Aether Beasts

Chapter 162

It was the one in the center that had my attention though. He was the one who had approached Misty first and had tried to force her into something she had no desire to do, something that made my blood boil in ways that nothing else could. Perhaps it was due to our bond or love or both, but no matter what, my vision was red. These three reminded me of the twin horn, people who thought that their power allowed them to do as they wished.

That might be the law of the world, but it didn\'t mean I had to put up with it when I could damn well do something. I was no hero, but Misty was mine as I washers, and these people had tried to force her into something.

"Aiden?" Sandra sounded half worried and half pissed. "What do we do?\'

I turned and gave her a feral grin. "We go over a teach them a quick lesson."

She smiled. "I\'m for that, but don\'t you think this might cause problems?\'

"You don\'t think we could take them?" I questioned.

She snorted. "You know I don\'t, it\'s what comes after that concerns me."

I held back my quick retort. She was right, but I couldn\'t just let them pass. "We won\'t bloody them up too much."

"Are you mad?"

I glanced and frowned at the old man who was cowering behind his stall. "There from the burning sands sect, they\'ll kill you."

"Burning sands sect, huh?" I mused. "They don\'t seem like much to me."

They really didn\'t. None were above the second level, and I had no doubt with our training and power we could wipe the floor with them like it was nothing, but Sandra\'s words echoed in my head. Could we handle what came after? I tried to think of a way we could go about this that would obscure our identities when my eyes fell upon a clothesline with different colored cloaks, handing for all to see, except all eyes were on the three from the burning sands sect

"Sandra." I placed a hand on her shoulder. "You trust me?"

"Always." She smiled. "I take it you have a plan?"

I nodded. "I do, follow me."

I wove through the people and quickly made my way to the cloaks. There was a woman nearby who had been in the process of hanging another but was now cowering behind a group of men, who seemed to be shielding her. I placed two crystals on the ground next to her as discreetly as I could and then snatched a green and a black cloak, before darting away.

"Disguises," I said in answer to Sandra\'s questioning look. "You still remember how Zirani taught us to mask out cores and aether temporarily?"

"I do," She replied as she swung the black cloak over herself, then put the hood up. "Do we wait or strike now?"

I considered it and then shook my head. It would be better if it occurred in a more discreet place. "Let\'s follow them for a bit and see where they go."

Zirani had taught us the basics of masking our cores and aether without the need for arrays, and while we couldn\'t do it for long, it was still very useful, and these three probably didn\'t have the best arcane senses, not to mention they were very relaxed as though they had no worries about a potential attack, which they probably didn\'t. People like them relied on their status and people knowing who they were. I didn\'t know and even if I did, I still wouldn\'t have cared. These three were about to be in for a world of hurt.

Once my cloak was around me, Sandra and I begin to stalk the three arcanists. Sandra led the way as she knew how to move through a city crowd far better than I, and after a few minutes, the three left the Bazar and begin down a fairly busy road. Sandra and I kept to alleys ways, and any recess we could find. Our speed and Sandra\'s dark affinity meant we went by unnoticed.

As we watched them, my anger only grew. They walked around like they owned the palace, though whenever a strong enough arcanist passed, they showed a bit more courtesy, though only barely. It was the one in the center and forefront with his slicked back black hair, dirty brown eyes, and a smug smile that made his face so damn punchable. He reminded me of Jason Hays from West Vale, and I had no doubt he probably had someone from his sect or in a position of power backing him up.

To my surprise, the lost queen seemed to agree with me, though she hid the thought the moment it came to my notice, and before I could say anything she blocked herself off. I could still tell that she was awake and paying attention, just not interested in talking.

Still better than cursing and shouting, and at least she was doing something.

"What a stuck-up fool," Sandra commented. "I\'ve always hated his type."panda novel

"I really can\'t wait to wipe that smug smile off his face." I tightened my fists.

"Well, we might soon," Sandra replied as she pointed at them. "Look there going down a side street, cmon."

We followed behind them into the side street, which was pretty barren compared to the street we\'d come from. Since the Bazar, the three had walked further and further away from the central area of the city, and market places to the outer edges which was good for us. It meant fewer people to see what was about to happen.

The street was a lot more cramped and seemed like a great palace for a brawl, but then they turned into an alley between two buildings that looked empty. Sandra and I, headed up one of the buildings and I pressed a finger to my lips as I peered down.

The three arcanists had stopped in front of a side door in bundling over from ours.

"Cmon open up!" One of the three, a muscular-looking teen yelled.

"Fucking hells Bill, shut up you fool!" The leader barked. "What part of secretive didn\'t you get earlier?"

The muscular fool rubbed the back of his hand and shrugged. "Sorry, just eager."

"We all are," The third, a small, and lean-looking man, older than the others wrung his hands together in eager anticipation. "I hear they have the best in the city, reserved only for the highest paying patrons."

"Which means me," The leader said smugly. "And you two if you shut up and listen, got it?\'

His two lackeys nodded, and I turned to Sandra. "What do you think they mean?"

Sandra\'s face was grim. "I\'m not sure but I think I have an idea, did you have any brothels back in West Vale?"

"No…" I said, glancing back down. "Wait, you think that?"

She nodded. "It wouldn\'t surprise me."

"But brothels aren\'t against any law?" I replied in confusion. "Why hide it?"

"Not a proper brothel." Sandra sighed. "Some of the more prestigious places are hidden, usually because they don\'t want just anyone walking in or…"

Her hands trembled, not in fear but in anger. "Or their working girls didn\'t consent or some other fucked up thing they don\'t want the common people knowing about."

"Slaves then," I said, my anger reaching new levels as I glanced back down. The three had disappeared, most likely having entered the brothel through the door.

"Do we still follow?" She asked, hope in her voice.

"Oh yes,\' I said, a new idea coming to mind. "We follow and see what\'s going on inside, and if your assumptions are correct, then we\'ll have a few more people… to teach a lesson to."

A wave of gratitude passed through our bond and she leaned over to give me a kiss. "Thank you."

I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug, and slowly stroked her hair. Sandra had been a virgin our first time so I knew she hadn\'t endured what might be going on down there, but it was clear she had seen such things before, and probably hadn\'t been able to do a damn thing. Not anymore though. She didn\'t just have the strength to fight back, she had friends, and a family, she had me, Misty, and Zirnai and if they were here then I knew they would be thinking just as I was.

Pulling back, I gave her a grin. "You wanna hear my plan then?\'

She took a moment to compose herself then nodded. "I\'m all ears."

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