greatest of healers could easily heal a destroyed heart and there were many ways to save the brain and other parts of the body, not to mention that healers with working with or possessing the time affinity were even greater. They could save those who had died though there were limits to it, and such healers were either costly or only accessible to certain groups.

"Are you going to do it now?" I asked Sandra.

"Do what?"

"Having Kai swear loyalty," I replied. "Everyones gathered so what better time to do it."

"A great idea," Zirani praised before turning back to the crowd and raising her voice. "Do not leave just yet. As I\'m sure you are all aware, a bet was made between Sandra and Pate, and since Aiden has won, that means that Pate\'s family must swear loyalty to her as was agreed. Kai, if you could come down."

Kai had looked devastated before but now he just looked like he wanted to run away or disappear. Nevertheless, with clear effort, he got to his feet and began walking down to the arena. As he passed the beautiful woman next to him, she spoke and his shoulder which had already been slumped moved down further.

The crowd watched with a mix of pity and curiosity as Kai made his way over to Sandra, not looking her in the eyes.

"Kneel," Zirani said and Kai did as instructed, kneeling slowly. His hand shook, and when Sandra stepped in front of him, it looked like he might bolt, but after several deep breaths, he raised his head and met her eyes.

What occurred next I didn\'t really understand as Sandra and Kai went back and forth. Sandra spoke some words and then Kai repeated them. It looked like each word made him deflate more and more and at several points, he stumbled on a word or two. As he swore loyalty, i thought about if he knew about the parasite or not, and what would need to be done if he did. Now that Sandra was in charge of him, we could keep Pate somewhere so that we would be the first to talk to him when he healed.

We didn\'t need him spouting off about parasites and such if he was able to speak coherently that was. If he wasn\'t, it was best if others didn\'t see as they might come to certain conclusions.

When all was over, Kai looked utterly defeated, like his soul had been taken from him.

Before anyone could say anything else, I sent Sandra the general rundown of what had happened, and a shocked look appeared on her face before vanishing as she glanced between Pate and Kai.

"Kai, I want you to take the call back to the Umbrin area and place Pate in a building all his own," Sandra said. "I and my partners will be there to speak to him soon enough. No one, not even yourself is to enter, understand."

Kai grimaced but when Zirani stepped forward, he quickly nodded.

"Remrebred the bet," Zirani said. "If you break it or try to work around it, then you will and your family will pay, understand. They are worse fates than death."

He nodded and after bowing to Sandra and picking up Pate, practically sprinted back to the clan. There was a quick conversation, one in which an overweight man looked particularly pleased before there left the central area of the plaza.

As the crowd began to disperse, Sandra let out a sigh. "That was intense."

She turned to me and this time instead of a hug, she pulled me into a deep kiss that lasted several moments. When she pulled back she had a lustful look in her gaze, but a cough from Ziran brought our attention to her.

"We can celebrate later," Zirani said. "Right now we need to get to Pate. From what the healer told me, he should be up in an hour or two."

"Why do we need to see him?" Misty asked.

"I\'ll explain on the way there," I said. "To all of you."

As we made our way to the Umbrin clan area, we were stopped several times by people wanting to congratulate us. Many of which clearly wanted to speak further with Zirani or Sandra but we just politely declined and moved on.

Unsurprisingly many also wanted to speak to me which Zirani explained was mainly due to my connection with her and Sandra, though she also said the fight would have helped as It was clear I hadn\'t gone all out.

I was a bit disappointed about that. He had been skilled but he hadn\'t pushed me to the limit. It had been a good fight but I hadn\'t really learned anything.

A good test. That\'s what it was. I now knew how I stacked up against talented arcanists of the plains, though it was only one fight so I shouldn\'t come to conclusions too quickly.

From what it seemed, none of the groups that had come with expeditions were of great power or influence. At least none in their own lands. Any one of them could probably easily take over the plains.

The only one group that did have someone of the greater influence and power was the green court and Aeverie was only here as a punishment.

When we finally arrived at the Umbrin Clan area it was to the sight of the clan members lined up with Kai, the beautiful woman from earlier, and the overweight man in front of the rest

They all bowed as we approached.

"Sandra Umbrin." The beautiful woman smiled. "We haven\'t been introduced yet. I am Ashala Umbrin."

"And I am Darn Umbrin," Darn said. "And before anything else. I must say I am glad you put this fool in his place. His dreams of grandeur were foolish."

Kai\'s eyes darkened and his jaw twitched. "One must have ambition if they wish to rise."

"Indeed, "Ashala said sorrowfully.

"I understand that you all wish to speak further," Sandra said in a polite tone. "But there is something I must see too. Kai, if you could escort us to your brother."

He nodded and led the way through the area until we finally came to a one-story building of dark stone that seemed to absorb the light.

"He\'s just inside," Kai said, moving to enter.

Sandra stopped him with a gesture. "You will wait outside."

Kai frowned, worry clear on his face.

"We shall not harm him," Zirani assured him. "We just have a few questions and if he cooperates then all will be well."

With that said, the four of us entered the building determined to get the answers we wanted.

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