Aether Beasts

Chapter 101 - 101

Chapter 101 - 101

We ran into a few more Murwogs before we finally came across our first true challenge, or Sandra\'s first challenge as Zirani had said it would be good practice and a learning experience to face beasts that held the same affinity as us.

The beast was a bat-like creature, though it had no wings, and walked on four legs. It was only around the size of a dog, but its mouth was full of more teeth than were probable, in fact, its teeth seemed to bend outwards in a sickening display.

"It\'s all yours," I said as I turned to Sandra who had her eyes closed in focus. As they shot open a moment later, her cloak formed upon her as dark smoke rose from her body.

She stood from our vantage behind a giant mushroom and slowly walked over to the beast, giving it ample time to see her and let out a hiss. She could have most likely killed it in a sneak attack, but then she wouldn\'t learn anything from the encounter, which was the main purpose of her fighting this foe and not Misty or I.

The bat\'s ears spread forth from the sides of its head as spittle flew from its mouth with each hiss. Not a growl, but a hiss that revealed a forked tongue. The aether beasts on this floor really were far odder than any I\'d ever seen, though compared to that thing from yesterday, this creature was as terrifying as a rabbit.

"You\'ve got this Sandra," Misty shouted.

I shot her a look to which she shrugged. "It got its eyes on her, I doubt it\'s going to head for us now."

"Fair enough."

We turned back to Sandra just in time to see her step out of the way of lunging bite, and counter with a quick swipe of a dark dagger, however unlike most times, the blade of darkness did gouge a wound, or cause any damage to the creature, in fact, it looked like her strike had bounced off.

Sandra didn\'t let that get to her though, and she dodged the next several attacks, her eyes moving as she struck at different parts of its body, eventually bloody sprayed and the creature cried out in pain as one of her daggers scored a long gash on its neck, which on close inspection looked to be paler than the rest of the creature\'s skin which was a dark grey color.

It was only a matter of time, and when the creature was next open Sandra vanished as she stepped into its shadow. For a split second, she was nowhere to be seen and in the next she was onto the beast, her daggers falling down and stabbing into its neck.

I got up to walk over, but Misty stopped me and we both gasped as the beast turned around and slashed at Sandra who barely managed to dodge.

"What the hell?" I asked aloud. "How is it not dead?"

Almost as if in response, a dark sticky substance, like liquid shadow poured from the creature\'s mouth and wrapped around its neck.

"Well that\'s new," Sandra remarked. "I guess it\'s the head then."

The next minute was a dance of blade and claw as Sandra and the beast fought. Unlike before, the beast was now incorporating ranged attacks. Its mouth would open and slimy blobs of darkness would fly towards Sandra who was easily able to dodge then thanks to her cloak. It was during one of these attacks that she was finally able to finish it off, by quite literally shoving a dagger down its throat and ripping it out. It was a risky thing to do, and if she had been a few seconds late or too early then she would have either been hit by the liquid darkness or had her hand bitten by its numerous teeth.

Sandra let out a breath as she dismissed her bloodline and technique. "That was harder than I thought."

"Tough skin it seems," I noted as I walked over and pressed a hand to the now-dead beast. Just as I\'d thought the beast\'s skin was rubbery.

"Gets its core and let\'s move on," I said.

Sandra extracted the core, and we headed out.

The area we were in was essentially a swamp of sorts, though not like any I\'d heard of. The water was clear and reflected the light of the glowing tree and plants alongside the blue light from above. It was beautiful, and not ugly like you think when you heard the word swamp.

The beast that Misty decided to fight alone was probably the least dangerous-looking that we\'d come across which was ironic since it was of the death affinity. It looked like a furry black bear with abnormally large eyes and small spikes around its head.

It was sleeping so Misty let out a whistle as she approached to wake it up.

The beast didn\'t spring to its feet as I expected, instead, it lazily rose and turned its head to Misty. It blinked slowly in a rather cute manner which was ruined as it opened its mouth.

"What\'s with the beasts in this swamp and teeth," I muttered as I gazed at the bear.

Its mouth stretched wide, up and up, and its teeth seemed to lengthen in its mouth as it did. By the time it was done, its mouth was large enough to swallow a standing child and tear them apart with its teeth that to my horror were moving up and down, like some sort of machine.

"Not so cure anymore." Sandra grimaced. "The death affinity suddenly makes a lot more sense."

I nodded in agreement and looked over to Misty whose eyes were wide open, though not in fear, in surprise and shock at the one reight this beast had just pulled.

"You ok to do this alone Misty?" I called out.

She nodded. "Im fine, just a littel shaken."

The beasts lumbered closer to Misty who formed her death claws in preparation. For a moment I thought this fight was going to be ridiculously easy as the bear seemed extremely slow, but that\'s when the grass around it began to rot as a putrid yellow glow began to shine from its eyes. The grass and plants withered and rotten in the span of a few seconds.

"Oh fuck."

The beast\'s fur stood on end as though electrified and began to stretch over its body as it stood upon two legs. An odd cracking sound echoed and my eyes widened as muscle replaced fat, and its height shot up.

Where there had been a fuzzy and fat bear, now stood a pillar of muscle with an elongated mouth of sharp teeth and a glow that brought death to whatever was around it.

"Aiden." Sandra tugged at my arm.


"Its cores," Sandra hissed.

I frowned as I tried to process her words, and then it hit me. I focused my senses and let out a shaky breath as I realized this beast had two cores at a higher level and larger size than the minotaur or any beasts we\'d come across.

Misty eyes who had been full of surprise now held a note of fear, though only a note, as her mouth was open. She was barring her fangs and her eyes blazed with a crimson glow. Her body posture had changed to a far more beastlike form. Her upper body was hunched slightly and her knees bent, not to mention her claws had lengthened even further.

I felt at our bond and quickly realized what had happened. I could still feel Misty, but it was like she was fighting herself, or more accurately trying to surpress the beast within, but the presence of this other beast had set her inner vampiric instincts off. The predator inside her would not be quelled and instead of trying to help her surpress it, I tried to help her get a handle on it, to use it, as she would we surely need it in this fight.

"Do we help her?" Sandra asked worriedly.

I shook my head. "We wait and see what happens, and if things look bad then we jump in."

I felt a questioning feeling from my bond with Zirani in response to my worry, and I sent her a quick explanation of what was happening. She was surprised but agreed with my decision to let her fight, and join if it looked like she couldn\'t win.

"She needs to learn to control it," Zirani said in a faint voice, most likely due to our distance apart.

The changed death beast let out an earth-shaking roar and the glow around ti body intensified as Misty hissed in challenge, her eyes glowing even brighter along with her claws.

Vampire against beast. This was surely going to be quite the battle. A battle I hoped Misty would win, and not at the cost of giving in to the beast, but that\'s why we\'d made the bond. I would be here to anchor her, to make sure she remained as Misty.

"Good luck, Misty."

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