Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 46 - Seeing Amelia - The Messenger Of Death - In Action

Arthur and his team weren\'t aware of that, as they were immersed in the heated battle up ahead. The monsters, more than once, managed to pass through their defense, and Arthur had to deal personally with them. more than once, the wooden wall was about to be breached, but thanks to the timely interference of Arthur, coupled with his superb leg movements, he managed to save the day.

After the passage of the second hour, Arthur felt the bodies of the monsters accumulated down the hill were literally about to form another hill. Many of these monsters were dead, and few of them stayed alive, despite having severe wounds.

\'It\'s time for me to go down there and collect my trophies,\' he muttered to himself, before he decided to instruct his teammates to change their defense strategy, shifting from solid defense into mad offense.

"Listen up, we are going to use the explosive rocks all the way. Lily, you will take one python with you from here, go up there and use the fireball of the python to ignite the rocks."

His words were shocking, but the more shocking scene here was the absurd amount of rocks he took out from his ring. He distributed enough rocks to bomb off this hill and obliterate it from existence.

"What do you want me to do with these rocks?" Lily asked, as she was using her bow, releasing a constant stream of arrows downhill.

"Throw the rocks from high into the monsters just away from the base of this hill," he explained slowly to her, "I want you to hold back any monster coming towards me," he added, as he finished distributing the rocks before heading to Lily.

Lily was about to ask, but she soon shook her head, as she knew Arthur wouldn\'t ask her to do so without good reason. So, she unsummoned her python, took out her Birdy again, took one python with her, Madly\'s python, as she filled the back of her Birdy with explosive rocks.


Arthur gave the order, at the same time he moved hurriedly, using his leg technique, to evade the enormous number of monsters here. Along the hard battle, they had met many monsters that were great candidates for pets, like lions with double long razor like teeth, like panthers agile enough to cause them some headache in targeting them.

Arthur was greedy, wanting them all to be part of his growing force, so he moved, without fear, evading and escaping the monster\'s charge, before a series of heavy explosions sounded behind him.

His team had already started their offense, and then he just glanced shortly as the sky, as Lily was there on the back of her Birdy, reaching the base of the hill so rapid, then she used the rocks to cause a series of explosions, violent enough to shake the whole hill.

"Great, now it\'s my turn," Arthur muttered as he dashed with haste towards the bottom. He soon reached the place where many monsters lied, motionless, weakly moaning from time to time, expressing the presence of some injured monsters.

And then his spree of absorbing those monsters, dead or alive, into his storage ring began. As he started to do so, he began to shift his attention to the world around, trying to sense any presence of high grade monsters, those which might cause some trouble to him.

Amidst all the violent explosions around the hill, and the unending explosions up there, the monster\'s attacks seemed to be weakened greatly, and so Arthur felt satisfied and relieved.

Until he sensed the three human auras, standing nearby, moving cautiously in between the monsters, which seemed to be so frantic that they totally ignored them.

\'Well, well, well,\' Arthur muttered to himself, while his both hands acted without pause, touching everything around him, and sending tens of monsters in patches inside his ring. \'I didn\'t expect to be watched,\' he amusedly thought, as he acted as if he didn\'t detect their presence.

The three, led by the messenger of death, multi-talented bounty hunter girl, were moving, cautiously at first, between the monsters. Later on, they noticed that monsters didn\'t even bother themselves with them, so they started to move, in more bold steps, towards their destination.

Just as they were about to approach the base of the hill, a sudden development occurred, noticed at once by this bounty hunter. She was shocked when she saw the flying pet of Lily, more shocked with the devastating attacks occurring from the ground and the sky.

However what made her more speechless was the actions Arthur was doing, as he darted, alone, amidst all these monsters, without the fear of his life, with one strange repeated action he did.

It was like magic, as anything he touched vanished from the place like it was never there. she stopped the small team movements, eyeing with daze all these developments, those violent explosions, and the brave, mysterious actions of Arthur.

\'What the hell are you doing?\' she muttered to herself, as she was shaken by the strange and magical actions of Arthur. She took a deep breath, calming her disturbed shaken mind, trying to find any possible explanation to all this, but soon she gave up, while muttering to herself:

\'Screw it, I will just ask him when I will join his team.\'

Her conviction of joining Arthur\'s team grew more solid than before. It wasn\'t just her, as the two behind were also having the same thought. Arthur was like a blessed person, though he was now weak, in some terms, but none of them had any doubt that he would grow to be one of the strongest persons in their world.

Joining themselves with such a person was a blessing they planned never to let go.

"Be ready, we must show him our worth, and help in doing whatever he is doing right now," she finally whispered, giving them the order they all yearned for. This was a perfect time, as Arthur had thrown himself into such risk, and this was a perfect opportunity for them to make him realize their worth.

"Move out, now!"

She suddenly yelled, as she led the charge, taking out her short thick staff at first. She had abandoned her swords, yielding her most powerful, legendary style of fight, the staff. Behind her, Gregory, the sword bald mage, took out his sword, and started to run rapidly, catching up to her. As for Clovert, he was marching slower than them, taking out his bow and starting to fill it with arrows.

Their sudden appearance startled Lily, who was about to come near the area they appeared at. She refrained, hesitantly, before bellowing out loud:

"Enemy or a friend?"

She meant to ask Arthur about this, but the reply came from the girl, who was now about to clash with a group of monsters resembling monkeys, with a horn appearing from the middle of their foreheads. "Friends," she said, before a massive shadow of a large monster appeared behind her back. This monster was like a huge lion, with three horns emerging from its forehead.

Once they moved, Arthur sensed them. He kept an eye always fixed over their place, trying to guess their true intentions. When they suddenly acted, he thought they might target him, or Lily, but when he heard the reply of that girl, and the appearance of this huge lion shadow behind her, while she moved towards a large group of monsters nearby, he started to think she was aiming to help him.

\'Interesting,\' he muttered, as he realized their aim from just this action. He always respected smart people, who would realize the dirt in their hands wasn\'t dirt, but gold. Those people were always destined to shine, and if he had the chance to grab them under his wing, then it would be great.

However, as a sneaky old man he truly was, he didn\'t show any of these ideas over his face. He even didn\'t look directly towards them, while his sense was always fixed over their bodies, wanting to watch how strong they really were.

Amelia lifted up her staff high in the air, while the shade of the lion behind her glowed in a dark red light, that was similar to black. Amidst this sudden light, Arthur managed to see the true identity of the lion, it wasn\'t a lion but a lioness.

\'Interesting choice,\' he muttered again, commending her choice of the monster suitable for her. Just as he was guessing what attack she would make with this staff, like using a severely blowing hit to the monsters, or hitting the ground heavily, creating a crater, the staff glowed with the same light, before a fog finally dissipated from it.

"Damn, using the spell of death from the start, how cruel and serious you damn are!"

Gregory yelled, in dissatisfaction, while changing his charge away from her. The monster behind him was a monkey, a great ape that had bulging muscles with dark brown hair. Clovert, as well, retreated, while the shade of monster behind him was a fox-like monster, with one horn only, like the monster of Gregory.

Just as they both were retreating, Clovert didn\'t stop the bow from releasing a strong attack of arrows towards another group of monsters, hundreds of meters away from him.. Arthur commended his sharpness and the precise marking of his bow, knowing that this mage wasn\'t just a nobody.

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