Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 782 - Dealing With The Immense Tower Energy

Things only kept getting complicated with time. Those traitors kept pouring out of the cracks Amera created before she decided to close them.

Yet that decision was a bit late. The number of the traitors was now in the hundreds. Her mages out there were only one thousand, leaving her with a tight hand situation.

And what made things more complicated truly was the sudden gush of those lycans who were supposed to be entangled with Doaf\'s forces.

Amidst all this Arthur had already started absorbing the energy from the tower.

The moment he touched it, he felt a great gush of energy inside his body. At first things seemed under his control, yet before he knew it his body was oversaturated with such energy.

"Gege... it\'s your turn!" he couldn\'t handle any more of such energy. What he felt from it was like feeling his golden pearl energy.

It was a superior form of energy and not just the one normally present in this world. That meant only one thing, that tower had a role to refine energy and upgrade its quality.

Despite feeling happy with that, yet even his golden pearl couldn\'t match the influx rate from the tower. So the only hope he had now was Gege.

\'Leave it to me,\' and she was already prepared for that. The next moment he felt a great decline in the amount of energy going through his body.

This helped his body to recover and take control back over this berserk energy. His golden pearl started to absorb all this energy, expanding slowly and getting far stronger.

For him this was the perfect scenario, yet he was still worried deep down his soul.

Any single interruption and he would be subjected to a fierce retaliation. That backlash was described to be brutal by the golden dragon, but for him he knew this would be deadly.

Arthur couldn\'t even turn his head or even hear things around. He could only pray things wouldn\'t get that bad and those lycans would be separated off him.

Yet the situation around was really getting out of hand!

"Someone come and take control of the array," Amera finally couldn\'t take it anymore. She watched many of her mages get entangled with those traitors, and even part of them were deeply wounded or lying dead on the ground.

Those mages she brought were all elites. So that made her loyalists face very terrifying attacks coming from those traitors.

And when she spotted the lycan army drawing fast here, she couldn\'t take it anymore.

The next instant one mage flashed and stood by her place. He was already deeply wounded by an axe over his right shoulder.

He wouldn\'t die if he attended to such a deep wound in time. Yet he preferred to sacrifice his life and help Amera and his clan to win this war.

"Go and kick their asses," he said with panting breaths. Amera wanted to persuade him, yet no one else came except other wounded mages.

They formed a circle around her. She glanced at each face of them as she vowed not to forget their faces till the end of her life.

"Be reassured," she finally stepped away from the center of the array, "I won\'t let your sacrifice be wasted."

The next moment she took out her spear and turned into a ray of red light. She aimed directly at the most brutal fights and landed upon the enemies like thunder.

Her sudden appearance startled many, yet some were veteran enough to handle that surprise attack and defend.

Yet in the end her surprise attacks helped in eliminating a lot of pressure over her scattered forces.

"Gather up," she screamed while jumping from one location to another, "gather up at the array!"

Her mages were now relieved at many spots so they started to retreat and rearrange their lines. Despite that their enemies tried to push them harder, but Amera made sure to stop them in their tracks.

The traitors aimed at interrupting their retreat, hunting down as many as they could before their allied lycans arrived. Yet Amera also saw through their plans perfectly well and started to hit key places at their lines.

Despite being only one person, she was very famous for being ferocious. As her fame stated, she acted here as the tip of the spear.

A tigresse who was on a leash just got freed. She kept jumping around while stealing a glance from time to time to those lycans running fast towards her.

"Leave them to us," yet the next moment she heard this shout coming from behind. By the time she turned her head to see who was calling, she found a lot of mechas running towards the traitors, with mages led by the werewolf of Arthur.

"My king sent us to help," Nara stood by her side. In her mecha, she seemed no lesser than Amera in size. "You go back and organize your lines. We will stop them and those coming after."

"Thanks," Amera could only say that while stealing a glance at Arthur. Yet when she spotted him, she could only see a shining star on the ground while a bright blue light was shimmering off his body.

"So you have a way after all," she smiled in content before returning fast to the array and her forces. "As long as you can deplete that energy, this fight is our win."

If they were only trying to defend the array from being destroyed then they had no hope at all. Yet with the intervention of Arthur, things seemed to go in their favor.

"We need to stand our ground as long as we can," she shouted at her mages before pointing towards Arthur, "our ally is trying his best to deplete that energy off the tower. We will buy him enough time to turn that damned tower into a piece of useless scrap!"

The mages shouted in unison while she turned her back to the array and started to watch the ongoing fight.

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