Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 518 - George

"But the ones who took her and Cesile are strong. I doubt your master will agree to help here," Mr. E helplessly shook his head, "my master said I should drop this. After all, each war must have all types of losses."

"I said I got this," Arthur confidently said, "but in return I want this mirror."

"No way."

"C\'mon, don\'t be stingy."

"Don\'t be greedy."

The two glanced silently at each other before they both broke in laughter. "Yeah, you are truly my son-in-law, hehehe."

"Alright, I\'ll start," Arthur turned towards the mirror with the metallic outlining before adding, "but this… your mirror destroyed your roof, any pillar can destroy your entire mansion."

"Nah, you can\'t summon it here," Mr. E hurried to stop him.

"Then how am I supposed to do it?" Arthur weirdly asked.

  "Just place your hand inside it and throw your pillar there," Mr. E casually said like this was a normal thing to do.

"Simply like that?"

"Yeah, go ahead and try."

"What if I lost a pillar for nothing?"

"Damn kid, you can\'t do anything with a loss!" Mr. E laughed before adding, "losing one pillar means I\'ll have to compensate you with another."

"Only one?"

"Don\'t ask too much, you mostly will lose one pillar while trying."

"Tsk, cheap father-in-law," Arthur shook his head while placing his hand on the mirror surface, "you should act more magnanimous and give me a hundred in return."

"A hundred? Do you think these pillars are what? Wilderness weeds or something?"

"Stingy old man," Arthur muttered and Mr. E just shook his head while watching him placing his hand on the mirror surface.

"Just push it deeper," he instructed.

"Deeper?" Arthur tried to push his palm yet he met strong resistance. "It refuses to let me in."

"Use your blood," Mr. E sighed, "forgot you are still new here."

Arthur did as he was told, and the moment his blood fell on the mirror, the resistance once there was gone. He pushed his hand inside, and a refreshing cool feeling from the depth of the mirror met him.

\'Select one pillar with the lowest energy and send it to me,\' he said to Gege and the next moment he felt something was taken off his hand and was sucked away.

\'I selected one which linked to that master of yours,\' Gege said.

"You can retract your hand now," Mr. E said, "it should take some hours for the mirror to find him, maxim…"

He was midway in his sentence when the mirror suddenly shook and interrupted his words. The surface of the mirror changed, like a lake had a stone thrown over its calm face.

"It responds quite fast," Mr. E muttered, "strange."

"He might be easy to reach or just happened to be nearby," Arthur said before the face of his master appeared again.

"Master George," Arthur said in deep respect welcoming the master, "sorry to call you on like this."

"Finally kid, I was about to decide to send envoys to your world," George suddenly heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Is there something wrong, master?" Arthur didn\'t expect such an answer from him.

"Wrong? Everything\'s wrong! You killed many sons of big dark clans here, and they are all furious. The entire world is brimming with rumors and gossips about you and your war with them."

"Hehehe," Arthur helplessly laughed, "I can\'t let them live after coming here."

"I like this attitude of yours," George smiled before adding, "but the consequences on you are severe. Tell me, have you fought with any of their mercenaries yet? Have you met any?"

Arthur realized what Alfonso was worried about, and this made him quite relieved about what help he wanted to ask from him.

"I already met some," he honestly answered.

"And still alive? Impressive, you seem more resilient than I thought," George laughed while shaking off his head. "Oh my… It seems I worried over nothing then."

"Well…" Arthur faked hesitance, "I only managed to live because I escaped to a place they can\'t reach."

"A place these mercenaries can\'t reach? No way, what is it? another realm or another dimension?"

"It\'s something that belongs to me," Arthur vaguely answered before returning to the main topic, "so when I vanished they came to my world, killed my entire clan and nearly destroyed my academy."

The look on George\'s face changed as he hurriedly asked, "they killed your clan? Your family?"

"And took two of my girls away as well."

"Things seem far more serious than I thought," he muttered to himself, "I just got the news late it seems. From what I heard, they should have just arrived at your world a couple of days ago."

Arthur turned to Mr. E who just sighed and said, "venerable master, I\'m Mr. E, the acting dean of the Drogazire academy, living under the protection of master Steve."

The words and attitude of Mr. E showed how much more respectful he was towards George than Arthur. He even moved from his bed and bowed his head in a sign of his respect.

"Steve… wait a minute," the eyes of George shone brightly before hurriedly adding, "you don\'t mean Steve the brutal?"

"It\'s indeed him," Mr. E nodded while keeping his head and gaze slightly lower.

"Impressive," George whispered to himself before loudly saying, "I heard he lost everything because of a struggle upon a minor academy in a lower realm. Never thought it was this academy."

"That… It was such an unfortunate event back then," Mr. E\'s face changed and Arthur noticed the disturbance in his tone.

"I heard he had a lover from your academy, the previous dean, right?" George asked, seemingly quite interested in knowing more about this.

"That\'s true, venerable master," Mr. E said, before adding, "she was taken hostage in the end, and the war master Steve raged for her and ended up losing everything."

"But he got her in the end," George said in a smile before adding, "such a brave man. I always admired him. Alright, if he is here to help, then I think my presence isn\'t required."

He glanced over Arthur who hurriedly stopped him, "master, it\'s quite the opposite."

"What do you mean?" George asked in doubt, "was Steve injured? That\'s unlikely to happen! Many good masters piled at him and are hunting him for so long and he is still fine. He is a monster in his own regard."

Arthur didn\'t know his academy had such a hidden backing, and he was also curious to hear more about that strange love story between a venerable master of higher realm and a mere dean of a weak academy in a lower realm.

But he had to wrap things up here first, and this could be waited for another time.

"It\'s not that," Arthur shook his head before adding, "there is this grand competition here that I want to take part in."

"In this time?!" George was also surprised by Arthur\'s words before his eyes shone brightly the next instant, "wait a minute, isn\'t the scout competition in lower realms is about to start? You mean this?"

Arthur didn\'t get his meaning perfectly, yet he didn\'t risk asking for more right. "It\'s a competition that every academy here in my world will take part in. It has a high standard and prestige, and I want to win it under the name of my academy," he said.

"It\'s the scouting competition venerable master," yet Mr. E simply spoke with Alfonso in the same tongue, making Arthur realize he knew more than he initially thought.

"Aha… so…" George glanced deeply at Arthur before muttering, "losing your clan and the next thing you do is to insist on fighting for your academy in such important competition? I got your aim kid, and I\'ll support you in it."

Arthur inwardly sighed helplessly when heard these words. \'Damn! I can\'t even hide anything from those higher than me,\' he knew what George was referring to, as this master realized what he planned to do.

He cracked his plan to rule over the academy and use it to upgrade to higher realms later on in an instant. \'Scary,\' he sighed while saying nothing back to his master. He didn\'t want to speak about this, so Mr. E wouldn\'t notice anything.

And yet...

"What aim?" Mr.. E asked the question Arthur didn\'t want to hear.

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