Aether Beasts

Chapter 44 - 44

Chapter 44 - 44

It took around two hours to reach the edge of twin horn territory, and we changed from running to sneaking through at a snail\'s pace. It was slow, but it was vital we not get caught before the time was right. Luckily the supply cache wasn\'t that deep into their territory and was located on the outskirts.

The elder had been right in that they wanted us to believe it was just another normal supply cache and that it wouldn\'t be worth raiding. The forest was silent as we moved, although there was a big difference between the stealth specialists and the normal arcanists like me. Sandra and her group moved like ghosts, not making the slightest sound. Her footsteps landed her exactly where she wanted to be and she was able to avoid the plants, fallen branches, and other things on the forest floor with ease.

I could do the same using green pulse, but I didn\'t yet know how to camouflage my techniques. Zirani had said it was a high-level technique. There were simpler versions, but like with other things she didn\'t want to muddle my foundation. She\'d gone down the path of nature and knew what was good and what was bad. She\'d spent years experimenting and testing, and what she was teaching me now is what she would do if she had the chance to do it all again. The spatial stuff was also coming along well. Zirani had a good understanding of the basics of what we could do with it and had already incorporated it into a few techniques, some of which she would be teaching me.

It was unfortunate that we\'d been sent on this mission immediately since I knew she wanted time to teach me, at least a few weeks of just training, but we both knew that wouldn\'t be possible until this war ended.

Eventually one of the thieves spotted the cache up ahead and we moved into position. The thieves headed in while the raiders moved to get into position for a strike. The lookouts were positioned in various places to spot anyone around the camp and people going in or out.

From what I could see, the camp was quite small, only around five tents around a large stone building. There were a few guards but none looked to be vigilant or doing their jobs properly. I saw one drinking from a bottle of alcohol, not exactly a smart decision when on guard duty, then again this was the twin horn we\'re talking about.

"You think Misty\'s going to be fine?" I asked Zirani.

"She will be," Zirani replied. "You need to trust me on this. I know it may seem hard considering how much has happened with her, but I have it under control."

"Like Sandra?"

"She\'s… a different case, but yes like Sandra."

"When are you going to tell me what you have on her?"

"When the time is right," Zierani replied.

"All right," I said with a sigh. "Just tell me it isn\'t anything bad."

She laughed. "No, strange and shocking, yes, but not bad or harmful to us, although I pity her enemies in the future."

"Can you not say stuff like that, it just makes me want to know more."

"Sorry," She said with a chuckle.

The signal for the raiders to move in would be delivered to an odd enchanted item one of the raiders had been given. It was a pair of stones that were linked and when something happened to one of them, it also happened to the other. When two lines appeared on the stone, we would move in.

"I still can\'t believe they\'re using that," Zirani said.

"What, the stones? They said their best enchanter had made it."

I felt a wave of amusement and pity flow through our bond.

"That\'s something a child could make from beyond the great scar. We really need to get you out of the plains as soon as we can."

"Are you ever going to teach me enchantments?" I asked, ignoring her comment. She went on about the northern plains and how we needed to leave quickly a lot, and I was getting used to it.

"Perhaps later on, but for now I just want to focus on the fundamentals and your foundation. I want them ingrained into you before your second core."

I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off as one of my fellow raiders raised his hand in a fist then pushed forwards. The signal had come.

"Wish me luck," I said to Zirani.

My bark armor was already formed by the time I was bursting through the tree and towards the camp. The guards on duty didn\'t stand a chance and were caught completely off guard as we fell upon them. I managed to knock one down within the first few seconds and snap the neck of the drunk guard who had only just raised his weapon in defense.

A blaring alarm sounded, and more twin horn disciples poured from the tents. I kept on the go, not staying in one place so that they could surround me. I formed lashing vines and used them to strike out at those who tried to get close. Techniques flew and only a few minutes after we\'d entered the camp the signal for the retreat came. The thieves had located the storage units and were in the process of pulling out.

We began moving back, still fighting against the twin horn disciples. Luckily for us, it seemed that none of my fellow raiders had gotten trapped, although a few did look injured.

We moved further back in the twin honor disciples followed and I wondered how we were going to lose them when a large pulse of aether ran through the ground and a wave of earth rose up to create a giant wall.

I stared in shock for a few moments before turning and running. There was only one person in our group who could have done that and as I followed the raiders I caught a glimpse of elder Kaylin standing on a tree branch, a smile on his face, and his hands behind his back.

"Not bad," Zirani said. "Still lacking and crude, but better than we\'ve seen."

I nodded in agreement. That had been quite the technique. The wall must have been at least fifteen feet high and over twenty wide.

We managed to get away without any twin horn disciples following us and regrouped half an hour later. There were smiles and silent cheers as the thieves proudly presented their storage units.

The elder walked up and pressed his hand against one. The grin that appeared split his face and he turned to us. "This is it. We\'ve dealt them a great blow and will reap the rewards. All of you will be rewarded for this mission, that I can assure you."

We cheered, and the elder hushed us with a finger to his lips. "Let\'s get back to camp before we truly celebrate. It would be just like the twin horn to send a group to track us but even they aren\'t stupid enough to attack one of our main camps with just a small force."

We began our trek back to our camp with smiles on our faces, and even Misty looked somewhat happy for once.. She moved back to my side as soon as she could, and once again I was reminded of a lost puppy, but Zirani had said to keep her close so I would.

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